Chapter 274
"Marshal of the Warring States Period really transferred you, General Sakasky, to Beihai to guard for five years?"

When Akainu told this order to the generals under his command, such as Jonathan, Doro and others, they were all very angry. The move of the Warring States Period was to suppress Akainu. As Akainu's loyal subordinates, of course they is very dissatisfied.

Compared with their anger, Akainu was much calmer, and said indifferently: "Don't worry too much, I just happen to be going to Beihai, and it's only five years or so, and it will pass soon."

Although he said that, he was actually very upset. After all, he wanted to go to Beihai to do business, which was his business, but now he was forced to stay in Beihai for five years by the Warring States Period, which was different from what he voluntarily wanted.

"This time, Jonathan will go with me, and you all stay at the headquarters."

Beihai is no better than the first half of the great route. There is no need for so many generals to go with him. He can suppress Beihai by himself. Taking them is just a waste of troops. It is better to let them stay in the navy headquarters.

Everyone also knew Akainu's temper, so they didn't say anything.

Akainu was also very decisive, and left the Navy headquarters directly on the warship on the third day.

"Hey, Warring States, it's a bit dishonest for you to do this. Sakaski is also an admiral after all. You send him to the North Sea. Do you know what everyone is talking about these two days?" Karp said.

Regarding the transfer of Akainu to the North Sea in the Warring States Period, there was indeed a hurricane in the Navy Headquarters. The high-level generals of the Hawk Faction almost made a fuss about it, and in the end it was Akainu himself who came forward to settle it.

In addition to these people, it also caused a great shock in the camp of ordinary soldiers, because Akainu has a high prestige in the minds of ordinary soldiers. After all, those who have been able to attack pirates head-on and achieved excellent results in recent years , that is, the red dog, but such a person is still assigned, which is difficult for many people to accept.

"It's said that I am arbitrary and have no eyes, right?"

Warring States snorted coldly, and said: "If I don't do this, it won't be long before Sakasky will mess up the Navy Headquarters and send him to Beihai, and I will be the only one who bears the blame. Better than chaos at Navy Headquarters."

Garp asked suspiciously: "Is it really as serious as you said? I think that kid Sakaski is not bad, he won't do the things you said, right?"

"Not now, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future, take precautions, understand?" Zhan Guo said.

Karp waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, do whatever you want, of course I believe you, but other people don't believe it."

Sengoku was silent. He knew that Akainu had lived in seclusion these years, and spent most of his time eliminating pirates. He had a high prestige in the hearts of ordinary soldiers. He also knew that doing so might cause dissatisfaction among many people, but he still did it. Yes, because he felt the ambition in Akainu's eyes.

Akainu set off from the headquarters of the Navy, and after arriving in Beihai, he went directly to the naval branch base where Lucas was located. Lucas has been transferred for nearly a year, and he will basically report to Akainu every once in a while. Therefore, although Akainu has not been here, he has some understanding of this base.

"General Sakalski."

Lucas was very happy to see Akainu again, but he was a little surprised when he saw that Akainu and others looked unhappy, and then Jonathan told the reason.

"What? Marshal of the Warring States sent General Sakaski to Beihai?"

Lucas was very shocked and very angry. Sakalski was not only his immediate boss, but also his idol. As a result, Sakalski was treated like this by the Warring States Period, so he was naturally very indignant.

"Okay, don't talk about this, how are you doing what I asked you to do?" Akainu said.

Lucas calmed down, and immediately replied: "The surrounding pirates have been wiped out, but the Don Quixote family that you asked me to investigate has no accurate information so far. I only know a few temporary strongholds of them, but One thing, there seems to be something wrong with Don Quixote."

Akainu asked him to come to Beihai, not only to train himself, but also to order him to collect information. However, the Don Quixote family has been rooted in Beihai for many years and has a deep foundation. Very limited.

"Where are Lieutenant General Crane and them?" Akaken asked again.

Lucas said: "Lieutenant General Crane is chasing the Don Quixote family, and he has killed many pirates, but it has not hit the internal members of the Don Quixote family, Dofulan of the Don Quixote family. Brother Ming is indeed a very shrewd and cunning person."

After coming to the North Sea, he realized how powerful the Don Quixote family is in the North Sea. They are not only pirates, but also control the underground world of the North Sea. They sell arms and people. As long as they can make money, they Basically, they are all involved, not only powerful, but also with power all over the North Sea, very difficult to deal with.

Lieutenant General Crane is the chief of staff of the Navy Headquarters, and the army under his command is also an elite division, but he still has nothing to do with the Don Quixote family. One can imagine how powerful they are.

Akainu nodded, and said: "Doflamingo is indeed a character, so there is no need to investigate him for the time being. I already know how to deal with him. Besides, how did you do the thing I asked you to do?"

Lukas suddenly looked embarrassed, and replied ashamedly: "I'm sorry, General Sakaski, I messed up."


Akainu looked at Lucas in surprise, and asked, "Did you mess it up?"

Lucas said helplessly: "It was already about to succeed, but they had too much advantage underwater, and finally let them escape some people."

The red dog looked dissatisfied. What he told Lucas was the Aaron Pirates. It turned out that after Aaron and the others were taken away by Jinbei, because Jinbe joined the king's Shichibukai, the two sides parted ways. There was a warning from the red dog. Aaron didn't dare to stay in the first half of the great route, and was going to the East China Sea.

But Akainu didn't intend to let him go at all, so how could he let him go to the East China Sea? On the surface, he couldn't do anything, but secretly he sent someone to drive Aaron and the others to the North Sea, and then let Lucas take advantage of the navy Destroy the Aaron Pirates.

But he didn't expect Lucas to lose against a mere murloc pirate group, which naturally made him dissatisfied.

Lucas didn't dare to say anything, waiting in fear for Akainu's scolding.

"Run away, run away, there are only a few murlocs around, there can't be any troubles, as long as they dare to show up again, it will be their death."

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and Akainu will not punish Lucas for this matter.

"Forget about it, I asked you to contact the Vinsmoke family secretly, you didn't mess it up, did you?"

(End of this chapter)

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