The world of film and television

Chapter 403 Breaking the Feudal Decay and Emancipating Female Pioneers

Chapter 403 Breaking the Feudal Decay and Emancipating Female Pioneers

The Liu family came by sea by boat, and the Patriarch of the Liu family came in person. Of course, the purpose of coming this time was not only to send money to Wang Xuan, but more importantly, he wanted to take advantage of this Wire.

Bad things have happened. For ordinary people, they will only get angry and complain and give up on themselves. But for capable people, they will try their best to turn bad things into good things to recover their losses.

Lao Tzu once said: When misfortune comes, fortune rests on it; when fortune comes, misfortune rests.

The Liu family was able to create such a big business, to carve out a business route on the sea, and to become a powerful maritime merchant in Ningbo, all thanks to the Liu family's hard work!
Although he was intimidated by Tian Boguang last time, Patriarch Liu also cleverly realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for his family to take another leap forward.

The Liu family has been a maritime merchant for many years, but it has reached a bottleneck. After all, Daming’s maritime trade is basically carried out with Japan and North Korea. The two countries have so much room for development. After so many years, the cake is almost divided. And if the Liu family wants to go further, they can only kill the bigger family than them, which is basically impossible.

But now, the Liu family has discovered such a thick leg like Wang Xuan, if they can take advantage of Wang Xuan's power, there may not be a chance to break the current balance.

Therefore, this time, Patriarch Liu came in person to meet Wang Xuan and see if he could persuade him to participate in the Japanese maritime trade.

After spending six or seven days at sea, when they arrived in the waters of Fuzhou Prefecture, Master Liu found that there were more boats than before. When they entered the port of Fuzhou Prefecture, the head of the Liu family stood in the bow of the boat and almost dropped his jaw in surprise.

This port is simply too big and bustling. Ships are coming in and out one after another. Five long plank roads go directly to the sea surface. At the front of the plank road, there is a towering tower. Although he has never seen this thing before, But it can probably be guessed that it is used to indicate directions and illuminate at night.

It's really unimaginable that, as a sea merchant, he didn't know when Daming had such a huge port, it's simply bizarre!

After all, the Ming Dynasty banned the sea, and even Ningbo Port, which was opened to a limited extent, was not so prosperous. After all, sea trade is an underground trade, so it is not easy to open it blatantly, and the major families also ship their goods from their own private ports. Walk.

And those private ports are very poorly built, and many large ships in the ports cannot reach the shore, and small boats need to be used to transport goods back and forth.

All daimyos, no one dares to engage in ocean trade so arrogantly, including the Jiangnan region where the trade is most developed, the forces are intricate, and under mutual restraint, development has fallen into a bottleneck.

"Well, how dare this Wang Xuan, isn't he afraid that the court will come to investigate?" Patriarch Liu muttered unconsciously, but there was a hint of joy in his heart.

He also knew that Wang Xuan had built a port before, but he had never been there. If such a large port could be opened within two years, how much power he would have.

Only a person with such great strength can open up the tight net of interests.

From the wharf to the new city, the head of the Liu family is as dazzled as grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Either he is ignorant, or he has been to Nanjing, the most prosperous city in this era, and the banks of the Qinhuai River, which is the most glamorous, but that feeling is not the same as here. totally different.

One is ancient and extravagant but decayed, and the other is new and vigorous, which is completely different from other places in Daming. He is also a businessman who has traveled all over the country, so this feeling is even clearer.

Among other things, just being on the horse path, Patriarch Liu felt novelty and order.

Standing on the road and watching for a while, he found that the middle of the whole street was dedicated to carriages, and all of them were driving on the right side. There was absolutely no one crossing the line. Pedestrians walked on separate roads on both sides.

The houses here are all of masonry structure, and the lowest one is two stories high. He has never seen a common wooden structure house.

The clothes of the passers-by on the street are very neat, even the most ordinary people are dressed much better than those in Ningbo. There is not a single person with a disheveled face on the street, and everyone is in a hurry, as if They all look very busy.

With so many novel discoveries, he did not visit Wang Xuan at the first time, but took a good look around. He had a hunch that this would be a new starting point for the Liu family in the future.

While wandering aimlessly, I happened to see the tallest building on the side of the street, counting from bottom to top with five floors, and five large characters erected on the high roof.

"Xinghui Nightclub." Patriarch Liu said aloud, but he was a little puzzled. He knew all the words, but he didn't know what the combination was for.

