Buddha Immortal

Chapter 269

Chapter 269

After accidentally learning that the host of Huabao City might have successfully combined supernatural powers and Zen skills, Guo Lingchan had no choice but to give up temporarily the idea of ​​immediately taking over the Taoist temple of Huabao City.

At that time, he got the notebook left by Huiru monk, which clearly stated that if the supernatural power is really combined with Zen, the power will be increased by a hundred times.Although he is conceited, he is not arrogant, nor is he blind. Now that he is going to seize Huabao City, if he does not do well, he will capsize in the gutter.

After he realized the small supernatural power of the prophet, his perception ability was many times stronger than before, and he could vaguely predict dangers.

But this time, whenever he thinks of taking down Huabao City, his eyebrows will twitch, and his soul will feel uneasy.This is a sign of danger.

Some spiritual animals can often foresee some unknown dangers.For example, during the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei's Lu Baoma was later rewarded to Pang Tong.When Pang Tong rode to Luofengpo, the BMW refused to go. It raised its neck and neighed uncomfortably, scratched the ground with its heels, and circled in circles.

It's a pity that although Pang Tong had astonishing ingenuity, he didn't know the spirituality of BMW, so he died in vain.

This is just a historical story, and it is difficult to tell whether it really happened back then.Guo Lingchan, who has realized the small supernatural power of the prophet, has the ability to foresee danger in advance.

The supernatural powers he has enlightened, even compared with Liu Chanzi, Hui Ao and other soul boys of the sixth and seventh lives, are much more.Since the host of Huabao City is only a soul boy of the third generation, no matter how powerful he is, his enlightened supernatural powers should not be much more than Guo Lingchan.

After thinking about it, Guo Lingchan felt that if he wanted to win Huabao City, he had to strengthen himself first, and the quickest way was to study the precious handwriting left by Huiru all his life, and strive to comprehend the key to the combination of supernatural powers and Zen skills.

In the abbot's meditation room, Guo Lingchan frowned, holding a thick ancient notebook in his hand. The cover was made of animal skin, which had been polished extremely smooth, revealing the meridian lines in the animal skin.

It has been a few years since I obtained this volume of notes, and Guo Lingchan had only carefully studied the contents of the first 20 or so pages before.There are more than 80 pages in the back, all of which are Huiru's bold assumptions about the combination of various Zen techniques and supernatural powers, and even have some detailed methods.

For example, the most commonly used dragon subduing technique, combined with the small magic power of auditory hallucinations, can produce various sounds, or deter and intimidate, or evoke the sad past in the enemy's heart, etc., making it difficult for the enemy to extricate themselves, and thus be defeated by the subduing dragon technique. Kill in one fell swoop.

According to Huiru's conjecture, he believes that every supernatural power can be combined with various Zen techniques, but some small supernatural powers may not change much after being combined with Zen techniques, and the power will not be too much Spoke.If Tian Ting's small supernatural power and Dragon Subduing Art are used together, the power will not increase much.

However, if Tianting's little supernatural power is combined with the Vajra Shield Zen technique, the Vajra Shield will not only have physical defense capabilities, but also defend against sound attacks.

Carefully studying page by page, after eight days of study, Guo Lingchan finally had a comprehensive understanding of the application of supernatural powers in this new field.

He found that he had already realized a lot of supernatural powers. If he could succeed in enlightenment recently, it should not be a problem to win Huabao City.

Guo Lingchan painstakingly researched and experimented here, so he didn't mention it.

After Qin Susu became the financial director of Foshan, she also worked hard every day. She has a very high professional level in finance, and managed the accounts of Nuoda's Foshan in an orderly manner without any chaos.If there is any financial problem in any link or dojo, she can find it in time.

Money is something that everyone loves.

Due to the high loyalty of the members cultivated by Foshan, there is very little corruption and fraud.However, when Guo Lingchan conquered new ashrams, the people he recruited were extremely diverse, and many of them were not members of Foshan at all. In addition, there was no special person to manage them.

Among these people, Huishu is the most typical one.

When Qin Susu checked the accounts, she found that there was a serious account problem in the Taoist Temple of Huayun City, the income and expenditure were out of balance, and several large sums of money were unclear and whereabouts were unknown.

With a responsible and serious attitude, she specially called Huishu to ask where the money went.

Huishu had also heard about the new financial supervisor, but he didn't take it seriously. He heard that she was not only a girl without a handle, but also a student of the Zen Academy who had not graduated.He is a dignified monk, and he is the abbot of the dojo in Huayun City. How can he take a mere female novice in his eyes?
He was extremely impatient with his words, and even insulted Qin Susu a few words in turn.Huishu has been in the society for a long time, he is an old idiot, poor Qin Susu is pure in heart, has not yet left school, a complete white swan, who is Huishu's opponent, he is choked speechless by Huishu after a few words. The teardrops were spinning.

Still unable to refute the other party, she was so angry that she almost shed tears, and the Huishu on the other end of the phone was even more proud and arrogant.

"Little girl, it's not that the old man said you can make you the treasurer of Foshan. It's because the Lord Buddha appreciates you, but don't use chicken feathers as an arrow to pretend to be a tiger. If you want to make some contributions and win the favor of the Lord Buddha, old man It's understandable, but if you want to take a knife against us seniors who are bleeding and sweating on the front line for no reason, you have to weigh it!" After Hui Shu finished speaking, he snorted coldly and hung up the phone.

Qin Susu had never dealt with this kind of person, and she was not good at dealing with this kind of old scoundrel. She was so angry that she burst into tears and felt wronged.

At this time, an accountant from the financial office happened to come to send the financial statements for Qin Susu to review and sign. The girl was careful, and although Qin Susu tried her best to cover it up, she still saw the clues.

Qin Susu is usually friendly and kind to others, and she has no airs. She is also very concerned about the employees in the financial office, and has given a lot of help and care within her ability.

Seeing that the supervisor was wronged, when the employee asked, Qin Susu told about the humiliating curse of the Huishu.

That's okay, the female employee immediately became aggrieved and wanted to seek justice for the supervisor.She is not as pure and deceitful as Qin Susu, she rolled her eyes a few times, and then she had a plan.

"Director, since there is a problem with the accounts of Huayun City Taoist Temple, and the amount is not small, this matter must be reported to the Buddha, otherwise the Buddha will find out in the future, and we will suffer accordingly!" Guo Lingchan's great wisdom has already gone deep into these real people in Foshan members' hearts.

After joining Foshan for so long, all the old members of Foshan have felt that Lord Buddha handles things fairly and justly, without favoritism, and is extremely protective of his weaknesses. The Lord is definitely the first to intervene for them.

This kind of quack spirit is disdained by many people, but it is also this kind of quack spirit that has a strong cohesive force.It makes people follow desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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