Chapter 876 Railway
Regarding Liu Bei's wave of other princes conferring kings and proclaiming emperors, Wang Xuan's meaning was very clear, and he ignored it.

"However they like to toss and toss, we can do our own things well. After the political system is completely improved, I don't think the wife Cao has the ability to stop the army's footsteps. At that time, the army can push it flat. Push, and build at the same time." Wang Xuan said casually, rubbing a piece of jade pendant in his hand lightly.

This is a gadget that has been refined in the past few days. It refreshes the mind and has a certain effect on aura gathering. It slowly improves the wearer's system to achieve the effect of prolonging life.

This thing was refined for Liu Bei. Wang Xuan hoped that Liu Bei could live as long as possible. It is said that it has been 196 years. Although according to history, Liu Bei did not die until 223 years, but he knows what will happen now.

Isn't there a saying that is "born in sorrow and died in peace". In history, Liu Bei lived a life of ups and downs, and it is indeed enough to worry about it. Is this the secret of Liu Bei's life of more than 60 years?

Generally speaking, apart from the founding emperor, most of the later emperors were short-lived. In Wang Xuan's view, it was because of the good living conditions. He faced so many concubines in the harem all day long. It became inevitable, anyway, Wang Xuan was afraid that Liu Bei's death would delay his major event.

For the jade pendant that Wang Xuan sent up, Liu Bei felt a little lighter as soon as he got it, and his mind became clearer, and his face immediately showed joy. After learning that Wang Xuan made it himself, Liu Bei hung it on his neck without saying a word Put it next to your body.

For Wang Xuan's magic, Liu Bei has already experienced it, not to mention that he can always take out all kinds of exaggerated things from his chest, even the bronze tripod when offering sacrifices to heaven, which has already shocked Liu Bei into a heavenly man.

Afterwards, Wang Xuan also specifically asked Liu Bei to put away the bronze tripod. In fact, Wang Xuan did not expect that the bronze tripod would become the coordinates of luck. Is it because it is a tool for worshiping heaven?

After finishing this matter, Wang Xuan didn't go home directly, but went to the scientific research institute. After Liu Bei heard about it, he became interested, so he followed him. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu also made an appointment to go together.

Recently, Wang Xuan is experimenting with the railway. Anyway, the current iron production is increasing rapidly year by year, so he plans to build several main trunk lines in Dahan.

When it comes to railways, the impression in most people’s minds is from the United Kingdom. The earliest horse-drawn carts were used to drive on the rails. In fact, there are records that horse-drawn carts have appeared in ancient Greece more than 2000 years ago. Running along wooden tracks Of course, there are also some sayings that the Qin Dynasty of the same age also had similar facilities.

Wang Xuan attached great importance to railways. Both the carrying capacity and speed of this thing far surpassed the current four-wheeled carriage.

Compared with a two-wheeled carriage, the carrying capacity of a four-wheeled carriage can reach about four times, and even if a horse-drawn cart is used, the carrying capacity can reach ten times that of a four-wheeled carriage, and because of its safety, it can be driven day and night. The speed is not the same, especially in this special world, the horse's stamina and speed are far beyond the normal standard, according to Wang Xuan's estimation, there is no problem at all to maintain a speed of [-] mph.

In this way, traveling thousands of miles a day is really no longer a fantasy, but should be a daily state.

In Wang Xuan's cognition, an important factor that plagued the land area of ​​various dynasties in Chinese history is 'speed'.

The speed of information transmission, the speed of troop deployment, and the speed of material mobilization.

Many times in ancient times, the emperor changed twice, and the border area is still unknown. This kind of thing really happened more than once, and there were quite a few short-lived emperors.

The speed of information transmission is too low, so that the farther away the place, the less the control of the imperial court. If there is a big incident between local officials and local wealthy families, it may take about a year for the information to be transmitted to the central government. What the hell? How to let the central government manage.

If you want to send a new official there, it may be two years after the accident... This is because the official did not die on the way. Under the circumstances, it is not uncommon to die halfway after a long journey for a year.

Therefore, the railway and the canal connecting the north and the south must be built, which can greatly reduce the communication cost between the two places and effectively ensure the centralization of power. Only with a larger land area and a longer rule can Wang Xuan learn more. Much luck.

When we arrived at the Research Institute, today is the time to test the railway. The railway seems simple, just two parallel rails, but in fact it is not. After all, it is not a simple construction of a straight road. Not to mention, in terms of steering, according to different terrains, many detailed conditions such as angles and slopes need to be considered.

"Where are the railways and iron cars that Zai Zhi said?" The carriage did not go directly to the research institute, but came to an open area surrounded by the city. After getting off the carriage, Zhang Fei looked at the empty place and endured it. I couldn't help shouting.

"Back to Wuyonghou, this is the test site. The railway is laid on the ground. You can see it when you get closer. As for the iron car, it's in the room over there." The person in charge of the test site greeted him respectfully and explained to Zhang Fei road.

The physical test site this time is very large, covering a test site with a radius of ten square kilometers.

"The test site is so big!?" Zhang Fei said in surprise.

"Isn't that nonsense? This requires tests including different soil properties, climbing different slopes, turning, and the maximum acceptable breaking angle, etc., understand!" Wang Xuan stretched out his hand and pulled Zhang Fei aside, and walked towards the test site go.

"Uh... I don't understand." Zhang Fei could understand the meaning of each word, but when combined, it was a bit difficult for Zhang Fei.

"Don't ask if you don't understand, just add to the chaos!" Wang Xuan snapped back without turning his head.

Zhang Fei's face became even darker when he was bullied. Guan Yu had a cool look on his face. He and Liu Bei looked at each other with slightly narrowed Danfeng eyes, holding back their smiles. In fact, the two of them didn't understand what they were talking about at all. There is such an advantage in going out, you don't have to be afraid of encountering embarrassing things at all, Zhang Fei will take care of everything, and the two of them will follow behind and develop wretchedly.

The person in charge of the reception hurriedly lowered his head, as if I didn't hear anything, didn't see anything, and I didn't exist.

Walking into the test site, it turns out that the terrain has been transformed into a bit complicated. Fortunately, the site is large enough, otherwise it would not be able to simulate so many terrain features.

Zhang Fei was used to being bullied, and he didn't even think about getting angry. He took two quick steps and came to the front, looking at the dark railway track buried on the ground in amazement, "This is the railway!?"

(End of this chapter)

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