online game bully

Chapter 300Chapter 300 Loyalty order is ready!bring it on!

Chapter 300 Chapter [-] The Order of Loyalty and Traitor is Ready!bring it on!

Lin Qi just stared at Nie Zong coldly, and didn't speak for a long time, Nie Zong kept smiling all the time, and the people around him didn't even dare to take a breath, the atmosphere was too weird.

"I'm not as good as you."

Lin Qi finally said such a sentence, then turned around and left.

"Then you want to catch up with me?"

Nie Zong's words made Lin Qi stop, he turned around, but Nie Zong's second words made him almost run away.

"Oh, I'm sorry for the speech error, you can't catch up with me, I mean, do you want to catch up with me faster?"


Lin Qi resisted the urge to beat Nie Zong madly, turned around and left again, this time she was determined not to turn back.

"I'm here to show you the way. If you want to catch up with someone, the best way is to hang out with him for a while! Do you understand what I mean? The door to my awakening is always open to you!"

Nie Zong shouted from behind, but Lin Qi had already gone further and further away, so he turned around and said to a group of stunned tyrants:
"Okay! Brothers and sisters who are tyrant assassins, the loyalty order is ready, let's start today's recommendation task! Please consciously line up, let's start with the third chapter. If the team is not in order, it will not start. It's too noisy. At the beginning, after the judgment is over, those who cause trouble because they are not qualified to enter the mountain will be punished on the spot!"

These last words sounded the alarm to many tyrants who were eager to try, and they suddenly realized that the person who tested them was the Phantom Killer who killed people without blinking an eye, the new leader who even Lin Qi, the original number one master in Qi State, admitted that he was not as good as him. The leader of the martial arts alliance is a terrifying guy who would immediately violently kill people, so they secretly warned themselves, don't get too excited, so as to save themselves from digging their own graves when the light is on things to come.

"First one, come here!"

Nie Zong beckoned, and the little man named Tian Entong who was in the first place ran over immediately. Being able to get in close contact with the idol, he couldn't restrain his excitement at all, his whole body was shaking , the heart contracted so badly that he was about to faint from excitement, Nie Zong patted Tian Entong's shoulder with a smile and said:
"Keep calm, wisdom flashes, it's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen."

Tian Entong suddenly became quiet. In fact, when Nie Zong's hand was placed on his shoulder, he calmed down miraculously. Even he didn't know what was going on. He just felt that the idol had instilled a powerful force into himself. The power of faith makes me have the courage to face any result.

The idol gave me a sixteen-character motto, even if the loyalty and treachery orders show Ding, I will not be too negative, these sixteen words will affect my life!It will definitely guide you to the road to success!

It is a very simple and even ridiculous idea, but there is no doubt that the power of this brainless belief is extremely powerful!This is the power of idols!
Seeing that Tian Entong had calmed down, Nie Zong used the Loyalty Token to target him. The light on the Loyalty Token flashed, and the word C lit up!

"Congratulations! You can enter the mountain and ask my teacher to accept the task of the Ring of Judgment! Your opportunity for qualitative change has arrived!"

Nie Zong patted Tian Entong's shoulder hard this time. Tian Entong couldn't restrain his excitement any longer, jumped three feet high excitedly, bowed to Nie Zong repeatedly, and then followed the direction Nie Zong pointed. Bounced and ran over, the eyes of everyone in line suddenly widened, because Tian Entong suddenly disappeared after running to a certain position.

He must have entered the range of the fairy mountain where Guan Zhong is!

Phantom Killer did not lie to us, all of this is real!

There were loud cheers and screams from the crowd, and they could rest assured that fate finally really favored Ba Ci.

"Report to the Patriarch! Here we come!"

Nie Zong saw that Ye Liang, Mo Sadness, Mi Xingzai, and Bang Breaking the South Wall rushed over on horseback.

"Go in quickly, there is already one person going in first." Nie Zong smiled slightly, provoking them on purpose. In fact, as long as the people who go in between [-] o'clock and [-] o'clock can see Guan Zhong, they can follow him The depth of Guan Zhong's interaction level was already determined when he was identified by the Loyalty Order, and it has nothing to do with being early or late.

"Isn't it! It's only a few seconds away, and someone has landed first!"

"That's nothing to say! Catch up! Overtake him! I climb the mountain faster!"

The three rushed into the fairy mountain in a hurry, and of course they disappeared suddenly in the eyes of everyone.

Many people saw this scene showing a hint of envy and yearning. They did not expect that the atmosphere in the Phantom Killing God family, which kills people without blinking an eye, would be so harmonious. Looking at the casual dialogue, it really feels like a family.

It's a pity that Phantom Killer will never accept people casually!

Moreover, it seems that his family is a first-class family, and the quota of ten people is already full.

"Second one, come here." Nie Zong seized the time.


"No. 19, continue."


"One hundred and eighth, speed! There are still the last seven seconds!"

"Handsome! Yi is on! Run over there! It's about to be o'clock!"

Everyone was sweating for the big fat guy of Liang Yi, less than five seconds left, his fat body didn't seem to have learned the acceleration skills, and there was still a distance to go, and he was about to lose this precious time. By chance, the big fat man with twisted buttocks suddenly jumped forward, and then rolled himself into a rolling gourd with all his strength. Finally, when the countdown counted down by one second, his fat body disappeared.

So far, today's recommendation tasks are all over. In the hour from 54:[-] to [-]:[-], Nie Zong used the Loyalty Order to identify [-] people. Among them, [-] people passed, which accounted for exactly half of the number of identifications. This proves that Guan Zhong really can't be seen by everyone.

Theoretically speaking, the Ring of Judgment mission is open to every tyrant, but Guan Zhong's passage here is not open to every tyrant. Of course, the great master depends on the PN value. If there are players whose style and character really make them If he doesn't like it, then he must not be qualified to see him.

The remaining half of the people, because of Nie Zong's previous words, caused some of them to complain, but in the end they didn't get up and clamor for their dissatisfaction loudly. Nie Zong felt more satisfied and told them to find someone else before leaving. The domineering NPC is looking for an opportunity, and he said again what needs to be paid attention to in the dialogue. Everyone is basically convinced and grateful to him. He was the first to announce the secret of the rise of the domineering thorn, and dedicated time to them as a recommender , especially, he himself is still in a crisis-ridden environment, facing the enemy's siege at any time.

Phantom Killer is already quite loyal.

(End of this chapter)

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