Chapter 665
The atmosphere was made very heavy by Wang Xuan for a while. Zhang Fei couldn't bear the atmosphere the most. He felt ants all over his body and felt terribly uncomfortable. He suddenly laughed, looked at Wang Xuan, and asked loudly: "Zaizhi, Why don't you let me call Lu Bu that guy 'Three surnames slave', I'm not wrong."

Wang Xuan didn't care about Zhang Fei changing the subject, but asked with a smile, "What do you think of Lu Bu?"

"I admit that he has high military strength, but his character is too low. Everyone can punish the unfaithful and unjust!" Zhang Fei curled his lips. This era values ​​loyalty very highly, especially for For warriors like them, loyalty is often more important than life.

"What about you?" Wang Xuan looked around and looked at Guan Yu, Zhao Yundianwei and others.

"If you recognize a thief as your father, you can be executed! If you kill your father, you can be executed!" Guan Yu rarely said a few words, which shows his dislike for Lu Bu's behavior.

Dian Wei and Liu Bei agreed with Guan and Zhang, but Zhao Yun opened his mouth but said nothing, which shows that he has other opinions.

"Only compared to loyalty!" Wang Xuan looked around at everyone present and said in a deep voice, "You are not as good as Lu Bu!"


"Why is he, Lu Bu!"

Zhang Fei immediately frowned, Liu Bei frowned and remained silent, Guan Yu stared at Wang Xuan and waited for an explanation.

"You all know that Lu Bu is now known as the number one general in the world, but do you know what Lu Bu's nickname was before?" Wang Xuan said with a faint smile. Seeing everyone looking at each other, Wang Xuan continued: "Zilong, you should be Have you said that?"

"Yes, Mr. Wang, Yun knows that before, the people of Bingzhou, and even the whole northern Xinjiang, called Lu Bu a 'flying general'!" Zhao Yun seemed to be nostalgic.

Looking at the generals who were stunned by Qi Qi, Wang Xuan sighed, and said with some regret: "Yes, parachutist Lu Bu."

There was an inexplicable light in Wang Xuan's eyes, and he said word by word: "In the Qin Dynasty, the moon is bright and the Han Dynasty is closed, and the Long Marchers have not yet returned. But if the Dragon City Flying General is here, don't call Huma Duyin Mountain!"

A five-character poem, between the lines, there are vicissitudes, heaviness, passion, and heroism. What happened is not far away. As the people of the big man, Liu Guanzhang and a group of warriors, that kind of pride from the heart, that kind of sense of responsibility, let them I felt like my blood was about to boil.

This is the most glorious period of the Han Dynasty. It has completely achieved 400 years of peace and the national self-confidence of the Han people. It has defeated foreigners who dare not look south for hundreds of years. The princes can make these aliens submit.

As long as you fight against the prairie people, at the end of the Han Dynasty, you will have the courage to fight five with one. All of this comes from the most exciting period of Emperor Wu, who almost wiped out the Xiongnu Empire!

"Good!" Guan Yu praised.

"That's great!" Zhang Fei stretched out his thumb.

"Very good!" Liu Bei held back for a long time, but he didn't read many books...

Wang Xuan's face turned black, damn it, a bunch of salted fish who only know how to shout 666!

This is a Tang poem, but in the Han Dynasty, the five-character poem had already taken shape, and it doesn't look awkward when Wang Xuan puts it out now. Besides, after all, when it comes to Lu Bu, it's okay to talk about things with flying generals.

Of course, but compared to merit, Lu Bu is far behind Li Guang.

"Pilot General Li Guang, everyone must know that this poem was originally written by me when I was reading "Han Shu·Li Guang Biography." Wang Xuan didn't feel guilty about plagiarism at all, and said it so confidently.

"It may be a little bit worse to talk about Lu Bu, but I think everyone should understand what it means for Lu Bu to have the title of parachutist in the frontier fortress!"

"In the 400th year of the Great Han Dynasty, the title of parachutist can't be called by just anyone. There are only Li Guang and Lu Bu. The most important reason is that they are fighting against the grassland barbarians and defending the common people. They are also skilled in bowing and horses, have superb martial arts skills, have extraordinary physical strength, and are unstoppable."

"In the frontier fortress of Bingzhou and the Hetao area, the Hu people's faces changed when they heard Lu Bu's name, and they could stop children from crying at night."

"So, I said, in terms of loyalty alone, you are not as good as Lu Bu. No matter what Lu Bu himself thinks, his achievements over the years are definitely enough for the Han Dynasty and the common people to be 'loyal'!"

"On the contrary, you guys." Wang Xuan pointed to the straw sandal brothers, "How many foreigners have you killed and how many people have you defended? Remember, in a civil war between Han people, no matter how many you kill, it's not worth it. If you want to compare, compare foreign wars, then you are called a real hero!"

After Wang Xuan's words, the Xun's straw sandal brothers, Dian Wei and others all bowed their heads and did not dare to speak, but Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan, who had just been the focus of Wang Xuan's attention, raised their chests, quite proud.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Wang Xuan was satisfied. Since he defeated Lu Bu, even though it was a gang fight, he couldn't stand people's praise, especially these people were all the top princes in the whole Han Dynasty. Gone.

Wang Xuan is an upright person, he hates evil like a vengeful, and he can't see others drifting in front of him. With the mentality of being good for these guys, today he happened to use Lu Bu's hand to scold them severely.

Let them know that Lu Bu is still Lu Bu after all, and your uncle is still your uncle!
"Crack!" A slap on Zhang Fei's shoulder, "Do you still feel better than Lu Bu?"

"Uh... this, this..." This guy is a stickler. Although he felt that Lu Bu was given the title of "parachutist" by the people and made him envious to death, it was still difficult for him to turn around.

Damn it, why are you so dissatisfied?

I still can't believe it!

Wang Xuan gritted his teeth and asked: "What's the problem, tell me, don't grind like a bitch!"

"He Lu Bu killed Hu people and protected the frontiers. He is admirable. I am convinced of this, but what about his murder of his father?" Zhang Fei scratched his neck, looking like a primary school student talking back to the teacher after being reprimanded.

"You know what a fart!" Wang Xuanzhao slapped Zhang Fei on the head, "Zilong, tell this idiot, what position does Lu Bu hold in the Bingzhou Army?"

"Yes, my lord, Lu Bu is in the Bingzhou Army, serving as the leader of the army." Zhao Yun couldn't help but sneer when he said it.

"What the hell?" Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Bei and Guan Yu flickeringly with his big eyes, and saw that the two of them also looked confused, and then turned to look at Zhao Yun, as if I didn't hear you clearly. look.

"Flying General, Lu Bu, the leader of the army!" Zhao Yun said it word by word again.

"Damn it, I'm stupid!" Zhang Fei didn't know how to express his thoughts for a while, and frantically rubbed his hair with both hands, making the already messy hair look very post-modern.

"No, what the hell, it doesn't make sense, Lu Bu, the number one military general in the world, the parachutist, the master?" Liu Bei lost his former elegance and blurted out swear words.

(End of this chapter)

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