Buddha Immortal

Chapter 678

Chapter 678
"It's time to leave this fairy painting space!"

Guo Lingchan started practicing without knowing the year and month. Now that he wakes up from the practice, he immediately knows that he has practiced for more than three years, and the outside world may have undergone tremendous changes.

"The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool. The grass and trees shake and dew turns into frost. The swallows bid farewell to the Yan Nanxiang, thinking about the king and the guests."

Suddenly, Guo Lingchan heard bursts of ecstasy and soul-stirring poetry chanting from inside the ice coffin.

The voice is as tactful as a squid, crisp and sweet, like complaints and complaints, which makes people feel pity secretly.

What kind of infatuated woman is this?
Guo Lingchan suddenly remembered the ice coffin in front of him, jumped up and hurriedly shot into the distance.The voice just now came from the ice coffin. Could it be that the female corpse who turned all living beings upside down and was more beautiful than a fairy was resurrected?
He suddenly discovered that countless cracks had appeared on the ice coffin.

Almost without thinking, Guo Lingchan hurriedly fled upwards.

After escaping, he immediately noticed that the liquid condensed by the power of the moonlight in the pool had been consumed by himself to the point where it easily flew out of the liquid.

Almost at the moment when he flew out, there was a loud bang from the bottom of the pool, and the remaining liquid in the pool was directly evaporated.

The ice coffin underneath had already been torn apart, and the body of the incomparably beautiful fairy was gone.Guo Lingchan didn't care about where she went, and instinctively felt that it would be safest to leave this fairy painting space first.

But when he turned his head, he almost collided with a fair and pretty face, and he smelled a fragrance that he had never smelled before.


Even if Guo Lingchan was so bold, he was terribly frightened at this moment, he flashed like a ghost, and fled away again.

"Who are you? How dare you destroy the mausoleum of this Immortal Fairy, let alone desecrate it for three years, how can you be forgiven lightly?" Her mouth did not open, but her eyes were open. The rabbit's eyes are still red.

On her forehead, there is a strange golden rune, exuding bursts of majesty.

"Kid Guo Lingchan, you entered this space unintentionally, you have absolutely no intention of offending me! I still look at the fairy Haihan!" Guo Lingchan was horrified to find that her speed was much faster than her own.

No matter in which direction she fled, she could block herself in the next moment.

Every time, it was as if he had bumped into her.

This is the first time he has encountered such a wicked thing since his debut.

Unless he had to, he was unwilling to fight with the woman who claimed to be Immortal Fairy in front of him.If the other party is pressing hard, you have to argue with yourself, and if you can't say it, you have to use your magical powers to fight her.

"If you hadn't sucked away all the immortal energy in the ice coffin of this Immortal Fairy, this Immortal Fairy would have been able to continue waiting for the chance of resurrection. It was you who forced this Immortal Fairy to lose her chance of resurrection and become this corpse, If I don’t kill you, it’s hard to dispel the hatred of this Immortal Fairy!”

This fairy is extremely beautiful, but the words she speaks are more vicious than snakes and scorpions.

"The law of heaven is orderly. Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature. As a fairy princess, you are so ignorant. How can a person be resurrected after death? If this is the case, wouldn't the law of heaven be disturbed because of you?" Guo Lingchan spoke earnestly Convincing the other party.

Want to resolve the endless resentment of the other party.

"You mortal, how dare you insult me? Ask for a beating!"

While typing, I didn't see how she moved. A shadow of a hand swung towards Guo Lingchan's face with a slap.

This slap was so heavy that Guo Lingchan rolled on the spot and flew out, five slender finger prints appeared on his face, and silver-gold blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, only to feel a burning pain.

After cultivating the Little Thousand Profound Body and absorbing the immortal energy contained in the ice coffin, Guo Lingchan's body has almost reached the body of a half-immortal, so the blood began to change from silver to golden.

However, his cultivation base has not yet reached the Dacheng state of three flowers gathered on the top, so he still has silver color, and the immortal blood is not pure.

"Smelly woman, you are just a high-level evil corpse. I tried to persuade you, but you slapped me. Today, I will subdue you!" Guo Lingchan was really angry when she slapped her. The golden flowers all began to fluctuate.

Shaking his body, the little Qianxuan body immediately appeared, and a full 99 hands appeared.

