The world of film and television

Chapter 375 Marry Tian Boguang as his wife!

Chapter 375 Marry Tian Boguang as his wife!

Tian Boguang turned around and was about to run. How could Wang Xuan let him run away from such a fun thing? As soon as his body exerted strength, the entire recliner was shattered by the recoil force. Wang Xuan shot behind Tian Boguang like lightning and grabbed him return.

Master Dingyi's eyes widened sharply, looked at Wang Xuan who was holding onto Tian Boguang, and immediately rubbed his eyes violently with his hand, only then was he sure that he was not mistaken.

Although she heard Tian Boguang say that Wang Xuan's kung fu is very good, she just thought that Tian Boguang was flattering Wang Xuan. I also don't believe that Wang Xuan is a real master.

But now, looking at Wang Xuan's speed, even Tian Boguang couldn't run out, and he was caught back casually, which really subverted Master Dingyi's three views.

One must know that she can't beat Tian Boguang herself, if such a match...

"Master Dingyi's request, I agreed, not only that, but I can also pass on the "Nine Suns Divine Art" to the master!"

Wang Xuan held Tian Boguang in his hand and said to Dingyi with a smile: "Master Dingyi, do you know about the "Nine Suns Divine Art"?"

"Nine Suns Divine Art?" Ding Yi frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head, as if he had heard it but couldn't remember it.

""Shaomu Nine Suns Kung Fu", "Emei Nine Suns Kung Fu", "Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu", these three kung fu methods all come from "Nine Suns Divine Kung Fu", Shitai can remember it."

"What, it turned out to be this magical skill, and the benefactor actually has this kind of magical skill? Isn't this a Buddhist magical skill? How could the benefactor have it." Ding Yi was surprised, and his face became more and more 'stern'...

"What kind of Buddhist magic, does Shaomu Temple dare to admit it? It's purely smelly and shameless!" Wang Xuan looked disdainful.

"Hmph!" Ding Yi naturally felt displeased when he heard Wang Xuan insult Shaomu Temple, who is also a Buddhist.

"Among the several great magical arts, the only one in Buddhism is the Yijinjing. The author of the "Nine Suns Divine Art" is unknown. I only know that after reading the "Nine Yins Manual", I felt that the yin energy was too heavy. Afterwards, the author hid in Shaomu Temple to synthesize it. The masters of Buddhism and Taoism created this "Nine Suns Divine Art"."

"This magical skill is comparable to the Buddhist "Yi Jin Jing" and the Taoist "Nine Yin Manual", and it also has the effect of cutting the marrow of the Yi Jing. Master Dingyi, I can also teach you this magical skill !"

Dingyi suddenly felt his brain heat up and his heart beat faster. He is a martial artist, so how could he not have any idea about these magical skills. At this time, Wang Xuan said that he could teach her, but she couldn't help but be moved.

However, she didn't believe that Wang Xuan would pay such a high price for no reason, and there must be very excessive demands. Master Dingyi took a deep breath, looked at Wang Xuan and said in a deep voice: "The benefactor, let's talk about the conditions, look at the poor nun. Can it be done!"

Wang Xuan glanced at Dingyi with a serious face, and then looked at Tian Boguang beside him, Tian Boguang suddenly felt that a catastrophe was imminent!
"I want my teacher to return to vulgarity and marry Tian Boguang as my wife!"

Wang Xuan said word by word, Tian Boguang only felt his head buzzing, his body was shaking, and he almost passed out.

Mrs. Dingyi's expression changed drastically at first, and then her expression became more and more strange. Wang Xuan saw some embarrassment and embarrassment on her face, that burly figure and the corner of her mouth slightly biting...

If Wang Xuan hadn't gritted his teeth and held back, he might have laughed out loud!

However, when Dingyi glanced at Tian Boguang, his face turned dark when he saw that he was about to faint, his eyes opened angrily, he walked over with a loud shout, grabbed Tian Boguang's collar and shouted: "What's the matter, what's your expression? Could it be that you're marrying a poor nun? No, it's my old lady. You still feel wronged!"

Looking at the bloody mouth in front of him, Tian Boguang tilted his head and passed out immediately.

Master Dingyi looked at Tian Boguang's appearance, snorted coldly, and threw Tian Boguang to the ground, "It's no use pretending to be dead, don't even think about escaping from my mother's palm!"

