Buddha Immortal

Chapter 732 Seven Killing Guards

Chapter 732 Seven Killing Guards

The four most powerful characters were all taken care of by Guo Lingchan alone.

"Cang Mu, you lead a hundred battle hall members, a team of Chunyang Xianwei, and an SS-class battleship to recover Shenhou City and Jingding Daoist, and you lead people to recover Hokage Island..."

Guo Lingchan sent four teams out, one for each of the four SS-class warships. I believe it will not be difficult to recover those cities.

This battle was a great victory. Under the leadership of Guo Lingchan, Foshan completely defeated the enemy.

"Mei Ji, come with me to the secret room, and tell me in detail about the situation of the enemies in the space domain!" Guo Lingchan's eyes closed, and he had secretly subdued Mr. Xingyue many years ago. This was a dark move.

Mr. Xingyue's strength is not very good, but his status is extremely special. His father, Lord Taibai, has successfully seized the throne and killed Lord Jinxing.Over the years, Guo Lingchan took advantage of the special status of Mr. Xingyue to plant nearly a hundred eyeliners into Venus.

Those people are all intelligence elites trained by Meiji, who have continuously collected all the information on Jin Xing for Foshan.

This time the Lord Jupiter launched an aggressive war against Mars, and Meiji was able to get the news in advance, thanks to those intelligence spies.The Taibai city lord dared to collude with the Juxing lord to seek Guo Lingchan's Mars. This was a naked provocation to Guo Lingchan.

If Guo Lingchan's strength is weak, then he can only bear with it for the time being.If Foshan's strength is stronger than that of Taibai City Lord, the opponent will naturally have to pay the price.

Let them know what it means to get into trouble!
In the secret room, Mei Ji stood on one side cautiously, silently sizing up this great man.Under the leadership of this man, Foshan killed the Quartet and made it to the name it is today, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.

"Tell me about the situation on Venus and the purpose of Jupiter's sudden invasion of Mars this time!" Guo Lingchan looked at Mei Ji, who was exuding a cold aura, with a figure like a devil and a pretty face like an angel. If he could smile, he wouldn't be so cold , is even more moving.

"Venus is the current star master, and Xingyue's extraordinary strength has reached the level of three flowers gathering at the top, evolving into a Buddha kingdom! There is an extremely terrifying team under him, called the Seven Killing Guards, which is much more powerful than the Xingyue Warriors. It is said The number of Seven Killing Guards is only about 100, but all of them are at the level of Living Buddha. In the battle with the previous Star Lord Murong Xiaoyue, they once showed their talents. The Silver Wolf Guard of the Murong family was not their team player at all. , the Seven Killing Guards only had wounded, and none of them died."

When Guo Lingchan ventured to Venus in his early years, he had heard of the prestige of the Murong family's Silver Wolf Guards, and heard that there were quite a few of them, nearly a thousand of them.Unexpectedly, they could not defeat nearly a hundred people, and none of them died.

Such a strong combat power is terrifying to think about.

"Why are the Seven Killing Guards so powerful?" Guo Lingchan found it inconceivable, even if it was a Living Buddha, it would be impossible for one to fight ten without casualties.

Mei Ji still had that cold and ruthless look, and said in a clear voice, "The Seven Killers are always mysterious, and they don't show up at all. Our intelligence personnel have limited information. It is said that everyone in the Seven Killers is equipped with a Compared with the super equipment of the galaxy master suit, and when they fight, they don't fight individually, but in a group of seven, or 14... 49 people in a group, forming a seven-kill battle formation."

Guo Lingchan naturally understands the importance of formations. Foshan is still immature in this regard.

Jingxu knows many Buddhist formations, but unfortunately all of them are benevolent formations with more than enough defense and not enough attack.The flexibility is far from being comparable to the Seven Kills Battle Formation.

It seems that if you want to use a knife on Venus, you can't be impatient.

"Don't stand up and talk, sit down and talk slowly! Besides Qishawei, are there any powerful people or weapons?" Guo Lingchan pointed to the comfortable sofa, signaling Meiji to sit and talk.

Otherwise, Guo Lingchan would feel a little uncomfortable if he always had to look up at her pointed chin and slender fair neck.

"Sit down, I won't eat you again! Don't be so nervous!" Guo Lingchan scolded with staring eyes.

Mei Ji bit her lip, and finally sat down.Her dress has always been very attractive, with short skirts, short shirts, and boots, dressed like a female military spy chief.

"There are relatively few powerful weapons on Venus. I heard that Xingyue Bufan's ride is an SS-class battleship. In addition, there is a very powerful hacking device that can invade all enemy warships and spaceships within the range. It is like a galaxy. It's like gold devourers can easily invade our battleships and other technological devices." Mei Ji thought about it and said seriously.

That warship is nothing to be ashamed of, as soon as Guo Lingchan's super alien warship comes out, he will immediately turn it into a grandson.

But that hacker system is worth being vigilant about. When the time comes to fight, the other party controls their own warships and shoots at them, killing each other, then it will be over.

"Have you found out the real purpose of Jupiter's sudden attack on Mars this time?" Guo Lingchan really didn't understand why Jupiter went to great lengths to suddenly invade Mars.

Mei Ji shook her head, Jupiter is too far away, there are mixed fish and dragons on it, and big bosses from all sides are entrenched, it is very difficult to place spies in.

Ordinary small characters can easily die on Jupiter, and those who are above the level of a holy monk will be monitored and investigated after entering.If you want to survive on it, you must either join a certain big force, or take risks outside the city.

Without the help of a high-ranking insider, joining a big force, the information you can get is very limited, and you will be assimilated because of your interests.

"Lord Buddha, although I don't know the real purpose of Master Juxing, I have heard another news!" Mei Ji's eyes flickered, and her expression fluctuated a bit.It seems that this news is very shocking news.

"what news?"

"I heard that it is related to Ascension to the Buddha Realm. It is a guiding star. In about 60 years, it will appear near Jupiter!" Meiji's voice trembled a little. She is still only in the realm of Dharma King. For Ascension, It's not that urgent.

She doesn't have a deep understanding of the guiding star.That is a strange star that takes 360 years to appear once, and it is not easy to appear once.

Guo Lingchan took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes. If the source of information is reliable, 60 years is enough for him to stand at the peak of human beings.

Meiji was surprised to find that the Lord Buddha seemed to have known about the guiding star a long time ago.She sat there, a little embarrassed, every time she was alone with Guo Lingchan, she would be a little nervous.

Maybe it has something to do with Guo Lingchan frightening her when he took her in, which left a psychological shadow on her.

"Where did you hear this news?"

"The news is not reliable, because the person who sent the news back was an excellent intelligence officer we sent to Jupiter seven years ago, but after she went to Jupiter, she never contacted us, nor did she send back any information. Until Jupiter Before the invasion, she suddenly sent back this news. We tried to contact her later, but she has completely disappeared."

Meiji's meaning was very obvious, she suspected that the intelligence officer had betrayed Foshan long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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