After walking a little, he found that the building covers an area of ​​about two acres. Through the windows on the first floor, he saw that there was a hall inside, and there were dining tables arranged neatly inside. It was just lunch at this moment. At that point, most of the tables already had diners.

The strong smell of food wafted out of the window, and Patriarch Liu and the two guards, who had been wandering around all morning, suddenly felt hungry.

"It's time for dinner, let's go in and have a meal!" Patriarch Liu greeted, and the three walked in. He is also a wealthy family, and although he felt that it must be expensive, he didn't think he couldn't afford it.

He didn't feel it from the outside, but he was surprised when he walked in. The area was too large. Anyway, he had never seen a hall with such a large area. At least, the wooden structure was very difficult and required too much space Many supporting colonnades.

"Welcome, sir, are there three?" A crisp voice rang in the ear of Master Liu, and only then did he realize that there were several beautiful and graceful women standing at the door, all wearing black and white dresses of the same style.

Master Liu heard the sound of two guards swallowing saliva.

This made him slightly taken aback, isn't this restaurant full of waiters, why are there women there?

It's not a big deal for this woman to appear in public dressed like this... okay?
may be?
But... nice!
Patriarch Liu, who is used to Fengyue, was just a little dazed, this new city gave him a lot of novelty, "Yes, three."

"Sir, this way please." After speaking, the woman twisted her waist and led the way to the inside.

Master Liu gave the two guards behind him a warning look, and then stepped forward to follow. He was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't dare to let his subordinates cause trouble. Since he dared to wear it, he must have something to rely on.

It’s just that he didn’t know that these waitresses were all brought back by Wang Xuan. From the eradication of King Tang, to the seven great families and Commander Wei, these super-big families have too many maids and servants. Once a woman is separated from the main family, she basically has no ability to survive.

Wang Xuan, the kindest person in the world, how could he see so many women living in prostitution or starving to death, so he had to take them all back to Fuzhou, but he didn't need so many people in his mansion.

In the end, he had no other choice, so he thought of the very promising job of waitress.

Of course, this is not just a waitress, it represents a new measure to break the decadence of the feudal society, and the maid dress in short skirts represents the pioneering thinking of feminism. Grand Master is great and right...

The three of Patriarch Liu sat down, randomly ordered a meal, and then threw out a small ingot of silver, which seemed to be worth two taels, "Ask you something, answer well, this silver is yours."

This is still the biggest bounty that Patriarch Liu throws out when he asks something. In the past, dozens of copper coins or a small piece of broken silver would be enough. This time, the environment of the new city and the huge restaurant made him feel a little uncomfortable. I'm afraid that if I take less, I will make people laugh.

The waitress simply flicked her face, her smile remained the same as before, she had seen this kind of consumption a lot, "Sir, what do you want to ask?"

"I want to buy a house in this city, but why don't I see a dental shop?"

"Sir, there is no dental shop in Xincheng. If you want to buy a house, please find a real estate agent, or trade goods, please go to the trading center lobby."

"What are those patrolling the streets with knives and guns?"

"That's the army of the guard."

The guards are so elite?Patriarch Liu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Why are the guards patrolling the new city?"

"Of course it is to maintain the law and order of the new city. The Fujian guard army is different from other places." The waiter smiled mysteriously, and Patriarch Liu knew something in his heart. It seemed that the guard army had become Wang Xuan's personal soldiers.

"Why is your building called Xinghui Nightclub? Why didn't you take me upstairs just now?" He was really puzzled about this. He had never eaten in the lobby, but it was too grand here, and he didn't dare to make trouble easily.

"This is a nightclub. During the day, the upstairs is closed. Eat during the day, only on the first floor."

"What's the meaning of a nightclub? Could it be that no one can go there to eat during the day?" He has a lot of power and power, and he, Patriarch Liu, really doesn't believe this.

"The nightclub only opens at night, where you can eat, drink, and have fun. Moreover, this is Mr. Wuzhou's own property, and no one dares to make trouble here!" The waiter said with a proud look on his face, and then added, " And there is no precedent for those who made troubles here to walk out alive.”

A delicate little girl, she said that she was crisp and not murderous, but the head of the Liu family only felt a chill on the back of his neck when he heard it. Damn, no wonder he dared to use a woman as a shop waiter, and even dressed... like this, he thought Fujian people So polite and polite, no one insulted the waiter, it turned out that he was so afraid of Wang Xuan's power that he didn't dare to mess around.

If it was him, he wouldn't dare!
I asked some more things that I didn't understand when I was wandering around for a long time, and then I dismissed the waitress.

(End of this chapter)

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