Pirate General Akainu

Chapter 229 Akaken's Plan

Chapter 229 Akaken's Plan

"Of course someone dares to ask for it." Akaken said confidently.

He didn't say it directly, but let Hayward think for himself. After thinking for a while, Hayward's eyes lit up and asked: "My lord, are you talking about the revolutionary army, who dare to confront the world government?" , and have the strength, I am afraid that there is only the revolutionary army.”

Akaken nodded, and said: "You responded well, I'm talking about the revolutionary army."

Hayward asked puzzledly: "But the Revolutionary Army is also our enemy. Giving the heavenly gold to the other party is equivalent to being an enemy. Is this really good?"

Akaken said: "The revolutionary army is indeed our enemy, but the actions of the world government are unreasonable. The whole world has been messed up by them. This batch of heavenly gold was sent to Marie Gioia, and it was only for those Tianlong people to enjoy. , but this batch of heavenly gold can save so many lives, which one do you think is more cost-effective?"

Hayward was silent, of course he knew this very well. He had been Akainu's confidant for so long, so he naturally knew what his lord thought. Akainu did not regard himself as a member of the world government at all, otherwise he would not It will make him do the thing of robbing the gold in the sky.

However, although this was a bit rebellious, Hayward did not question Akainu's decision. He is only loyal to Akainu now. As for the world government, Tianlong people and the navy, it has nothing to do with him. What Akainu asked him to do , what he does.

Akaken said: "Next is the time to test you. I want you to send this batch of heavenly gold to the revolutionary army without letting them see any clues. Do you have a way?"

Hayward thought for a while, and then said: "The pirates will definitely not listen to me, so if you want this batch of heavenly gold, you can only get rid of those pirates first. Now the revolutionary army doesn't know the whereabouts of the heavenly gold, so someone needs to find it." Tell them the whereabouts of the gold in the sky, as long as they know the whereabouts of the gold in the sky, those pirates can't stop them."

Akainu nodded and said: "You are right, so this is the time for you to perform."

Hayward asked: "My lord, what do you want me to do?"

Akaken said: "I told you to find the dragon, you just do it..."

He told Hayward about his plan, but he added another sentence at the end, saying: "It's just that Monkey D. Long is not so easy to deal with. If you contact him, I am very worried about your safety. "

He has been in contact with the dragon for so long, so he naturally knows what kind of person the dragon is. Although his thoughts are so noble, in fact, the dragon is definitely a ruthless person. He will eradicate anyone who blocks his way without hesitation. Just like he had to deal with Akainu before.

Hayward's expression changed a few times, and he said, "I'm sending information to him, so he won't touch me, right?"

"not sure."

Akaken shook his head and said: "Ordinary people may not do this, but the dragon is different. He is a very ambitious man. There is no right or wrong in this kind of person, there is only profit, so you have to guard against it; so you must not get close to it easily. He, you have to keep a certain distance, and use the door fruit to leave at the critical moment, if you hadn't eaten the door fruit now, I really wouldn't dare let you find him."

Dragon is very powerful, even if ten Haywards are no match, but Hayward now has the fruit of the door, even if the dragon wants to do it, Hayward has certain means of life-saving, so he will let Hayward Ward took the risk.

But whether to do it or not, Akainu did not force the order, but waited for Hayward to make his own decision.

Hayward thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "If you do it, you have to fight in your life. The opponent is the leader of the Revolutionary Army. I also want to see how strong such a person is."

Seeing Hayward make a decision, Akainu is quite satisfied, which shows that Hayward's mentality has changed, and he already has a strong courage, which is a major factor in becoming a strong man.

If he chooses to escape, Akainu will not do anything to him, he will only be disappointed, and he will not be entrusted with more important tasks in the future, because such a person does not have the courage to do great things.

"Then you must be careful."

Long was really in a bad mood at this time. He was determined to win the gold in the sky, but there was such a mistake in the process. CP0 participated in the operation, and he didn't get any information. Such a major mistake almost caused the revolutionary army Fortunately, Akainu didn't stop it in the end, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Long, don't be so melancholy, normal people will make mistakes, this time it's just that our information is not in place, you don't need to be like this."

A very coquettishly dressed man, who is as coquettish as a woman despite being a man, persuaded Long with a smile.

Long said in a deep voice: "Ivankov, you don't understand. A small mistake this time led to the annihilation of our entire army. We must learn from such an important mistake."

"This time the responsibility lies with me, because my intelligence work was not done well."

A man wearing a bear-shaped helmet and a cigarette dangling from his mouth suddenly said that he is the intelligence control officer of the Revolutionary Army base, and basically all the intelligence of the Revolutionary Army comes from him. I just received the information, but by then it was too late.

Long said: "It's not anyone's responsibility, the main responsibility lies with me, but fortunately everyone escaped safely, only a small number of companions died in battle, but we must be more cautious in the future."

"However, our operations in the two countries of Arlia and Costa Rica have already started, and it is too late to stop. If there is not enough financial support, it is very likely that the revolution will fail." Someone said.

Long Shen said: "Just use the funds and weapons of our base. These two countries have done inhumane things in order to become a member of the world government. This opportunity is once in a lifetime, and we cannot give up."

It is now more than ten years ago that the story of the Pirates happened, but the Revolutionary Army has already completed its initial creation, and the tasks of each cadre are assigned to each other. It can be regarded as a relatively mature organization.

The former intelligence officer said: "But the only thing that is more fortunate is that after we left, the batch of heavenly gold from the World Government seemed to be taken away by a pirate force."

"Hehe, there are such courageous pirates in the first half of the great route? They dare to plunder the gold in the sky. I really want to know who is so courageous?"

At this time, there are still a few days before the sky gold is robbed. The revolutionary army who has been paying attention naturally got the news, so they are a little gloating. In their eyes, the sky gold falling into the hands of pirates is better than falling into the hands of dragon good here.

(End of this chapter)

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