In the past, he had three heads and six arms, with two sarcoma-like heads on his shoulders, but now those two sarcoma-like heads had disappeared, and 99 hands appeared on his flanks in a perfect posture.In this way, it is in line with the majesty of the Buddha's treasure.

After all, a body with three heads and six arms is mostly owned by evil spirits.

"Hands and eyes reach the sky, control the sky and control the earth!"

Guo Lingchan let out a deep drink, brushed the eyes in the palm of his hand, and opened them all.

A wonderful feeling that had never been experienced before was transmitted to the soul in an instant.He was pleasantly surprised to find that the world within ten miles around him was under his control, just like controlling his own body.

But concretely, there are some differences.


Guo Lingchan pointed at her and said two words coldly, and the surroundings of Xian Ji's body immediately became frozen.

However, she was powerful, far beyond imagination, with white cold light flashing all over her body, and she broke free in an instant.From her red eyes, one can also see the color of surprise.

"You are a Buddhist method. You are too familiar with it. You must be right. This is a Buddhist method!"

There was unconcealable excitement in Xian Ji's words, her face was stiff, without any expression, only a little emotional fluctuation could be seen from her eyes.

It's just that Guo Lingchan ignored her, but continued to wave his palms, forming various seal formulas, and recited coldly, "Take the sky as the key link, the earth as the constant, my body as the hub, and my will as the link, suppress!"

In an instant, this area of ​​heaven and earth was ordered by Guo Lingchan's will, like a mountain, to suppress Xian Ji.


This time, she failed to break free, but resisted desperately, appearing to be extremely strenuous.


Guo Lingchan is going to transform her alive.

He was not greedy for the beauty of this fairy, but wanted to let her escape from the evil way after she was transformed, and help him deal with the evil Qin Emperor.

As his cultivation base became more advanced and he broke through to the state where three flowers gather at the top, he could perceive more and more things.Between Qin Huang and him, there will always be a life-and-death battle to end the cause and effect of both parties.

Now, perhaps it has just been out of trouble not long ago and is recovering its strength.

Or it was waiting for a favorable opportunity, so it hid in Qin Ling and didn't come out to deal with Guo Lingchan immediately.

All dharmas in the world are interlinked, and different paths lead to the same goal. If you reach the level of Emperor Qin, you must be able to get a glimpse of the secret.

Guo Lingchan, who is more familiar with the history of the former Qin Dynasty, knows that there was a high-ranking person who asked Qin Shihuang for the elixir of life. Although history said that everything was false, Guo Lingchan didn't think so.

It is absolutely impossible for Qin Shihuang to be a mediocre person who was able to destroy the six kingdoms and rule the world. On the contrary, his intelligence should be unmatched at that time.Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve this great cause.

And his generals, Prime Minister Li Si and others have all appeared, and the tall hermit named Xu Fu is also there in all likelihood.

It is even possible that Qin Shihuang and others were resurrected in the form of evil corpses, all done by Xu Fu.If this is the case, the ultimate person Guo Lingchan will face is probably not Qin Huang, but Xu Fu.

Whether it's playing games or the real world, the most powerful boss will not show up until the end.

A mana light appeared, began to rotate slowly, and shot out golden light.

If it was in the past, Guo Lingchan would never have thought about such an existence as Immortal Fairy Duhua.After all, crossing the golden light is just a Zen technique, not even the real method.But now that his wisdom has greatly increased, he just naturally feels that the golden light of crossing can transform the immortal fairy in front of him at this moment.

The crossing didn't go as smoothly as imagined, and the bloody light shot out from Xian Ji's eyes, which was able to offset the golden light of Guo Lingchan's crossing.

But seeing her like this, Guo Lingchan was overjoyed, which meant that she was very afraid of crossing the golden light, so she resisted.

"Xian Ji, if you know the number of days, give up resisting and let the master be transformed, maybe you can finally achieve a positive result! If you are dedicated to being a devil and have deep obsessions, then don't blame the master for not being merciful." Yu, use other means to deal with you!"

Guo Lingchan's voice was full of majesty, trying to weaken Xian Ji's will to resist.

"You... arrogant!"

Xian Ji's voice seemed extremely difficult, although she is powerful, it's a pity that Guo Lingchan has newly cultivated the Little Thousand Profound Body, which is even more powerful than her.

(End of this chapter)

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