online game bully

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 No.20
Nie Zong is very familiar with the conspiracies and tricks of the joint vertical and horizontal lines and the many shocking battles that have been talked about for a long time. In his previous life, the country he chose was Liang Guo. The areas of the ten kingdoms are basically the same, and the layout design and main structures inside are also basically the same. In ancient times, they were all vassal kingdoms that appeared in the land of China, and they inherited the cultural genes of the four great schools of my Heavenly Emperor. But Nie Zong can't choose casually now.

He is now equivalent to entering the game half a year later. Facing the chaotic world full of masters, he still wants to rise as fast as possible and enter the first echelon. Therefore, he must make good use of every minute in the game. On a knife-edge, everything he does has to make sense, in line with the larger goal of his rapid rise.


Qi country!

After Nie Zong's selection, he decided on the nationality of Qi!

System: The letter of introduction has been put into your package, player Nie Zong, your novice journey is over, you will be sent to Qi Faith City, your journey has just begun...

In the teleportation area of ​​the city gate square of the Qi State Faith City, teleportation lights continued to light up. After one of the lights disappeared, Nie Zong walked out.

The familiar City of Faith!
When entering the game, Nie Zong set three goals for himself. The first goal, the hidden skill Blast, has been completed, and it is still overfulfilled. He has learned a more powerful advanced skill Comet Strikes the Moon, which can be regarded as a journey of rebirth for him. Off to a good start.

The second goal is to get the hidden belief skill of Ba Thorn, Judgment Order, which is what he will do immediately next.

The third goal is fourteen copies of fourth-class silk. This batch of precious equipment-making materials must be within a few hours of the end of the [Famous Rivers and Lakes] expansion. The materials in the next expansion Rumors that the value will be greatly depreciated, and even the system stores will ban materials suddenly rise, causing many players who are holding high-grade materials to sell them before the end of the expansion. At that time, Nie Zong only needs to find a quiet place and pay attention to it silently. The ten-country chain of auction houses is fine, of course, the premise is that he must reserve a large amount of funds for himself.

The above three goals must be completed before the end of the [Famous Rivers and Lakes] expansion. If he remembers correctly, the new expansion will be released in two days, so his time is very tight.

The reason why Nie Zong chose the country of Qi has nothing to do with the remaining two major goals, but to pave the way for the tasks he must complete in the second expansion!
That was his greatest regret in his previous life, the swan song before time travel, the mission of the Ring of Judgment!

When he was in Liang Guo, he accepted this task in the seventh expansion, and it was also in the seventh expansion that Guan Zhongcai, the hidden NPC master who could issue the initial mission of the Ring of Judgment, was in Liang Guo appeared in some remote corner.

Guan Zhong can be said to be a representative figure of domineering, at the level of a patriarch. In ancient China, he represented the great power of the early Legalists, and Han Feizi, the great master to face in the last round of the Judgment Ring, was the last master of the Legalists. In the battle of chaos, it is the master of spreading domineering.

Guan Zhong came from Qi State in history, and helped Duke Huan of Qi become the first overlord of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons. Therefore, this mysterious great god-level NPC is refreshed in Qi State more often. In the system settings, he There is only one day a month to wander around other countries to see if there is anyone who is destined to meet them and get valuable inheritance weapons or the teaching of belief skills.

Nie Zong is going to complete the task of the Ring of Judgment in the second expansion pack, and embark on his own road of super domineering!Before the second tide of bullying and deleting accounts comes, let the chaotic players open their eyes and take a good look, bullying can play like this!

Nie Zong went straight to the city gate guard, handed in the task, and the letter of introduction disappeared. He got the follow-up main task, starting with the driver of Faith City, and began to familiarize himself with a series of functional NPCs and functional buildings in Faith City.

It will take more than 48 hours to complete this long series of tasks, but there is a shortcut, that is, Nie Zong will rise to level 20 as quickly as possible, and go to the driver of Faith City as a level 20, and he will The main task of level 20 is automatically activated, spanning hundreds of troublesome small tasks. After he completes the first important task of killing the boss at level 20, the previous main task of level 10-19 will be automatically completed by default, although he has to There is no experience, money, and whiteboard equipment among some quest items, but if these quests cannot be completed, the follow-up quests cannot be started. This is the awesomeness of the main quest, although it does not seem to bring you much benefit, But if you don't, you don't fit into the chaos.

"Spider Cave, rank six and one, enter the team at the speed of Domination! Don't do it unless you are Domination!"

"Level 11-15 whiteboard armor, full range, lower price than the system store, no one cheats, don't worry, click in and have a look!"

"Finish level 15 carp essence! Fifth class and second class, masters with faith skills are preferred, and also, refuse to sting."

"A level 18 top-quality whiteboard dagger with an attack power of 17 points. I need money urgently. It is sold at a low price. It is cheaper than the auction house. If you lie, you will beat me! If you are the one!"

The city gate square has a lot of traffic and is very lively. It has always been a popular area for players from Faith City to exchange and trade. Since Nie Zong chose to upgrade quickly, he must join a team. Team formation has experience bonuses In the chaos, it is especially recommended to spawn monsters at fixed points, that is, within a certain area, a large number of monsters are continuously spawned. As long as the team can withstand the attack of dense monsters, then within this area, the team's experience acquisition efficiency will get very high.

This kind of monster-intensive area is definitely not suitable for single-person monster spawners. Only the team with the most reasonable collocation, the most comprehensive skills, and the best equipment can survive in it and obtain enviable experience rewards.

Nie Zong suddenly had the idea of ​​a prank, he walked up to the nearest soldier who was carrying a level 8 whiteboard sword and yelled to form a team, and said in a low voice:
"Brother, make me a team!"

The soldier saw that Nie Zong was at level 10, and he was a little bit reluctant, because he wanted to group people around level 12 to farm shrimp warriors, and the equipment Nie Zong was wearing looked like a novice commoner. Longitudinal as a rookie who just walked out of Novice Village.

It's just that after he shouted for a long time, he finally managed to form three people. In fact, he is also a low-level player who doesn't mix well. The best target for spawning monsters at level 12 should be the poisonous frogs on the outskirts of Faith City. They are available at levels 11-14. And the blood is low and the defense is low, but the poisonous frog can spit poisonous gas bombs, which is an internal attack, and the fighters can't play well, and they can't stand among the poisonous frogs at all.

(End of this chapter)

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