The world of film and television

Chapter 156 I, Wang Xuan, 3 Guan Qizheng

Chapter 156 I, Wang Xuan, the Three Views

The questions in this interview were not arranged, they were all asked by the editor-in-chief. Anyway, they were all from my own family, so I just picked some suitable ones and published them. There is no need to be so serious.

Regarding the last question, Wang Xuan really thought about it for a while. After the expansion of the security company, this question will inevitably attract the attention of all walks of life. Therefore, it is a good way to take this opportunity to publicize it.

It is better to assign a personality to this issue through one's own newspaper than to make people guess randomly in the future.

"This question is a bit complicated. Let's talk about the most important thing first. I think it is impossible for people not to make mistakes. The most important thing is to be able to correct them. Lu Xun... Cough cough, change someone, Zi once said, the prodigal son will not change money when he turns back, the process may be Some twists and turns, but the important thing is that the result is good!"

"Many gangsters in our eyes do not like this by nature, but more because of poverty. People always have to have enough food."

"For the vast majority of young people who come out to hang out, one is because of low education, and the other is because they can't find a proper job. The company now recruits them as security guards, and the monthly salary is not low. After strict military training, they get rid of some bad Faults, in fact, can be turned into useful people for society, we should not discriminate against them, treat them as cancer, and we should think more about how to make this society better."

"That's called social responsibility."

... (Finally finished writing!)

In this issue of the report, Wang Xuan did say a lot, many opinions obtained from the Internet and some of his personal opinions. On the spot, the editor-in-chief and others were completely shocked by Wang Xuan.

No one expected that the boss of the society in their eyes, who started his career by being cruel and ruthless, and who was called a psychopath, could say so many unreasonable truths.

Very simple, but very thought-provoking. Sure enough, successful people do not happen by chance.

They always have some prominent places, which burst out suddenly at an inexplicable time.

But Fireworks, never found the good in himself, well... that's another sad story.

After these opinions have been polished by these cultural people, select some of them and release them bit by bit. The editor-in-chief is sure to fire the boss!
In other words, the boss is indeed a generous person.

This time, a large amount of money was thrown out again. Through the previous incident, everyone had a lot of contacts recently, and with the money to clear the way, the overwhelming publicity storm completely exploded early the next morning.

Except for a few major newspapers that are particularly neutral and maintain their style on weekdays, almost all of them are news about yesterday's police raid in Sha Tin District.

Of course, all of them highlight the outstanding contributions made by Kingdom Security Company.

How did a gangster become a security guard?

Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality... Please pay attention to this issue of the newspaper

In particular, some of Wang Xuan's views have been recognized by many major mainstream newspapers, and they have sparked a wave of discussions on Hong Kong's low-income employment rate.

In fact, during this period, the income of Hong Kong people has been super high, and it is second to none in the whole of Asia. However, the consumption is also higher, and there is nothing left after the wide entry and wide exit.

At least in Wang Xuan's eyes, the so-called thousand-foot mansion is really too low.

It is shameless to call a mansion below [-] square meters, who gives you confidence, and who gives you courage!

If you use this kind of luxury house to pick up girls, the coal bosses in the mainland will look down on you, which simply lowers the class of local tyrants!
At the same time, this issue of the newspaper let the people on the road see clearly Wang Xuan's face, no, only the mouth, no face!

What kind of fight against evil, what about Iron Man!
You're just stealing territory, shameless!

There are also bullshit reforming the evil and returning to the right. Do you know that since you got this monthly-paid security guard, I can hardly afford to support my younger brother. The voice of dissatisfaction is getting louder and louder, and how much cost has been raised. In your own heart Don't you have a B-tree?

What a sense of social responsibility, the whole of Hong Kong has AK shooting back and forth because of you, don't you have a B-tree in your heart?

A person like you has become an advanced element to promote social progress?
Where did those concrete piers on the bottom of the sea come from?Don't you have a B-tree in your heart?

Yes, no, the one between tree A and tree C has been cut off by Wang Xuan!

No matter how these guys scold, their voices can't be heard, they can only entertain themselves in the dark sewer, Wang Xuan doesn't care what they think.

Taking advantage of this wave of public opinion, he placed advertisements in major newspapers at the same time, recruiting security guards!
It has to be said that Wang Xuan's operation is still very coquettish. At least he has gained a reputation now.

Moreover, many young people with hemorrhoids who want to reform themselves and those who don't want to continue to mess around have indeed felt the call of the security company.

For a while, the headquarters of the security company and the school had many applicants every day.

It took almost a month to recruit 2000 security guards last time, but this time it was completed in an instant.

To be honest, reputation issues are not easy to recruit, good people can't be recruited, and bad guys don't want it.

In fact, these guys who yearn for a normal life are not the backbone of the major forces. It is really those bad boys who are determined to mess around that are the backbone.

However, these people are indispensable.

The club's business needs to be done seriously. Those guys who are good at fighting don't have the patience to do the basic work. It's okay to let them charge a protection fee. It's these people who are forced by life that are the cornerstone of value creation.

In just six or seven days, Wang Xuan's security company had nearly [-] applicants.

While he was happy, Wang Xuan was completely blinded.

In fact, these people are good seedlings, but no matter what, he won't get any money.

If we still follow the original training method, huh, 3000 million of these 2500 people is not enough.

Wang Xuan, whose body was hollowed out, went there to get so much money for a while!
Now, the garment factory handed over to Shen Leman needs to be upgraded and expanded, and the Shatian Police Station needs to pay a sum of money for the recycling of Hongyi Club's venues, and then it needs money for the second integration and renovation.

At the same time, the momentum of this wave of hype is very good, and it is a rare opportunity. If you miss it, you may not know when the next opportunity will come. Wang Xuan still wants to strike while the iron is hot and increase his reputation.

All of this requires money, is it forcing me to sell my ass!
Wang Xuan, who was worried about money, felt that he was going crazy!

Oh yes, and the payment owed to the supplier by the entertainment company two months ago should be paid back, Nima...!
(End of this chapter)

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