Tian Boguang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly slowed down by half a beat...

"Don't ignore him!" Wang Xuan waved his hand. "This matter was not the turn of him, he dared to slap him if he dared not to be obedient.

Hearing what Wang Xuan said, Mrs. Dingyi immediately showed a smile. At first she thought Wang Xuan was cruel, insidious and cunning, but now she saw that she was inexplicably outstanding, different, kind-hearted, sunny and handsome!

"Okay, then the matter is settled like this!" Ding Yi laughed, looking so heroic.

Wang Xuan kicked Tian Boguang beside him, and said to Dingyi with a smile: "I'll leave this guy to you. He has both Chinese martial arts and the "Nine Suns Manual". Let him teach you well!"

"Then thank you very much, master!" Now that she has negotiated with Wang Xuan about her marriage with Tian Boguang, she Ding Yi is considered her own, and immediately changed her name to call Master Wang Xuan.

"Okay, that's it, take people away."

Dingyi nodded, bent down, picked up Tian Boguang, threw it on his shoulder, and strode towards the door with meteoric strides.

"Don't pretend to be dead, you still don't get off my old lady, do you want to eat my old lady's tofu?" Dingyi said bluntly after leaving the door.

"Fart!" Tian Boguang rolled down from Master Dingyi's shoulders, his face flushed with anger, "Which one of us eats the other's tofu!"

Hearing the two leaving noisy and noisy, Wang Xuan finally couldn't help laughing, he really wanted to see what the two of them would look like when they got married.

Ever since Wang Xuan agreed to teach Dingyi these two kung fu, Tian Boguang and Dingyi have never been to Wang Xuan's mansion, and Wang Xuan is also happy and leisure, with people taking care of all aspects of business. Practicing Nine Suns Divine Kungfu is to practice sword skills.

It's just that the location of the practice was gradually changed to the sea. Among the Nine Suns Divine Art, there is the Turtle Breathing Kung Fu, which is much better than the Turtle Breathing Kung Fu obtained from the Giant Whale Gang before. The idea of ​​practicing.

Under the huge pressure in the sea, Wang Xuan felt that his progress was faster. In addition, he had an innate water-type physique. The same turtle breathing exercise was almost no different from underwater breathing exercise on him.

At the beginning, you can stay underwater for an hour. After a period of practice, you can practice underwater for a day and a night at a time without needing to surface.

At the bottom of the [-]-meter-deep water, every move has to break through the obstacles of the water flow and the turbulent undercurrent of the seabed. At the beginning, I couldn't meditate and practice the Nine Suns Magic Kungfu.

It took several days for this, and Wang Xuan gradually got used to it. He no longer used his eyes and voice to feel the world, but changed to use his body's touch. He himself is a great master of Huajin. The slow muscles can already spontaneously exert force with the unpredictable currents on the bottom of the sea to maintain balance. It is not a simple confrontation, but a gentle swing like an anchor under the relaxation of the whole body.

As long as you don't think about confrontation, but integrate yourself into the underwater environment and make yourself a part of the sea, you won't be rejected by the sea.

From then on, Wang Xuan was able to perform the Nine Suns Divine Art on the seabed, and the effect of each exercise was far superior to that on land. Wang Xuan didn't know the reason for this, but, whatever!

After each exercise, Wang Xuan would start to practice Chinese martial arts on the seabed. The resistance of the water flow was much greater than that of the air, and the original lightning speed and the ability to easily make air explosions were also lost.

Every time he punched and kicked, he felt infinite resistance. The harder he tried, the greater the resistance. Against this pressure, Wang Xuan practiced slowly, move by move.

Close your eyes and use your body to feel the obstruction of the water flow. This feeling does not exist in normal air. After all, the greater the resistance, the more people can feel it clearly.

Wang Xuan's current goal is to exercise the musculoskeletal internal organs of the whole body through the oppression of sea water in order to break through. On the other hand, he also needs to feel the resistance and find an easier way to break through the resistance.

With the same strength and different methods, the resistance can be effectively broken through, so that people can achieve a faster speed.

