Chapter 401
Ling Qi skillfully pointed a gun at a bug, and directly exploded the bug that was more than ten meters in size.After killing for so long, Ling Qi referred to his experience of practicing Wuxingquan in his previous life, and he was able to master the spear technique without a teacher, and was considered by the captain system to be at the intermediate level.A semi-artifact long spear swung freely in his hand, picking or stabbing, the shadow of the spear was so heavy that the bugs couldn't get close at all.

"It's about to be upgraded again!"

When he was in the city, he and his car killed a lot of bugs, and with the kills here, the experience finally slowly advanced to the edge of upgrading.

The bugs are not afraid of death, kill all the praying mantis bugs at level [-], and continue to make up for other bugs. By this time, they are basically below level [-], but there are more of them. strangle.

The five people exited to another cave while killing, but retreated about [-] to [-] kilometers, but the passage turned in a different direction, obviously not leading to the provincial capital of Anxu.

Crackling... Suddenly, lightning flashed across Ling Qi's minefield, and the bugs were split apart.Previously, in order to save energy output, Ling Qi controlled the intensity of the lightning and just killed bugs. Now that he has been promoted to the fourth level of the Galaxy Realm, the quality of the energy has suddenly increased, and the power of the lightning has exceeded his expectations.

"Boom!" A fourth-level scorpion-like insect jumped out of the hole on the passage wall, and was split into several pieces by a flash of lightning as soon as it shot into the minefield, and one of the bone knives bounced towards Chu Hong.

Chu Hong's eyes were fixed, and he slapped the bone knife away casually, shocked by the strength of Ling Qi's field.In his divine perception, he could sense that the thunderfield with only lightning on the surface actually surged with energy, just like the air was covered with invisible energy lines, guiding the energy to run in complicated trajectories.

In comparison, the field between him and Bai Yu is much simpler, and the power is far from Ling Qi's level.His field reveals a kind of fiery sharpness, while Bai Yu's field has a kind of oceanic variability, both of which reflect the characteristics of their bloodlines to a certain extent.

Ao Ying and Xiaorou followed Ling Qi, and they didn't need to make any moves anymore.The operation went well beyond expectations. Ao Kuan, who was supposed to meet up in the worm nest area, hadn't been seen yet. Ling Qi speculated that the worm nest he entered might lead to another female worm.

"We are going in the wrong direction now, could it be a nest connected to other female insects?" Xiao Rou reminded.Others also had such speculations, and the five of them couldn't help speeding up their progress.After another six kilometers, the bugs in the rear stopped chasing, screamed at a certain dividing line, and turned around to leave.

Ling Qi understood that they had really entered another female worm's territory.Unless those bugs evolve new female bugs before, they will re-evolve in an organized way, otherwise they will rely on instinct to search for food loosely or fall into a dormant state.

Ling Qi didn't find any worms in the boundary area of ​​the new worm lair, until they advanced several tens of kilometers quickly, Ling Qi saw worms rushing forward in the same direction as they were advancing.

"There is a battle ahead!" He immediately came to such a judgment.

Sure enough, as they continued to move forward, more and more bugs were found in the divine consciousness.Facing powerful individuals in underground caves, the Zerg lost the advantage of the sea of ​​insects due to the limitation of the venue. At this time, there may be too many insects piled up in front, and the insects behind are desperately trying to move forward, but the speed is slow.

"Is this the rhythm to pile up the enemies in the cave?" The five people appeared behind the swarm, feeling a bit difficult to attack, and their way was blocked by the worms.

The swarm had clearly spotted them, but they ignored them and concentrated on blocking the passage.Ling Qi's divine sense permeated through, and after being cut down layer by layer, he could only see that the hundreds of meters in front of him had been tightly packed, and he couldn't see the scene further away, guessing it should be similar to this side.

Chu Hong stepped forward to kill an insect, but still could not attract other insects to attack him. He spread his hands and said helplessly to everyone: "The insects don't want to play with us. It seems that we have to go back the same way, or choose a small one at random. Go through the tunnel and see where you can get."

"Wait, someone is coming...!" After Ling Qi finished speaking, his face suddenly changed: "Ready to fight, there is a level [-] worm general, and the person on the other side stepped on a hole!"

In his consciousness, a white-haired young man was fleeing to this side in embarrassment. He used the field to roll the bugs blocking the way, throwing them behind him like a horizontal tornado, and quickly approached this side.About [-] meters behind him, there is a lice-shaped worm with rows of sharp bone knives on its body, the tip of the knife is bent forward, and a pair of scimitar sharp teeth are exposed in the mouth, extending two meters. The long energy blade cuts the bugs that hit head-on in two.

Through the divine sense image shared by Ling Qi, the five of them tacitly stood apart, Chu Hong and Xiaorou were on the left, Bai Yu and Ao Ying were on the right, Ling Qiling stood empty in the middle of the top of the passage, holding the lightning spear tightly with both hands.The mine field is suitable for group killing, and it is more powerful to use weapons to deal with such a powerful individual as the sixth-level insect general.

