Chapter 861 Vicious!

"My lord, Liu Bei's move is really vicious, and we will never allow it!" Chen Qun said with a livid face, holding the books sent by the fast horse from Hebei, and his eyes flickered even more coldly, "Liu Bei's move is tantamount to asking To rule my family to death, this book must not be promoted! All those who sell or privately store such books should be seized, and they should completely draw a line with Liu Bei."

For Chen Qun, who came from a family of aristocratic families, what Liu Bei did was simply digging his ancestral grave.

This is a staunch supporter of aristocratic politics, the founder of the nine-rank middle school system in the future, the promoter of the upper-rank non-scholar, and the lower-rank no-gentry family, the court legal system, the centralization of power, and the education without discrimination are all bullshit.

Wife Cao Fan looked at the book in her hand. This is a book that specifically talks about how to count land property and calculate taxes. If it can be popularized on a large scale, it will be really useful for Wife Cao. In fact, regardless of his current land Few, with many talents in hand, but most of them are still from aristocratic families.

How much and how to pay taxes in various places is completely controlled by the local gentry. Cao Cao really does not have much control over the localities. This is extremely painful for Cao Cao, who has great ambitions. Also set up a recruitment order, and use a large number of low-level personnel like Liu Bei to break the family's monopoly on politics.

The ass decides the head. Sitting in this position, he completely runs counter to what he thought back then. He understands why Emperor Ling wants to engage in party imprisonment, and why Liu Bei wants to target the family, but...

If it is really possible to promote these books, the idea flashed in his mind, he closed his eyes slightly, and turned to Xun Yu and Cheng Yu beside him, "Wen Ruo, Zhong De, what do you two think?"

Of course Xun Yu understands why Cao Cao asked such a question, and also understands what Cao Cao is thinking, but this does not mean that he will agree, even if he fundamentally supports the big man. Taking a deep breath, Xun Yu looked at Cao Cao seriously, " My lord, if this thing is promoted below, I am afraid that the aristocratic families in the three states will be completely alienated."

Cao Cao didn't have the slightest expression on his face, his eyes turned to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu could feel Cao Cao's desire, and he agreed with it. However, he didn't think it was possible to achieve this under Cao Cao's rule. The whole force and the family were too entangled, and a slight repetition would lead to a total collapse. He turned his head to the north After taking a look, he sighed in his heart, "I... also feel that this matter is inappropriate. Liu Bei's unreserved promotion of this set of things obviously has no good intentions. This is to burn the fire to the princes of the world. If my lord promotes it, the family will be renounced, and I am afraid that there will be a catastrophe, but if it is not promoted and obstructed, then..."

Cheng Yu didn't say the latter, but the one present was not a smart person, and he knew the meaning behind it very well. He was afraid that the poor family would be disheartened and felt that there was no future for Cao Cao. There is a great deal of talent headed north.

Now the major events in the world are basically clear. Liu Bei dominates the north of the Yellow River. Relying on his strong military strength, he has the potential to strengthen the Qin Dynasty. Overcoming this hurdle, the future prospects are bright.

However, Cao Cao relied on his aristocratic family, facing the strong enemy in the north, he would inevitably form a heart of common hatred, and with his efforts, it would almost certainly form a situation of confrontation between the north and the south.

As for when this situation will be broken, and who will win and who will lose, I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the outcome in a short time.

If you look before the Han Dynasty, you will know that during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the feudal lords of all parties have been separated for hundreds of years. The aristocratic system can exist for such a long time, and it has its own advantages. Anyway, in the eyes of people with insight in the world, the two systems Which one is better or worse can't tell the difference for a while.

After Cheng Yu finished speaking, the room fell into silence for a moment. Chen Qun and other aristocratic factions did not speak, but just looked at Cao Cao with burning eyes. Cheng Yu and other minority factions also bowed their heads in silence, waiting for Cao Cao to make a decision.

"Damn, damn Liu Bei, damn the family," Cao Cao cursed inwardly while rubbing the center of his brows with his hands, and his head hurt even more.

This damned mess is really deceiving, isn't it going to force him to a dead end!

For him, this is a multiple-choice question. It is impossible for him to watch his subordinates fall into chaos. That is to give Liu Bei a chance.

Thinking of this, his brain hurts even more. A few days ago, he received a letter from that damned Wang Xuan. The letter was sincere and full of deceptive words. He said that if Cao Cao did not make any changes, after three generations, the ruler would not necessarily have the surname of Cao again. In order to strengthen Cao Cao’s confidence, Wang Xuan also promised that he would never fight Cao Cao within three years, and he could deal with the ruling family with confidence and boldness. The problem.

Just imagining the temptation, Cao Cao's brain hurts...

"Teaching without discrimination is the word of a sage. If you refuse it rashly, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the people in the world?" Cao Cao hesitated, hoping that someone could give him a solution to get the best of both worlds.

"My lord's words are wrong. There is no distinction between teaching and learning. It means that when teaching students, students should not be divided into grades and grades. They should be treated equally. At the same time, they should not only teach one kind of knowledge, but should learn more. Look, learn from the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, in order to learn by analogy, not just anyone can learn."

"If you are a person of high moral character, it is a blessing for the country to be knowledgeable. The blessing of the people is good for the country and the people. If you are a person with a wicked heart, the more you learn, the greater the harm to the country and the world. Take the grassland. For example, if the grassland people learn how to smelt steel, how to make better knives, swords, bows and crossbows, plus the grassland people have the advantage of war horses, the world will be in danger."

Xun Yu was right, but in Cao Cao's eyes, this was a sophistry. Could it be that they really couldn't understand the benefits of promoting books?

Cao Cao didn't believe it!

Looking at Xun Yu who was talking about distorting the facts with a straight face, Cao Cao suddenly felt very strange. Is this still the same Xun Yu and Xun Wenruo who wanted to revive the Han Dynasty?
Looking at the other people present, it wasn't Cheng Yu who bowed his head and said nothing, and the rest of them all had expressions of approval.

"This matter is of great importance. We will discuss it tomorrow. I'm tired!" Cao Cao got up and left with a gloomy face, ignoring everyone's retention and walking away. Wang Xuan's letter from that dog thief.

"My lord, honest words are harmful to the ear and good for deeds!" Chen Qun was full of indignation, and shouted at Cao Cao's leaving figure.

After a slight pause, Cao Cao walked more resolutely.

Xun Yu hurriedly pulled his son-in-law back and held back what he said. He knew Cao Cao's temperament too well. He is a real hero, not someone who can be persecuted by his subordinates. If Chen Qun is allowed to do this, it may be counterproductive. .

(Gu, in addition to being the emperor's self-proclaimed name, is also used as the title of the leader of one party. For example, Yuan Shaoren Jizhou Mu once wrote to Gongsun Zan: "Gu and the foot, both have the old alliance...")
(End of this chapter)

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