Chapter 321
Moxue Pavilion.

Mo Xingchu had just finished giving Xia Qingmiao the needles. In order to reduce the pain of the needles, he had to use his internal strength to strengthen each needle, and sweat broke out on his smooth forehead.

"Are you ok?"

Luo Ran brought him a cup of ginseng tea with concern in his eyes.

He was thinking that he was not in good health, so Qingmiao came to Moxue Pavilion every time for treatment, but he didn't think that Xingchu would hurt himself and reduce Qingmiao's pain.

"It's okay, just rest for a while."

Mo Xingchu sat on the soft couch covered with soft white fur, his voice was soft.

"Brother Chu, don't work so hard next time, I'm not afraid of pain."

Xia Qingmiao put on her clothes, ran to sit beside him, stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and felt the coldness in it as expected.

Brother Luo Ran said that it was because Brother Chu practiced different internal skills, so every time he used his internal energy, his whole body would feel cold.

He frowned, and put his hands together to keep him warm.

After getting along for such a period of time, Mo Xingchu no longer resisted his closeness, and instead felt warm in his heart.

"Xingchu." Luo Ran asked Lvtong to put some clothes on the table, "I made you some jackets and a cloak, all made according to the measurements I gave you a few days ago. Wait a while and see if it fits."

"Winter in Hokuriku lasts until March every year. It's not yet the end of the first month. You are weak, so you should wear more clothes."

Mo Xingchu looked at those exquisitely crafted clothes, then looked at Luo Ran who was smiling, and suddenly laughed:

"No one made my clothes."

Not even his father.

"Luoran, you are the first."

It was also the first one that made him feel that he was truly cared for.

"Thank you."

Looking at his smile, Luo Ran suddenly feels sorry for him who is as elegant as a lotus.

"Since that's the case, I will make more clothes for you from that day on, and change them every day."

Mo Xingchu rarely smiled, but now he couldn't stop smiling, but it was still shallow.

"Seeing you taking care of Qingmiao so much in Xiangfu, I knew you must be a very gentle person."

"Now when I get in touch again, I realize that compared with gentleness, your most valuable thing is kindness."

Gentleness can be faked, but kindness cannot.

In Luo Ran's eyes, there is a broad and boundless tolerance, and there is also a kindness that cannot be stained black.

The truest and the best.

Luo Ran was suddenly praised, and was a little happy:
"I'm not kind to everyone."

At least he is very cruel to those who hurt Jingmo.

"I made clothes for you and were gentle with you, because the first time I saw you, I felt that you were very suitable for me."

"It's not because of your face that no man in the world can match, but because of the simple feeling of liking being with you."

If getting along with him can make people feel like spring breeze, then staying with Mo Xingchu will be a tranquility washed away from lead dust.

A piece of time is quiet.

Mo Xing's clear and beautiful eyes looked into Luo Ran's warm eyes, the two looked at each other for a while, and laughed at the same time.

Many years later, the two who have become each other's close friends can still calmly brew a pot of tea in the deep palace wall, watch the daily sunset, and wait for their common wife.

A chaotic voice sounded outside the door:
"Mr. Mo, the master is waiting for you in the Qingxin Pavilion, please hurry over."

Luo Ran stood up, looking anxiously:
"Don't let Jingmo get hurt again."

Qingxin Pavilion is in the very center of the main courtyard, where Jing Mo lives.

"Xingchu, get ready, let's hurry over."

(End of this chapter)

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