The world of film and television

Chapter 993 I, Wei Yan, Lost My Chance

Chapter 993 I, Wei Yan, Lost My Chance

(Sorry, I have something to do today, I went out to drink with me, I drank too much, and I posted the wrong chapters before and after...It was also sent early.)
Geyao Mountain, also known as Geshan Mountain, is located at the junction of Pizhou and Suining counties in the northern Jiangsu Plain, just southwest of Xiapi.

This is not high, and the highest peak is only 204 meters, which is not considered steep, but at the end of the Han Dynasty, when the environment had not been destroyed, it was considered high mountains and dense forests, and it was not a problem to hide people.

After Gan Ning left that day, Wei Yan began to set up. Every day when the army was zippering outside the city, it was broken up into pieces, and about a thousand people were sent out at a time to quietly go south along the Shushui River, quietly detouring in Geyao Mountain to hide in it.

Day by day, more than 5000 people were quietly hidden in Mount Geyi.

Fortunately, the Han army never lacked training in field survival and other aspects during training. They hid in the mountains for half a month and still maintained more than [-]% of their combat effectiveness at this moment.

After getting the information he wanted, Wei Yan laughed heartily, his expression was full of excitement, I, Wei Yan, had the chance to become famous all over the world—lei!
The sand table for the entire Xuzhou has been prepared long ago, and Wei Yan of Xiapi City has also been planned for a long time. In the past few years, I don’t know how many different situations have been deduced when I have nothing to do. This time, Gan Ning was used as the bait, which is indeed a bit unexpected. , but everything remains the same, he had already chosen the location of the ambush.

The place he chose was the southernmost tip of Mount Geyao, which is about [-] miles away from Xiapi. With the quality of Cao's army, even with the help of water transport to transport food and grass, he could travel no more than [-] miles a day. When he arrived at his ambush site At that time, it was the most tiring time of the morning journey.

Wei Yan is not a pedantic person. Although the quality of his own soldiers is better than that of the opponent, and his strength as the main general is far from comparable to that of the opponent, and he has the upper hand in ambushes and sneak attacks, but there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of some physical strength.

Thinking of the joy, Wei Yan couldn't help but tsk-tsk twice, he really is - wise!

Another day later, the horse came to report that Zhang Fan and Han Hao were less than five miles away with the army, Wei Yan immediately cheered up, called for his own soldiers and said: "Pass the order and let everyone hide away. Whereabouts, from now on, you are not allowed to make a single sound to me, even if the shit is on your ass, hold it back for me, or put it in your pants pocket, anyway, you are not allowed to make even a single sound to me!"

The order was passed on, and a straw hat made of branches beside Wei Yan was worn on top of the helmet. This trick was also passed down by Wang Xuan. In the past, ah bah, in the future, our heavenly soldiers and generals used these things to ambush the little days Well done Japanese.

Can't wait for the left, can't wait for the right, Wei Yan who was waiting was anxious, and kept scolding Cao Jun in his heart that everyone was a waste, it was only five miles away, and he walked for so long.

There is no way around this. After all, the world is like Wang Xuan, and there is only one who invests so much in military training. Of course, Wang Xuan has a way to make money, which is something Cao Cao can't envy. Ocean fishing and freshwater farming alone will give the army a lot of meat.

Zhang Fan and Han Hao finally arrived late. The army walked all morning, and it was the time when they were most tired. The sun was scorching at noon, so they must take a break and drink some water to restore their strength. This place is backed by the Sishui River. In front of him is Cangshan Mountain, which is an excellent feng shui treasure land for hiding wind and water, and it is a good place for burial... ahem, it is a good place for rest.

The two sent scouts, even if they were marching in their own territory, the two did not forget, but it would be nonsense to say that they were more attentive, but it was just a long-term habit. Thinking, how can you expect the people below to do their best?

It's fine to explore the way ahead symbolically, and he didn't explore the inside of Mount Geyao at all. Wei Yan's disguise was simply winking at the blind man.

The army began to rest, but Wei Yan did not order to attack immediately. He had heard from Wang Xuan that if he took a rest after being tired, he would let his breath out and be even more exhausted.

After waiting for another twenty minutes, feeling that the time was almost up, Wei Yan took off the green hat on his head, ah bah, green straw hat, um, green hat...

Turning over to the BMW brought by the soldiers, he grabbed the knife pole with his right hand, and gave an order to the drummer who had been prepared by his side, "Beat the drums, attack the camp!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" a series of drums suddenly resounded, even if it was ten miles away, it could be heard clearly. Accompanied by the drums, there were shouts from the [-] troops almost at the same time, " Kill" "kill" "kill".

There is a reason why when ambushing and attacking the enemy, instead of sneaking into the village quietly and not shooting guns, instead of beating gongs and drums, there is a reason for the great momentum.

Sneak attack, the biggest advantage is that it can confuse the enemy army, lower their morale, and lose their combat effectiveness. If they enter the village quietly, then when Pu Yi makes contact, they will cause a lot of damage by surprise, but the battlefield of tens of thousands of people is huge. It's beyond imagination, people here are going to be out of their minds, and they don't wait to know what's going on there, and people don't know what's going on, so how can they be afraid.

Therefore, every time there is a sneak attack, there is a lot of fanfare. For example, now, before Wei Yan led his troops to the front, Cao Jun's soldiers were already frightened and panicked.

Every soldier knew in his heart that if he fell into the trap, he fell into an ambush = the enemy had long been prepared = his side was about to be defeated = his life was at stake.

Fear is contagious, especially when it comes to scaring yourself.

Cao Jun's soldiers were in a trance, and they were horrified to see three silver-white half-moon-shaped knife gangs attacking the camp. Each knife gang was four to fifty meters high. In front of Dao Gang, people seem so insignificant, as long as they are swept by Dao Gang, the whole person will be beaten into a blood mist.

Dao Gang passed through the crowd, advancing two or 300 meters in a row before exhausting his strength. Just these three swords caused 700 casualties to the chaotic Cao Jun, and this is not the most harmful to Cao Jun, the bigger thing is The shock it brought, ordinary soldiers have never seen this before, and they were completely scattered because of the low morale caused by the ambushes.

A lot of veterans talk all day that I have never seen anything, but now... this scene is really unseen.

It was Zhang Fan and Han Hao who were still roaring to deliver orders just now, hoping to appease the soldiers as soon as possible and gather troops to resist the incoming enemy, but at this moment, their jaws seemed to be dislocated, and they stared at the three with rounded eyes. Where the huge saber crossed, there were three ravines more than one meter deep, all surrounded by blood and minced flesh.

Is this what people do?

Before, I always heard how powerful the military generals in the realm of releasing the stellar energy are, one person can be worth ten thousand troops, but no matter how terrifying this hearsay is, it is always difficult for people to take it to heart.

seeing is believing.

Before, the two thought that Wei Yan, the leader of the opposing Han army, had paid enough attention to it, but now it seems that this f*ck is not human at all, okay?

The two stared at each other blankly, with only one thought in their minds, is this the enemy we have been facing all this time?
mom a...

Give me back the knife, I want to go home!
It's not impossible to go home, Wei Yan doesn't mind giving the two of them a ride, even Wei Yan, who only has [-]% of his combat strength left after the three swords, is still charging at the front line with his sword, Qinglong Yanyue sword in his hand. Cut a bloody path among the army, and the target went straight to the flag of Cao Junzhong Junshuai.

(End of this chapter)

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