The world of film and television

Chapter 689 Plant a letter in spring, and you will be able to...

Chapter 689 Plant a letter in spring, and autumn will...

Chinese New Year!

A whole new year!
Do you know how I spent this year!
Code at home every day!


Han Fu nodded and continued to ask: "Then, will someone deliberately frame me and kill my Han family in order to please Yuan Shao?"

Tian Feng thought for a moment, then nodded silently. There have never been many people in the world who like to speculate on what they want. It is not surprising that some people do this. Besides, Han Fu who lost his position as Jizhou pastor is nothing. Who knows if there will be enemies secretly.

"Then why should I give way to Yuan Shao!" Han Fu gasped and roared in a low voice, at this moment he exploded.

Tian Feng was silent, how could he escape in a world of great strife.

"Huhuhu..." After panting for a long time, Han Fu got up and bowed to Tian Feng, "I have something to ask Yuan Hao."

"Mr. Han is not allowed." Tian Feng was very particular about the superiority and inferiority, so he immediately got up to avoid it, and stretched out his hand to support Han Fu, "Mr. Han, please speak."

Even though Han Fu didn't reuse him, Tian Feng still couldn't say no to him.

"I ask Yuan Hao to take my family to another place secretly." Han Fu looked directly at Tian Feng.


"Qingzhou, Qi County, go to Liu Bei and Liu Xuande!" Han Fu kept saying.

"What, Qingzhou, Liu Bei?" Tian Feng never thought that Han Fu would mention such a place. Han Fu and Liu Bei have no intersection, right?This Qingzhou Qi County is not a peaceful place.

Han Fu didn't speak, but silently took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Tian Feng, motioning him to read it for himself.

The letter was written by a man surnamed Wang who did good deeds and did not leave his name. It was written in Luoyang, and it was delivered to Han Fu as soon as Liu Bei left. , did not make it public, but quietly found a place to hide it.

Some time ago, he almost forgot about this matter, until suddenly it was reported that Gongsun Zan gathered an army to attack Jizhou, he rang the letter, took it out again and glanced at it, his heart was half cold.

Wang Xuan wrote very clearly in the letter that Yuan Shao would definitely give Jizhou the position of Mu, and he would unite with Gongsun Zan to send troops to deter Jizhou, so as to achieve the goal of peacefully seizing Jizhou.

However, Xun Chen, as the Xun family, must consider the issue of family continuation, and will definitely seek refuge with Yuan Shao and persuade Han Fu instead.

Among them, Wang Xuan also concluded that if Han Fu does not want to give up the position of Jizhou Mu, he will definitely die. Those aristocratic families will inevitably choose Yuan Shao between Han Fu and Yuan Shao. If he showed a little fear of Han Fu, someone would naturally make a move to make Han Fu's family in exchange for Yuan Shao's reuse.

Afterwards, Yuan Shao could at least kill that person, and there would only be praises, but no one would say that Yuan Shao had malicious intentions, after all, he had avenged Han Fu's family.

As for Gongsun Zan, it was just a cover created by Yuan Shao. There must be a battle between him and Gongsun Zan, otherwise there will be no peace in the rear!

Seeing this, Tian Feng was also secretly tongue-tied. He didn't expect that a few months ago, someone could calculate the matter to such an extent. It can be said that Yuan Shao's thoughts and actions were clearly calculated by the other party. It pointed directly at the dark side of people's hearts. Although the fastest assumptions were made, Tian Feng also agreed with it very much.

After all, how could others be allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

Looking further down, it is all that the writer has. Liu Bei will fight Yuan Shao sooner or later. The world is the world of the big man and the world of the Liu family.

If Han Fu wanted to save his family's lives, he would send someone secretly to send his family. This person is either Tian Feng or Ju Shou. The person who wrote the letter highly valued the talents of these two talents, and he will definitely use them in the future, so he will do his best. Keeping Han Fu's family rich, not to mention, Han Fu is also a good excuse for future wars.

In the whole letter, he didn't say anything about benevolence, righteousness and morality, and he didn't fight against injustice. Instead, Chi Guoguo put the exchange of interests above the obvious, but the more this was the case, the more Han Fu believed that he was useful without others.

After Tian Feng read the letter, he understood everything. Unexpectedly, he was also plotted into it. The letter specifically stated that Tian Feng is an upright person, he will follow his words, and he is the most trustworthy person.

When writing the letter, a certain man surnamed Wang made a special request to Tian Feng. He didn't expect much from Jushou. When he was in Hulao, Jushou looked at Yuan Shao very affectionately...

In fact, when Wang Xuan wrote the letter, he just had the idea of ​​fighting three poles if there was no date, and it was just a few words. It didn't matter if it didn't succeed, at least it could add trouble to Yuan Shao!

Tian Feng put down the letter and looked at Han Fu bitterly. Looking at Han Fu's pleading eyes, Tian Feng opened his mouth several times but couldn't say no.

With a long sigh, he handed the letter to Han Fu, and said in a deep voice, "I'll take this matter."

Han Fu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and thanked Tian Feng without opening his hand. At this moment, there are no superiors and subordinates, only a big backer in the future.

No matter how you say it, Han Fu is a Jizhou herdsman. It is not difficult to send Tian Feng's family and his own family away. In addition, Tian Feng's frustration is not eye-catching, so it is naturally more convenient. The only troublesome It is how to reach Qi County safely through the territory under the jurisdiction of those Yellow Turban thieves in Qingzhou.

Fortunately, since Tian Feng agreed, he would naturally help Han Fu with his ideas.

On the second day, Han Fu uncharacteristically began to publicize that he was going to give up his position to Yuan Shao, which immediately caused a sensation in the whole city, followed by Han Fu's long history Geng Wu, don't drive Min Chun, Zhizhong Li Li Let's go to the mansion together to persuade Han Fu.

Not only did Han Fu not listen, but he became furious and reprimanded the three of them severely. He kept talking about how the fourth generation and third father of the Yuan family were the number one in the world. Under the circumstances, the servants beat the three of them out of the mansion, and the incident was so uproar that everyone in the city knew about it.

Even Geng Wu and the three of them turned blue with anger and trembled all over. Their kindness and enthusiasm made them feed the dog!

It's just that when the three of them rushed back home, they received a letter quietly sent by Han Fu. Not only did the three of them sincerely apologize in the letter, but it also clearly stated their current situation and some plans for the future.

The three of them are all subordinate officials in Han Fu's mansion, and they have a master-slave relationship with Han Fu. At this moment, they were overjoyed when they saw the letter.

It is basically impossible for these three people to surrender to Yuan Shao. Changshi, Biejia, and Zhizhong are all the most confidant officials under the state shepherd. How could Yuan Shao, the three betrayers, reuse them? Besides, Yuan Shao's subordinates are Jizhou faction and Nanyang faction , Yingchuan faction, already messed up enough, there is no place for them to be reused.

So the three of them might as well follow Han Fu all the way to the dark. After the three of them lost their temper at home, they ordered people to clean up and leave the city with great fanfare. With Han Fu's family mixed among the three teams, they swaggered out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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