Detective Conan's Cafe Owner

Chapter 63 Owing a Condition

Chapter 63 Owing a Condition


in the coffee shop.

Qingming and Enomoto Azusa were looking at Shinna Kahori.

Xinming Xiangbaoli is drinking coffee, drinking Meng Po Tang coffee, and there are still six cups, which is a new record.

Usually only three drinks at most.

It would be better to say that so far, there are not many people who can drink three cups, and it is not bad without a sip.


"Human beings are amazing creatures!"

Qingming sighed with emotion.

In order to save his father, or to protect the people he cares about, he can really explode with unimaginable power.

The spoof version of Meng Po Tang coffee is very difficult to drink, and Qingming can't drink it by himself, unless he is assisted by Taoism.

That's why I keep saying that those people with the word "zi" in their names are monsters, after all, they can drink.

This may just be a joke.

But those who can drink it will not be simple people.

Miraculously, Xinming Xiangbao also drank it.

Although the expression on his face was painful and tangled, he did swallow the Mengpo soup in his mouth.

There is no way to cheat.

No one can cheat in front of Qingming, unless it is a person who is more powerful than Qingming.

But so far, there are only two known capable people in the world.

Qingming and the Witch.

Judging from the previous performance, the witch will not be better than Qingming, at most it is almost the same level, and may even be much worse than Qingming.

In view of this, if there is no other ability user, it is not an exaggeration to say that no one in the whole world can cheat in front of Qingming.

However, considering that there may still be people, the words cannot be too full.

But it is not important.

Xinming Xiangbaoli can really drink it, which is a bit beyond Qingming's expectation.

It seems that as long as you make enough awareness, you can still drink Mengpo soup and coffee.

As long as you make enough awareness, even excrement...


These are also not important.

"This time I have to play a guest role as a doctor."

Qingming didn't continue to pay attention to Xinming Xiangbaoli, Qingming was just thinking about this issue.

The new name, Ren Tailang, is already terminally ill. Even if he is a capable person and a Taoist priest, it is not so easy to cure him.

Capable people, Taoist priests, etc., do not mean that they can do everything.

Being different from ordinary people does not mean that they will be different, at least Qingming has not yet reached the level where they can be different from ordinary people.

In fact, stabbing a knife into Qingming's heart can also kill him.

But having said that, it is estimated that no one can stab his heart with a knife, unless a lot of people are dispatched to kill Qingming with their lives.

This refers to ordinary people.

If it was the army or something, it would be different. If a well-trained and fully armed army attacked Qingming, it might kill Qingming.

After all, spiritual power is limited.

So Qingming often draws talismans, which can be stored, easy to use, and consume less consumption. If one day you really want to make enemies with many people, you can throw them out in large quantities.

It's like blanket bombing.

Anyway, if it's just a regular battle, Qingming isn't too worried.

I'm afraid that the other party will directly deploy some big killers, and then there will be no fun.

Not to mention this.

Anyway, Qingming has no plans to become an enemy of the whole world.

"Shopkeeper, she's finished drinking."

Azusa Enomoto's voice sounded.

It sounded a little trembling, I don't know if it was because of excitement or what.

In my lifetime, I can still see a person who drank six cups of Mengpo soup in a row, which is exciting enough.

I can really drink it.

Qingming raised his head and looked at Xinming Xiangbaoli.

The other party was panting slightly, and suddenly covered his mouth again, his expression looked a little uncomfortable.

But it didn't come out after all.

In this way, even if you drink it smoothly, you can ask Qingming to help you realize your wish.


After thinking about it carefully, I still feel a bit at a loss. Should there be some additional conditions?
Qingming frowned slightly, thinking.

His fingers were on the counter table, tapping and tapping.

a long time.

Shinna Kabori stood up and walked towards the counter.

Go to the counter.

"Mr. Shopkeeper."

She looked at Qingming with expectation in her eyes.

"Coffee, I've finished my drink, can you help me?"

"'s okay to help."

Qingming nodded.

There is no need to doubt this point, after all, it is his own rules.

But I really don't want to help out for free.


"Does the owner have any conditions?"

"There are conditions, but I haven't figured it out yet, just treat it as you owe me, what do you think?"

"As long as you don't break the law, as long as you don't violate the principles, Mr. Shopkeeper, you can ask me to do anything at any time."

"It's natural."

Qingming nodded.

Although he has a bad personality, he won't make people do bad things.

Now that the conditions have been negotiated, there is no need to continue to procrastinate.

Grab the essentials and get straight to your feet.

"I'll go out for a while, Azi, and I'll leave the shop to you."


Azusa Enomoto nodded.

Although I don't know what Qingming is going to do, but it seems that it shouldn't be a bad thing.

This is not bad, if you use your ability to help others.

Sometimes she also wondered if Qingming just wanted to help others with her ability, but she didn't want to say it herself, so she came up with the rule of "drinking three cups of Mengpo soup in a row can make a wish come true".

If it is true, then Qingming is really a good person.

But if you think about it carefully, if you really want to help others, you don't need to be so troublesome at all, and Meng Po Tang Coffee really doesn't look like you want to help others, but is trying to trick people.

"Sure enough, I just thought too much!"

Seeing the back of Qingming leaving, Azusa Enomoto shook her head helplessly.

This shopkeeper, Mr., is not something she can see through at all.


To become a qualified Taoist priest, one has to learn many skills.

Talismans are just one of them.

Talisman-making, alchemy, fortune-telling, feng shui, catching ghosts, exorcising evil spirits, forming formations, etc.

Not all proficiency is required, but at least some understanding is required.

As for alchemy, it involves the issue of medical skills and pharmacology.

Or Chinese medicine.

However, unlike ordinary Chinese medicine, Qingming's medical skills are used in conjunction with Taoism, so it can heal diseases that ordinary doctors cannot heal.

Naturally, ordinary medical methods cannot cure Xinming Ren Tailang.

But Qingming can.

Needless to say more about the specific process.

Starting in the afternoon, I kept busy until nine o'clock in the evening, and this visit came to an end.

It was carried out at the hospital, and the attending doctor was of great help.

He admired Qingming very much.

But Qingming didn't care about him at all, and didn't even plan to get to know him.

Anyway, someone will thank him, it has nothing to do with Qingming.

Holding a pen and paper, he wrote down a prescription, and at the same time wrote down how to decoct it, and handed it to Xinming Xiangbaoli.

"It's okay to let him recuperate in the hospital, or go home to recuperate. According to this prescription, let him drink it, recuperate his body, and come back to me in half a month."


Xinming Xiangbaoli took the prescription and nodded.

Looking at his father, his face was much better than before, and he was relieved.

He looked at Qingming again.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Shopkeeper."

"My name is Qing... My surname is Ou, and my name is Nijiang. You can just call me Onijiang. Well, it's better to have a softer voice, and a coquettish tone is also fine. I'm not picky."


If he hadn't heard Xiaolan call him "Qingming", Xinming Xiangbaoli would have almost believed it.

He actually tried to be called O'Neill Sauce...

So what is it, sister control?

Qingming didn't care what she was thinking, turned and left while waving her hands.

"I'll go first, don't forget, you still owe me a condition that hasn't been fulfilled."


Naturally, it cannot be forgotten.

I just don't know what kind of conditions Qingming will put forward.

 Next, it's time for the Miyano sisters to play
(End of this chapter)

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