The spirit of the white-haired young man also noticed the situation here, his face showed joy, and he encouraged energy to break through the blockage of the Zerg faster.Ling Qi communicated with him through spiritual contact, and agreed to work together after he broke through to this side, and set fire to bombard the bull lice.

The strength of the sixth-level worm general is equivalent to that of the star field, and the energy intensity of the white-haired youth is not low. It should have reached the lower stage of the star field, but it is not as good as the worm general.With the strength of the six people, it should be possible to kill the bull lice.

The speed on the opposite side was very fast, and the white-haired youth rolled up an energy tornado with the field, and rolled the bugs stuffed in front to his back, becoming an obstacle to stop the bull lice like a sandbag.The passage of hundreds of meters was opened by him within a few minutes.

brush!He broke through the last layer of bugs, and appeared in front of Ling Qi and the others with the sound of breaking through the air.Just when everyone was concentrating on fighting and preparing to attack, the white-haired young man did not turn around and fight as agreed, but suddenly accelerated and fled in the way Ling Qi and the others came from.

Ling Qi's face turned cold, it was too late to stop the opponent at this moment, the bull lice were approaching, they could only deal with it first.

"Do it!" Ling Qi took the lead in swooping down on the bull lice general, smashing his head with an electric spear.Electric arcs danced from the spear tip, ionizing the air into a distinctive scent.At the same time, the four people on the ground also charged towards the worm general, attacking from different angles.

The bull lice would continue unabated, but the bone knife on its body suddenly lit up with energy, and it shot a lot of light at the five people.Ling Qi split the energy blade light in front of him with the electric spear, his hands were numb from the shock, and his speed was seriously affected, making it difficult to move forward.

No wonder that bastard ran away without a fight. This move alone was hard to deal with. It was more powerful than Xiaorou's space blade.

The white-haired young man walked away with a sneer on his face.In the early morning on the battleship above Anxu Provincial City, he had seen Ling Qi's combat power, and judged that Ling Qi, who was the strongest, was only in the lower part of the galaxy, and a few of them were not enough to resist the energy knife rain of the bull louse general.

"Cut it off, people like you are for sale!" With such thoughts, the white-haired young man surpassed Ling Qi's divine sense in a short time.

Ling Qiwu was so angry that the white-haired young man was so angry.The level of strength of the bull louse general was already one or two realms higher than theirs, and with this powerful group attack skill, he could beat the five of them far away in one round.

"Hmph, if you dare to deceive us, you must tell grandpa to break his legs later, and see how he keeps running." Ao Ying said angrily, holding a knife in both hands, and splitting the blades that came continuously.

Xiaorou enters the stealth state, deviously approaching the insect general.Her mental state is very high, after sneaking, even Ao Hong of the Zhou level can't find her trace, and it is even more impossible for the sixth-level insects to find her.It's just that she has only evolved three times, which is equivalent to the star realm. Even if she can leapfrog the battle, she can't go beyond two levels to deal with the star realm.She swung three energy saber glows, and when they landed on Chong Jiang's body, she was crushed by the bone knives.

Chu Hong and Bai Yu were in an embarrassing state at this time. With their strength, they couldn't even split the energy blade light of the worm general. I can handle it, and I don't have the spare energy to help Ling Qi with an assist.

There was an indifferent light in the eyes of the bull lice general, which made people feel cold all over at the first glance.After it shot out a round of energy blade light, it jumped up like lightning, and cut towards Ling Qi with the blade light extended from the two curved knives in its mouth and jaw.

"So fast, bullet time!" Ling Qi's eyes were fixed, and the special effect of the skill was used to capture the movement trajectory of the insect general. The electric spear in his hand disappeared abruptly, replaced by a dark spear, which stabbed between the insect general's eyes.Under the infusion of energy, the tip of the semi-divine weapon "Kaishan" spear shook with shadows, as if it didn't know where to attack.

The bug will feel the threat of the demi-artifact, but its speed is too fast, even if it is as strong as the sixth level, it cannot be completely immune to the influence of the rules of inertia. At this time, it is too late to stop or dodge.What's more, Ling Qi didn't just wait for it to hit it, Ling Qi was also going to meet it.

Everything was in the blink of an eye. Seeing that the bull lice was about to be pierced through the head by the spear, it adjusted its posture in an unbelievably short period of time, with its head facing upwards and blocking the attack of the spear with four pairs of legs.On its feet, there are countless sharp barbs.

A bolt of lightning was generated out of thin air, and struck the general's head, causing it to pause slightly.The arc jumped over its head, and then sank into the insect's body.It actually absorbed Ling Qi's lightning energy, and the two scimitars in front of the jaw closed and opened again, making a clicking sound, as if the meaning was still unfinished.

Ling Qi's face darkened.It was too late to say, but in fact everything was completed in an instant. At this time, the two sides were within two meters, and the spears and feet were able to hit each other.Ling Qi shook his spear and wanted to push the worm's foot to stab the middle door, but unfortunately this worm general's fighting ability is not weak, it is a level higher than him, and the disparity in strength makes Ling Qi unable to move at all.

There was a clanging sound from the collision between the worm's feet and the long spear, producing a special sound attack effect, which made the four people below feel uncomfortable, and their movements that were just about to besiege slowed down involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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