Chapter 677
With Wang Xuan's hand, Zhicai's eyes became straight when he watched the drama. No matter whether he was born in a poor family or not, he received an orthodox literati education. As far as people are concerned, compared with people like Wang Xuan who don't care about means and only think about results, there is a huge gap in crooked ways.

No matter how strong the fortress is, it is always breached from the inside. Xi Zhi didn't know this. In Xuzhou Mi's hometown, there were four yellow-turban marshals sent by Wang Xuan. When these escorts arrived, Wang Xuan is sure that within a year, all the yellow scarf thieves will secretly become his own.

Yes, secretly!

It’s not okay to face it, no matter when they were ordinary people or yellow turban thieves, these people have no right to know!
Many times, knowing too much is not a good thing.

There is no way, take your time, Wang Xuan will never act too hastily and leave hidden dangers for himself.

After arranging for Zhao Yun and his party to hit the front station, Wang Xuan took out a roll of maps from his arms.

In other words, everyone was very surprised how many things were in Wang Xuan's arms. Every time they saw Wang Xuan digging out this and that from his arms, the problem was that there were so many things that he couldn't fit in his arms at all!
For example, the map I took out this time is a full one meter square!
Of course, Wang Xuan didn't say anything about it, and no one dared to ask.

The map was spread flat on the ground, and it was a map of a big man. Everyone was not curious, they only thought that Wang Xuan drew it when he traveled in the past.

"I have time today. Let's make an overall plan and determine the goals for the future. People, doing things without a goal will be chaotic. At the same time, I will also analyze the situation in the world for everyone. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle!"

This is the first time you have heard the word overall planning, but you can clearly understand what it means.

As Wang Xuan said, he took out a 'charcoal pen' and began to click on the map.

"I won't talk about Dong Zhuo. He is stationed in Kansai to recuperate. As long as no one harasses him, he won't think about going out in a few years. Let's talk about the Kanto Central Plains first." Wang Xuan looked at Xi Zhicai and blinked. , "Zhicai, show off to everyone."

Xi Zhicai knew that this was an opportunity for Wang Xuan to show off his talents and determine his status, so he didn't refuse. He pointed to the map and said, "Let's talk about Yuan Shao first. In the next year, Yuan Shao will take over the entire Jizhou. , will send troops to merge the prefectures, and within three years, we will be able to completely take the land of the two prefectures of Hebei and Merger."

"Qingzhou is our goal, so I won't say much about it. Tao Gongzu of Xuzhou can't be aggressive, and he will be more stable if he is more than successful. But he is too old and his heirs will not be successful. Sooner or later, Xuzhou will be occupied by others."

"The base of the Yuan family in Yuzhou must be occupied by Yuan Shu. Besides Yangzhou, the current governor is Yuan Yi of the Yuan family, but this guy supports Yuan Shao. I don't know what this guy thinks. It is thousands of miles away from Jizhou. I still want to fight against Yuan Shu, and in the next one to two years, Yangzhou will also be taken by Yuan Shu."

"Jingzhou, Liu Biao marched into Jingzhou, and his methods were sophisticated. However, he had no foundation, and he relied on checks and balances to control Jingzhou. If it was to protect the homeland, the Jingzhou family was willing to contribute, and Liu Biao could still command the movement. That’s all, you don’t need to think about being aggressive.”

"The same is true in the middle of Sichuan. The mountains are high and dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, so don't worry about it."

"The most complicated thing is Yanzhou. At present, Liu Dai, governor of Yanzhou, Zhang Miao, prefect of Chenliu, and others do not have the ability to stabilize the rule of a state. Yanzhou will fall into chaos in the next two to three years."

Xi Zhicai's words basically explained the general trend of the world in the next two or three years, which made everyone present feel much clearer in an instant, and the confusion that was unclear before was swept away.

Wang Xuan also nodded frequently to express his agreement. Xi Zhicai's conclusions were based entirely on the information he had obtained and the character analysis of each prince. Although there were some differences with history, the gap was not too big.

Liu Bei thought about it for a while, and he had no doubts about other places, but Yuan Shao was the only one here. He didn't understand why Wang Xuan and Xi Zhi agreed that Yuan Shao could win Jizhou and Bingzhou.

"Why can it be concluded that Yuan Shao will easily win Jizhou, and Han Fu controls Jizhou, the richest city in the world, so easily defeated by Yuan Shao, the prefect of Bohai?"

"My lord." Xi Zhicai cupped his fists and said, "It shouldn't be described as defeat. It doesn't matter what Han Fu thinks. Yuan Shao can take Jizhou easily."

"Why?" Liu Bei didn't understand this at all, just like in normal history, he didn't understand why he lost in Xuzhou. Xuzhou was richer than Yanzhou, and Liu Bei didn't lack good generals, so why did he lose~!

"Because Jizhou is the Jizhou of the aristocratic family, not the Jizhou of the great Han, let alone a mere Jizhou shepherd accepted by the imperial court of the Great Han." Speaking of this, Xi Zhicai said with sarcasm, "More than two years ago, the governor of Jizhou was still the 'eight chefs' One of Wang Fen, Wang Fen, together with Xu You from Nanyang, Zhou Jing from Peiguo, and Chen Yi, the son of Chen Fan, conspired to abolish Emperor Ling and make Marquis Hefei emperor. Climb to the position of Jizhou Mu."

"Now the situation in the world has changed drastically. For the Jizhou family, if you choose between the Yuan family's disciple Han Fu and Yuan Shao himself, a fool will choose Yuan Shao. If Han Fu knows the current affairs, he will take the initiative to back down. Bao, if you don't know the current affairs, it will be the disaster of extermination."

Liu Bei was silent for a while, and then choked out a sentence, "Then this Jizhou is not Yuan Shao's Jizhou?"

Xi Zhicai opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer for a while, Wang Xuan took over the conversation directly and said: "Jizhou, which was not originally Yuan Shao, has now developed to a fork in the road for the aristocratic family, and there are two roads ahead. , one wide and one narrow."

When Wang Xuan mentioned this, everyone became interested, and they really wanted to hear what Wang Xuan had to say about the family's development path.

The aristocratic family has reached a bottleneck, which is clear to all people of insight in the aristocratic family, but there are many different voices on how to develop in the future.

Of course, all that Wang Xuan dared to say was to stand on the height of history and say something that was more likely to happen.

"There are two paths I can see. The first one is to further expand the power of the aristocratic family, just like the actual ruler of a place, while the king is just the biggest aristocratic family in this era. Everyone checks and balances the development of each other, and the class is completely consolidated. , From now on, officials can only come from aristocratic families, there are no low-ranking scholars at the top, and no nobles at the bottom.”

"This kind of rule is both stable and fragile. It is stable in the early stage. When there are many talents in the family, it can easily overwhelm the subordinates. But after establishing an advantage, the future generations will inevitably degenerate gradually in the absence of competition, and finally be counterattacked. Of course, There is no thousand-year dynasty, which is not a big drawback."

(End of this chapter)

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