This point, Wang Xuan is very sure!
This is like golf. Of course, this breakthrough has nothing to do with the beauty of Rosamund Kwan!
Closer to home, the surface of the golf ball is not smooth, but is covered with small holes. Affected by aerodynamics, it keeps the ball in proper rotation and uses air resistance to increase the upward pressure. Fly characteristics.

According to a scientific research report, if the material and size of the golf ball remain the same, and the holes on it are filled up, the flying speed will be at most 130 miles per hour.On the contrary, if some small potholes are added, it may destroy its smooth and flawless appearance, but it can effectively overcome considerable air resistance during flight, and its flight speed can even be as high as 250 miles or more!
It is precisely knowing this that Wang Xuan has to slowly experiment and exercise, how to better control himself, so as to achieve another breakthrough in speed. After all, he believes that the ultimate purpose of complicated changes in moves is to confuse the enemy and achieve the goal of attacking. Purpose, however, as long as the speed is fast enough and the enemy is not given time and opportunity to dodge, then those moves can be blocked completely.

As long as the strength is strong enough, the speed is faster, and there is no unconvinced enemy...

Wang Xuan now needs to use body perception to hone his fists and feet, and after he has mastered these skills, he will practice sword skills. After all, Lu Xun once said that everything is invincible, only speed cannot be broken! .
During the whole day of practicing, Wang Xuan floated up from the bottom of the sea, and with the force of the buoyancy, he shot out of the water with a bang, and his feet stepped on the water surface quickly and powerfully. The seaside ran over, the figure rushed past, and the water surface behind him seemed to explode, splashing high spray.

As soon as he jumped to the shore, Wang Xuan changed his wet clothes, shook his body lightly to shake off the water stains, put on clean clothes and came out, and saw Ye Huo waiting for him, normally speaking, nothing happened, Ye Huo would not come to him, since he came today, something important happened.

"This is what happened, and it brought our night manager here." Yehuo is also a relatively close person, and coupled with his expressionless appearance all day long, Wang Xuan especially likes to tease him (her) .

"Recently, the maritime trade of various companies has frequently encountered Japanese pirates and pirates. Calculated, the losses are not small. Even some Japanese pirates have appeared in the coastal ports of various prefectures." Ye Huo looked dead, no matter what he said , have no emotions at all, and rarely see him angry or happy.

"Pirates? Japanese pirates?" Wang Xuan frowned slightly. There have been Japanese pirates making troubles throughout the middle and late Ming Dynasty, but according to Wang Xuan's knowledge, these so-called Japanese pirates are basically fake Japanese pirates, all of whom were pirates from Daming in disguise. It's just robbery in the name of Japanese pirates.

During the Jiajing period, that is, more than 60 years ago, Jiajing, which had greatly increased its power, wanted to open the sea, but this would greatly infringe on the interests of coastal maritime merchants. Under the instigation of Jiangnan maritime merchants, all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty opposed it. .

To put it bluntly, banning the sea is still a national policy set by Taizu. Once the sea is opened, it will cost a lot of money, and in order to emphasize the disadvantages of opening the sea, "Japanese pirates" are suddenly prevalent in the coastal areas. When the trouble is the worst, a dozen "Japanese pirates" can Attacking Nanjing City, scaring Nanjing City to close the city gate, in Wang Xuan's view, this is too irresponsible...

After that, the "Japanese pirates" repeatedly violated the border. In order to exterminate these Japanese pirates, there were Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang of "Yu Longqihu".

Later, in a fit of rage, Jiajing began to ban the sea vigorously, and sent Zhu Zhi to Nanzhili and Zhejiang, where private sea trade was flourishing, to rectify the coastal defense and crack down on general trade.

Zhu Zhi took measures such as strictly protecting armor, banning township officials' ferries, punishing pirates, filling up Shuangchou Port, and prohibiting large ships with double eaves from going out to sea.

Zhu Zhi's sea ban violated the strong resistance of the Jiangnan maritime family. From the court's impeachment to the Japanese pirates' invasion, in order to fight for this benefit, there was a fierce collision between the imperial power and local dignitaries, and finally ended with the death of Emperor Jiajing. end.

After the victory of the Jiangnan nobles, the Japanese pirate rebellion was quelled. However, today, Ye Huo suddenly told him that the 'Japanese pirates' had risen again, and the victims were all from his own side. Other thoughts.

