Detective Conan's Cafe Owner

Chapter 126 is really boring

Chapter 126 is really boring

The speed of traveling in Qingming is very fast.

It was already evening when we left the coffee shop, but it was still evening when we returned to the manor.

It's not dark yet.

Qian was a little surprised by Qingming's sudden return.

He seemed a little happy again.

Didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, just went to prepare dinner.

Hui Yuanai sat on the sofa in the living room.

On the coffee table in front of him were fashion magazines, teapots, cups, and some snacks.

It seems that Qingming is not here, and her little life is also very comfortable.

When Qingming came back, she didn't know what kind of expression she should show. After all, it was a lie to say that she didn't care about touching her place before.

But it's useless to care.

In the end, she didn't have any expression at all, and just greeted Ayumi who was walking towards her.

Qingming ignored her.

I went upstairs and went back to my room, not knowing what I was doing.


After the sun sank behind the horizon, it got dark quickly.

Had dinner and showered.

Qingming and Ayumi are playing games in the room together, and the two seem to be addicted to capturing beautiful girls and cannot extricate themselves.

After a long time, Qingming remembered something again.

"Little girl, play by yourself first."

He said something.

Ayumi just nodded her head and said "Oh" without asking anything.

Qingming stood up and left her room.

Take it to the door.

He didn't go back to his room, and didn't go downstairs, but walked to the door of Hui Yuanai's room.

Door locks are meaningless to Qingming.

Therefore, Hui Yuanai did not lock the door, which also made Qingming less troublesome.

Although it's just a hassle to move your hands.

Open the door and go in.

Hui Yuanai was in her room, she seemed to have just taken a shower, was drying her hair with a dry towel, and was also wearing pajamas.

Seeing Qingming come in, he was taken aback for a moment.

Then she grabbed the towel to cover her body, and stared at Qingming with wide eyes.

"What do you want to do again?"

Running into her room at such a time, is it possible that he wants to do something bad to her again?

In Qingming, it is very possible.

After finally deciding not to care about what happened last time, this guy wants to do it again?
But not.

It's just that from somewhere on his body, he took out a walkman and a transparent waterproof bag with some tapes in it.

Throw things directly on the bed.


After speaking, he turned and left without any regrets.

So what's the situation?
Hui Yuanai was a little bit incomprehensible.

Just looking at the closed door again, she was indeed the only one left in the room.

It didn't seem like he wanted to do anything to her.

So his eyes fell on the bed.

Walkman?tape?Where did the tape come from?A tape about what?
Kind of curious.

Although Qingming often does some boring things, but this time, it may not seem to be meaningless.

"Then listen to it."

she thought so.

Putting down the towel, brought the walkman and tape over, and looked at it first.

Several tapes.

And above, there are numbers marked, from 1 to 20.

So what is it?
Hui Yuanai still didn't quite understand.

Put the first tape in the Walkman, put your headphones on, and hit the player.

First there was a loud noise.

Then, there was a woman's soft-sounding voice.

"To my daughter, Shiho..."


Ayumi goes to bed early.

While playing the game, I felt sleepy and yawned for a long time.



"Then go to rest early, there is plenty of time to play, don't be in a hurry."

Qingming said so.

Save the game and turn off the computer.

He picked up Ayumi and put her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, touched her head, and turned to leave.

"Oni-chan, Oni-chan, Oya Smith (good night)."

"OK, good night."


The little girl is asleep.

Hui Yuanai couldn't fall asleep, holding the walkman and listening to something repeatedly.

It was a recording left by her mother.

It was originally stored with my sister, but my sister secretly hid the tape in the sink of the toilet because she didn't know what would happen.

That was supposed to be their home.

If their parents hadn't joined the organization, they would have grown up there, and they would have lived much like the average person.

However, there is no if.

Miyano Akemi became Akane, and because of various things, she forgot about it.

After finishing work, I walked into Hui Yuan Ai's room to chat with her, and saw Hui Yuan Ai listening to those recordings with a smile in spite of tears, and suddenly remembered.

No chat.

Let the younger sister listen to those by herself, and she walked to the door of Qingming's room.

Hesitate for a moment, or knock on the door.

"Come in."

There was a voice inside.

Push open the door and walk in, the light is on, but the light has been specially dimmed a lot, it doesn't look too bright.

Qingming sat in front of the table, playing computer games.

This may be one of the few things that can keep Qingming interested.

"The owner."


But after thinking about it, he suddenly changed his mind.

"No, Master."

Qingming kept telling her and Enomoto Azusa to call him master, but if he wasn't paying attention, the two little girls would call him "shopkeeper" again.

They have to be reminded over and over again.

This time, there is no need for Qingming's reminder, which makes Qingming a little strange.

He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

Qian, just a grateful expression.

"Thank you, Master."


Take aim at her.

Then look away and continue playing the game.

"Go out if there is nothing important to do. Don't come to my room casually in the future, or you will bear the consequences. At most, I can only guarantee that you will not be pregnant, and I will not guarantee anything else."


The expression on Akane's face was a little stiff.

The shop owner...

I really can't communicate well, and I can always talk about the topic to the sky.

There is really no way.

"Thank you."

Qingming has no obligation to do anything for them.

But Qingming helped them, and more than once, thank you, verbal thanks, completely unable to express my inner gratitude.

Maybe something should be done for Qingming?
However, Qingming doesn't seem to need her help, the only thing she can do is to give...

Just helping out with some chores.

Thinking about it this way, I seem to be quite useless.

Akane sighed secretly.

But he didn't say much, bowed slightly, and left Qingming's room.

Qingming didn't care about anything, just playing games.

Then sigh.

"Looks like the dragon maids are all looking for Mr. Xiao Lin, I haven't been able to meet any of them!"


Anyway, the night passed.

When Hui Yuan Ai woke up the next day, his eyes were a little red, like a rabbit.

But the rabbit should be Qingming.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that Hui Yuan Ai's attitude towards Qingming seems to have improved a lot, and he can also wear a smile on his face.

However, Qingming ignored her.

After breakfast, Qingming left the manor to go to the coffee shop.

I didn't bring Ayumi with me, because Ayumi wanted to stay here and play with Haibara Ai. The manor is quite fun, and you can even swim in the swimming pool.

Not to mention that.

Today's Qingming is not in a hurry to go to the coffee shop, but walks slowly.

I also bought a magazine along the way.

Walking forward while browsing, although the crowd is crowded, there is no bump, as if everyone is avoiding him.

Although not.


Suddenly, something interesting seemed to be seen.

"Nagara Haruka, a famous fortune-teller...Speaking of which, there are quite a few people who love Xiangxiang."

For example, Nai Mu Ban Chun Xiang, Nan Chun Xiang and the like.

" would be nice to have Nan Chunxiang, but it really doesn't matter to me!"

Shaking his head and sighing, he continued walking.

The world is like this, it is impossible to get everything you want, and you are not the leader, just thinking about it can affect the existence of the world.

"It's so boring!"

 About the update

  The time to write codewords is after dinner and shower, sometimes you can update earlier if you write quickly, sometimes later

  roughly after eleven o'clock

  Please excuse me

(End of this chapter)

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