online game bully

Chapter 198 Chapter 198 Bare Rod Qi Kingdom

Chapter 198 Chapter 190 Chapter 300 Bare Rod Qi Kingdom
Master really treats me well!

Nie Zong felt emotional, and then focused his attention on the back of his left hand. He stared at the word "ghost", and suddenly had a slight and imperceptible understanding. Willpower can only be unsealed. Is it because he has to let his consciousness Sink into the left hand, feel the power of ghosts that makes him horrified and frightened, then overcome this fear, and liberate his mind in pain...


Two powerful hands pressed down on his shoulders.

Nie Zong couldn't think anymore, because the golden armored guards had arrived as scheduled.

"The king is a mud horse!"

Nie Zong was imprisoned again.


In the next few days, it was surprisingly peaceful. Nie Zong knew that it wasn't that the officials in Ximen didn't want to deal with him, but that he was too busy to deal with him, and his attention was not on himself, a small person, because he was busy with the national war.

The battle with Zhao Weiguo came as promised. This time, Qiguo took the initiative to apply, so Qiguo is the attacking party, and the people of Qiguo are really just like the high officials of Ximen think, with an aura of revenge. Many players even In reality, he asked for leave to fight the national war in order to avenge the shame and step on Zhao Wei and the two countries again.

However, the senior officials in Ximen were uncertain, and even prepared to fail. The reason was very simple. The Qin and Yue countries he wanted to contact had no chance with him in the end, and the two countries formed an alliance.

Looking at the top ten countries on the Return of the King server, Qi is the only country that is bare!
In fact, Qi State originally had the opportunity to join the Qinyue Alliance, but the high officials in Ximen sternly refused their conditions.

The condition is very simple. In this alliance, Qin State must be the boss, Yue State must be the second child, and Qi State must be the third child.

The high-ranking officials in Ximen can't bear it. Even if you were a powerful country like Qin, the only national war you fought with Qi was defeated by Qi, and Yue, a naturally weak country Not to mention, being trampled over and over by Qi State, crying for father and mother, and now seeing Qi State being suppressed by two powerful countries, Zhao and Wei, these two guys took the opportunity to humiliate Qi State, which is unbearable!
So the senior officials of Ximen gave them a word: Get out!

This word also completely ruined the possibility of Qi State's final alliance, so this time, Qi State can only face the Zhao Wei coalition forces that are waiting in full force.

And as the attackers, they must fight in different places, and the defenders can use the magic of protecting the country!
The only advantage of Qi State now is its high morale. Many big players who usually see their heads and tails have also appeared. Under the call of Ximen's officials, they joined the attacking camp and are willing to be driven by the king for the time being. To avenge the shame of Qi!
Everyone thought it was possible to fight, and the national battle between Qi VS Zhao Wei also attracted the attention of the remaining seven of the ten countries.

Nie Zong didn't have the chance to participate or feel the atmosphere, because during the busiest time with the most traffic, the people they awakened were imprisoned.

And Nie Zong has successfully upgraded to the full-level number of 100 levels, and the rest of the team has also been promoted to the full-level number after playing chess and guarding the sword pavilion again and again, and it is still a full-level number with a very high skill level. If you have reached level 1, then no matter how you kill monsters, no matter how powerful the BOSS is, it is impossible to get 100 point of experience, and there is absolutely no experience accumulation in the chaos. After the first turn is successful, the experience can be extracted, so that a level 0 number of one turn can be upgraded to many levels in an instant. In the chaos, this is impossible.

So Nie Zong was very "kind" and gave the eight family members who followed him a day off, that is to say, they had nothing to do in today's Qi State war. Nie Zong chose to go offline, and he didn't care what happened to the rest of them. If you want to play chess, you can play chess, if you want to guard the Jiange, you can go to guard the Jiange, you can go to the coastal island to fight monsters, or you can sit quietly in the cell, go offline to eat a bowl of spicy soup, Nie Zong doesn't care.

And the reason why he is so kind is because the explosion-proof robot he ordered has arrived home, Nie Zong has to spend half a day or even a day to set the order, and under the double supervision of government officials and the robot company's special commissioner, sign the contract and press Fingerprints, obtain the ownership of the robot, and then get familiar with the usage of the robot, making it a loyal guard of the courtyard, at least for my own side and Aunt Wang's house.

Two maglev vehicles, one large and one small, entered the courtyard. The large vehicle belonged to the robot company, and the small vehicle belonged to the government.

Explosion-proof robots can already be regarded as weapons with no low threat, so the government must ensure that every citizen of the republic who uses explosion-proof robots is a good citizen with correct views.

Nie Zong must also behave well so that they feel that he will not be opportunistic and set up some weird and weird orders so that the robot accidentally injures civilians. Otherwise, the special commissioner of the government has the right not to stamp it, so Nie Zong will have to When it comes to the robot, the robot company can only pull the robot back in frustration and helplessness, and refund Nie Zong's money.

"Mr. Yunyi, I'm very surprised. You still don't have a formal citizenship. Where did you get so much money to buy robots?"

In Aunt Wang's small living room, government officials, surrounded by two anti-riot policemen, stared at Nie Zong suspiciously. At this time, Nie Zong must not answer wrongly. If you show a little timidity, hesitation, or cannot openly reveal the source of your money, you will probably get a bad review. As a result, the robot may have to be pulled back. They will It's a waste of time.

And Nie Zong really didn't have the slightest hint of timidity. He looked directly at the government|government commissioner without any dodge, and said with a smile:

"I earned it from the battle of chaos. I think everyone has seen the game cabin over there. My sister is playing in it. My account can tell you. Fingerprints can also be scanned. The game helmet has all my information records. You guys You can check my transfer information, the money I bought for the robot, including the money for buying the game cabin before, was bought with credits in the game.”

The government|government commissioner stared at Nie Zong for three seconds, then smiled, without any hesitation at all. With a wave of his hand, a riot policeman and a staff member took out a simple special instrument. This instrument is quite useful, 30 All the game accounts and account-related transfer information within the year are in it, and Nie Zong is unambiguous. He took the game helmet and connected it.

(End of this chapter)

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