As for the Japanese pirates, that is, the pirates, the largest group in Fujian was the Giant Whale Gang that he exterminated two years ago. Where did the pirates come from?
They sent someone to call back Qi Xuefeng, Yang Xingwei, and Wei Wenlin from the barracks. These two were the heads of the Giant Whale Gang appointed by Wang Xuan before. After the Giant Whale Gang disbanded, these three were arranged by Wang Xuan. In the army, he is in charge of training the navy, and now Qi Xuefeng has become a Qianhu, and the other two also have the official position of Deputy Qianhu.

In addition to selling all kinds of ships produced by Wangxuan Shipyard to the major families in the profit chain, they also specially built a batch of warships to arm their own people.

Just because there is no war, it has been used to help the major families train sailors and their own navy.

If it is said that they are familiar with the nearby sea area, then there is nothing to say, it must be these three people.

When the three of them saw Wang Xuan, they quickly bowed and saluted, "I have met the Lord."

As soon as Wang Xuan told the story, the three of them looked at each other, and Qi Xuefeng said affirmatively: "We have also heard about this, but the pirates around Fujian have been cleaned up long ago, and now it is not like before. There are many poor people who can't survive and will venture into the sea to become pirates, so these pirates must be from outside."

"Then where did you say it came from?"

"It must be from Zhejiang!" Qi Xuefeng said without hesitation: "When we were still doing business at sea, we took orders from Zhejiang maritime merchants. They provided information, and we were responsible for robbing ships. Competitors and newcomers to the industry."

"Does the lord know about Xiangshan O?"

How could Wang Xuan not know that more than 300 years later, he became famous in Heri Island, and of course he knew Xiangshan Ao next door very well.

"I know, what do you want to say?"

"About 50 years ago, when Emperor Sejong was still Emperor Sejong, a group of Frangji people lived there. Since then, a small port has gradually formed. Every year, the Frangji people will buy a large number of ships from there Things like silk, tea, and porcelain were shipped back to China, and these goods basically came from sea merchants from Zhejiang."

"But since last year, most of the goods over there have been transported by us from Fuzhou. This year, it is almost time for trade, so I am sure that these pirates were sent by the sea merchants from Zhejiang. "

What Qi Xuefeng said was well-founded, and it had something to do with the fact that he had been a pirate for many years, but at the same time, he was also very self-motivated. After being brought into the army by Wang Xuan, besides training soldiers, he started to study Literacy, as well as the various military books provided by Wang Xuan, in the past two years, Qi Xuefeng and the other two have made great progress.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. The accumulation of the past two years is displayed in front of Wang Xuan today, which makes Wang Xuan very satisfied.

As the leader of an army, it is useless to just know how to fight, and you must have a certain amount of brains. There is no war for no reason, and war is just a continuation of politics.

Today, Li Xuefeng can see from the Japanese pirates that the root cause lies in the conflict of interests between the newly rising maritime merchants in Fujian and the established maritime merchants in Zhejiang, which shows that they have a certain political savvy. Only in action can we be more precise.

Wang Xuan pondered for a while, then looked up at Li Xuefeng solemnly and said: "After returning home, train well and prepare for the expedition at any time. These Japanese pirates must be wiped out. With credit, as long as you do well this time, the future , I will promote you one step further."

Qi Xuefeng's eyes suddenly lit up. He had been waiting for this day when he heard about the Japanese pirates at first. He knew that according to Wang Xuan's temperament, he would never watch the Japanese pirates wreak havoc and affect the overall situation. That's right, now the opportunity has come, whether he can honor his ancestors or not depends on what he can do in this battle to exterminate the Japanese pirates.

"Thank you, my lord, I will do my best to live up to my lord's entrustment." After standing up and saluting solemnly, he and Wei Wenlin left happily.

After they left, Wang Xuan fell into deep thought. The Japanese pirates must be wiped out, but he couldn't send troops on his own initiative. After all, Wang Xuan doesn't do sea trade business. Give it up to the partners under it.

It's not that he doesn't know how profitable it is to do business with the Portuguese, but that he deliberately lets it out to attract people.

If you don't throw enough bait, how can you attract big fish!
If he wants to win over some people to use him, this is the price he has to pay. Of course, this is just the early stage. With this opportunity, he is going to make some big moves!
(The outbreak started and will be updated one after another until midnight!)

(End of this chapter)

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