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Chapter 211

Chapter 211
After a long time, Ye Youyue parted her lips from Qin Yuan with a red face, she still leaned her head on Qin Yuan's chest, and asked feebly:
"Husband, can you guide me to practice spiritual power? I'm a little bit powerless now."

Qin Yuan is still in the aftertaste of the wonderful and endless, he subconsciously licked his thick lips, and then replied with a guilty conscience:
"Baby, you may not believe me when I tell you. Actually, I seldom practice by myself. My cultivation technique is only a not-so-powerful high-grade yellow-rank technique, so in fact... I don't know how to guide you to cultivate spiritual power. .”

Qin Yuan's heart is full of Ye Youyue at the moment, so naturally he will not lie to Ye Youyue.

Of course, it's not suitable for him to explain to Ye Youyue at this time because he has the matter of adding a panel.

Qin Yuan really didn't know how to guide Ye Youyue to cultivate spiritual power, otherwise, without waiting for Ye Youyue to speak, Qin Yuan would definitely start directly.

Qin Yuan looked down at Ye Youyue who was full of shyness. He felt a little unfinished. Although the two of them didn't take the last step, Qin Yuan knew that as long as he wanted, Ye Youyue would definitely not refuse him.

"Husband, I believe in you, but I'm curious, if you don't practice, your cultivation level, will it still cultivate by itself?"

Ye Youyue asked, and then she started to laugh, seeing that Qin Yuan couldn't help but "turn from shame to anger", and began to tickle Ye Youyue and said:
"I think you are Chi Guoguo's jealousy, baby, you don't have to be so jealous of me, you hurry up and start practicing, and try to break through to the Lingzhu realm as soon as possible."

Qin Yuan finally said seriously.

After he personally experienced the sense of power transformation from the spirit pulse state to the spirit pillar state, Qin Yuan knew that the practitioners in the spirit pillar state are really much stronger than the practitioners in the spirit vein state .

Practitioners at the Spirit King Realm are even more powerful.

Compared with the enhancement of spiritual power, Qin Yuan actually prefers the strengthening of spiritual power cultivation level.

Because spiritual power is such a kind of power, increasing spiritual power will not bring Qin Yuan the feeling of strengthening from the body, but will only feel that his spirit has become stronger.

But the realm of spiritual power cultivation is completely different from the cultivation of spiritual power, from the cultivation base of the spirit pulse state, to the cultivation base of the spirit pillar state, and then to the cultivation base of the spirit king state.

The leap and improvement of each of these great realms brings great feelings to the practitioners themselves.

For example, a practitioner in the spirit pulse state can easily lift an adult.

Practitioners in the Spirit Pillar Realm can lift rocks equivalent to the weight of dozens of people.

As for the practitioners of the Spirit King Realm, they can lift a towering giant tree.

The sense of power level and the gap among them, although spiritual power practitioners can also do it and improve it in this way, but when the practitioners experience it themselves, they are undoubtedly spiritual power practitioners, and they feel more real.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Yuan is not in a hurry to kiss me with Ye Youyue, but decides to urge Ye Youyue to cultivate herself to the level of Spirit Pillar.

Moreover, Qin Yuan has to consider the worse situations that may happen in the future. For example, when the world-destroying night of the abyss and other worlds descends on Blue Star, if Ye Youyue's own cultivation realm is not strong enough, then Qin Yuan will undoubtedly have no time to take care of Ye Youyue in the future. When Ye Youyue is in danger, the probability of encountering danger will be greatly increased.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Qin Yuan never thought that he was just asking for Ye Youyue's body, or her feelings for him.

After all, Qin Yuan is not such a selfish person, what he thought from the very beginning was to make Ye Youyue become stronger with him.

It's just because Qin Yuan couldn't directly add points to Ye Youyue's cultivation level.

So Qin Yuan could only use other methods to let Ye Youyue improve her own strength.

And Qin Yuan's intention to grow up with Ye Youyue at this moment is only for himself.

In the future, if Ye Youyue's own strength is not enough, and she can't follow Qin Yuan to explore different worlds, then it won't be very wonderful.

Although traveling in another world may encounter many unknown events, which may be fatal dangers, but it may also be a great opportunity. In more cases, as long as you don't die, no accidents will happen.

Qin Yuan is obviously more willing to let Ye Youyue go forward with him than to go out alone alone.

And the premise of all that is that Ye Youyue's own strength is sufficient.

After all, it was much easier for Qin Yuan to improve his own strength than Ye Youyue.

After Ye Youyue listened to Qin Yuan's words, she rested in Qin Yuan's arms for a while, as if to ease her shyness.

After a while, Ye Youyue pursed her mouth and continued acting coquettishly:

"Okay, then let's practice together, otherwise you can become stronger without doing anything, it is too enviable."

"Of course there's no problem. Come on, we'll start practicing right away. It's almost noon now. Let's practice for two hours before going to lunch, and then come back to continue practicing after lunch."

Qin Yuan hugged Ye Youyue slightly, as if he was holding a rare treasure carefully, not daring to use too much strength.

After all, Qin Yuan in his previous life was just an ordinary person, without good looks or a lot of money. He went through several relationships, but all of them ended without a problem.

Therefore, Qin Yuan cherishes Ye Youyue, a girl who is good in every aspect.

Ye Youyue was already very intelligent, and coupled with her practice of Tianyun Liuxi and other skills, she could easily sense Qin Yuan's carefulness towards her, so Ye Youyue felt a little sweet in her heart, she didn't say anything, but stretched out her hands tightly He hugged Qin Yuan's waist tightly, closed his eyes and began to practice exercises:
"Well, listen to my husband, let's go eat when the time is up, I want to eat delicious meat at noon..."

Qin Yuan has been traveling for so many days, and he naturally already knew that practitioners do not need to cross their legs like in the previous martial arts novels to practice.

To practice the exercises, you only need to find a quiet place, quietly follow the cultivation process described in the exercises, and use the spiritual power in your body to practice the exercises.

Whereas the concentration of aura is higher, it can speed up the progress of this kind of cultivation method, so that practitioners can complete a weekly practice as soon as possible.

The more practice cycles completed, the faster the practitioner's strength will naturally improve.

Qin Yuan soon felt that Ye Youyue's breathing became very even and regular. Of course, this was not because Ye Youyue had fallen into a sleep state, but was already in a state of cultivation. Her body was undergoing the cycle of cultivation exercises.

(End of this chapter)

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