Plunder the heavens from the Super Seminary

Chapter 34 Micro Wormhole Transportation Technology

Chapter 34 Micro Wormhole Transportation Technology

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became heavy. Qin Yu and Sun Wukong looked at each other with fighting spirit in their eyes, as if no one would accept the other.

Even if he was facing Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha, Qin Yu still wanted to fight, but he knew very well that he was not Wukong's opponent at all.

Shaking his head, Qin Yu raised the God-killing battle ax slightly, and said seriously: "It's your problem if you don't understand, and I don't want to explain too much to you, but we have common enemies, and they are aliens from other galaxies. Starmen, you should know how big a threat they are to Earth!."

"Aliens? It's all the same to me. Anyone with evil thoughts in their hearts is a demon and should be eliminated! But, just rely on you, how do you fight?" Monkey King walked to Qin Yu's side, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said: "To be honest, my old grandson doesn't know how to fight."

"Hit hard!"

Qiangwei clenched her fists tightly and said with determination on her face.

"Hmph, it looks like you don't know how to fight." Sun Wukong shook his head and looked up at Qin Yu: "Boy, what do you think, how should we win this battle!"

"Give it your all, give it your all, and I'm sure we'll win."

"Oh? You are very confident!"

"Of course." With a chuckle on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth, he looked up at the rising red sun and said, "Our Xiongbing Company has unlimited potential. If we have enough time, the aliens will naturally be just a joke, and, in the future, I will I saw China's victory."

"Really, Qin Yu, you didn't lie to us, did you?"

Liu Chuang looked at Qin Yu with a hint of joy on his face.

When Qiangwei heard the words, she was also slightly relieved.

"The future is full of possibilities, how can you see the illusory victory."

Sun Wukong didn't believe it, even he felt that it was very difficult for Huaxia to survive this catastrophe, let alone victory, it would be great if he could protect himself.

"I believe in Qin Yu!" "So do I!" "We all believe in him!"

Suddenly, several voices came from behind, and then Zhao Xin, Ge Xiaolun and others stepped forward from the forest. They all looked at Qin Yu with bright smiles on their lips.


Looking at the Xiongbing Company and others who seemed to be condensed into a group, Sun Wukong couldn't help but feel a little confused, then he turned his gaze to Qin Yu's direction, and murmured: "Obviously you are the weakest existence in this team, but why would they Trust you so much? Could it be that my old grandson has misjudged you!"

"No, you read right, I am indeed the weakest in the Xiongbing Company." Qin Yu raised his lips slightly, and then continued: "But I firmly believe that we will win this battle, and it will be very beautiful! "

Hearing this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but frowned: "Although I don't know why you firmly believe in invincibility, but my old grandson will protect the world for master, it will be a catastrophe."

Sun Wukong put the golden cudgel on the ground, then raised his head to look at Dongyang in the sky, and said in a low voice, "I don't have clothes, I'm in the same robe as my son!"

Flying back to the large helicopter on the Juxia, Zhao Xin and Ge Xiaolun kept looking at Monkey King and whispering at the same time.

"Brother Monkey is so cool, he is my idol."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see the real fight against the Buddha. This world is becoming more and more strange."

"Hey Liu Chuang, why did Brother Monkey seek you just now? We've been away for so long,"

Hearing this, Liu Chuang's face suddenly became a little unnatural, he shook his head hastily and said, "No, it's nothing, Brother Monkey just thinks I'm so handsome, and wants to make friends with my big D."


Liu Chuang's words immediately aroused boos.

The helicopter flew all the way, and it didn't take long to return to the Great Gorge. As soon as it got out of the cabin, I saw Lena standing in front of her with a proud face.

She looked at Sun Wukong in the crowd, and then said sharply: "There is not much time left for you, compassion has already come to this world, and justice will come, I can't stop it, but I hope you can understand the current situation of the earth .”

"Qiangwei, you know the most about wormholes, go teach these illiterates who don't understand anything."

After waving her hands, Reina walked towards the dormitory with a worried face.

And Qin Yu and his party also came to the conference room set up in the Juxia one after another, and Qiangwei taught them to learn the technology of miniature wormhole transportation.

"Because among you, there are liberal arts students, police school students, gangsters, farmers...all of them, in your black armor, a powerful dark computer computing cloud is designed, which can help you calculate many things, but the algorithm still depends on yourself. "

"The technology of miniature wormhole transportation is like this. In the space we live in, there are many miniature space wormholes that are invisible to the naked eye scattered, so we have to open the dark eye, which can recognize the color of light other than normal, so we can The wormhole clouds that can clearly capture the space, and then drive the dark energy to distort the space and bring the wormholes together to achieve the purpose of passage.”

"But it's not just passing if you want to pass, you have to solve the moving object"

Qiangwei popularized the method of transporting wormholes for everyone, but most of the people present were dumbfounded. Everyone was not a master of science, and it was difficult to understand this extremely scientific explanation.

At this time, Qin Yu raised his hand and said, "I don't have the Kamigawa gene, and I can't drive dark energy. How can I transport the wormhole?"

"You don't have to learn this for now, you can't force it." Qiangwei shook her head at the people in front of her who didn't listen very much, and then said to the only serious Qin Yu: "Dark energy exists in the dark matter space. If you notice , you can use other energies to mobilize, I don’t know the specifics, what I said just now is just my personal conjecture.”

"Dark matter space? What is that?"

Qin Yu slowly closed his eyes and held his breath, carefully sensing the so-called dark matter space.

But soon, he opened his eyes, and then frowned.

"Without super genes, it is difficult to perceive the hidden dark matter space."

Qiangwei came over at some point, and immediately took Qin Yu's hand, and then a tennis ball fell out of the wormhole and landed in his palm.

"Have you sensed it? Miniature wormholes, and dark energy!"


Qin Yu's eyes moved slightly, and at the moment Qiangwei carried the wormhole, he clearly felt the energy in his eyes filled with his palm.

"Okay, let me try a few more times for you to see."

Looking at Qin Yu's bright eyes, Qiangwei also became interested, and then carried the green tennis ball through the wormhole, back and forth between her room and Qin Yu's palm.

"Sharingan, Qi!"

In order to observe better, Qin Yu used the Sangouyu Sharingan. Suddenly, the appearance and disappearance of the tennis ball gradually slowed down, and the wormholes and dark energy around it were completely exposed in front of his eyes.

After careful observation dozens of times, Qin Yu suddenly opened his other hand, and the flickering tennis ball appeared directly on his hand.

"I learned it? How is it possible?"

Seeing the tennis ball disappear and appear behind Qin Yu's other hand, Qiangwei exclaimed in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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