Chapter 277

There are a large number of monsters in the lake, and there are at least thousands of monsters in each lake. Naturally, it is not difficult to attract monsters, as long as you grasp the timing well.

Hanyun came to the side, and directly touched the lake surface in a normal state, and then the lake surface within tens of meters around him fluctuated violently. It was obvious that the underwater monsters were swarming towards him quickly. And to.

Hanyun hurriedly backed away, turned around and ran back towards everyone, he never thought it would be so easy to attract monsters here.

If it's a monster on the normal ground, it's fine to get close to a certain distance, but here across the lake, even if there are monsters under the water next to it, if they don't enter the water, they still won't react.

A large group of poisonous toads swarmed up, and it looked so dense and disgusting that people couldn't help but tremble when they saw it, not because they were afraid, but because they felt a little disgusted.

The [-]-man team that had been prepared for a long time launched an attack as soon as the monster group came up, all kinds of magic skills rushed forward, and killed more than a dozen poisonous toads that were chasing in front of them in an instant.

It was the first time the members of the Hellfire Guild saw it, and it was also the first time they killed it. They didn't expect that this monster was so irresistible that they could eliminate it with little effort.

There are not enough people, and the average experience value of each monster is pitifully small, only 16 experience points per monster.

Although the experience points brought by each one are very small, the speed of killing and the speed of monsters rushing up from the lake are very fast.

The poisonous toads were almost side by side, and everyone gradually felt some pressure. Hellfire immediately adjusted the output formation at this time to avoid attracting too many monster groups that were difficult to deal with.

In an instant, a team of a hundred players confronted the poisonous toads in this lake.

The poisonous toads rely on the number, and one after another, the fearless ones go forward one after another, but they can face the group of players whose levels are all over 35. They basically died as many as they used to, and occasionally there are poisonous toads that can attack the soldiers in front. The toad is only a flash in the pan and cannot pose any threat to them.

A large area, a large area, the death speed of these poisonous toads can be described as cutting wheat, and the experience value is also frantically refreshing the prompt information on the information bar, which keeps increasing.

At the same time, the monster corpses on the ground began to be quickly refreshed due to excessive accumulation, and the drops began to gradually accumulate into a large area, densely packed with a special brilliance belonging to the drop display.

"Hahaha, cool!" Hellfire laughed and said, "Brother Yunying found a really cool place, and the experience value also increases quickly, and it's very simple to learn."

"That's right, that's the coolest way to spawn monsters!"

"It would be even better if there was a piece of damage skill. I don't know it yet. I guess I should learn the first piece of damage skill when I reach level 40."

"Now there are some players who have learned a piece of damage, but that seems to be a special skill..."

All of a sudden, everyone changed from a slightly nervous state to extremely relaxed. They were all chatting with their companions while brushing monsters.

Seeing this scene, Hanyun couldn't help grinning.

Looking at the poisonous toads continuously rushing up from the lake, he thought that it would not be long before the poisonous toads in the lake would be wiped out, and the rest would have to face the leader of the level 38 poisonous toads. Door……

"It shouldn't be discovered." Han Yun muttered to himself.

In less than 2 minutes, the number of poisonous toads constantly rushing out from below began to decrease.

Less than a minute later, when the last poisonous toad emerged from the water, just as it exposed its head, two small fireballs crashed down, harvesting the last trace of experience points.


"It's not fun yet, why is it gone?"

Han Yun waved his hand: "Be safe and don't be impatient, I'll go down and have a look."

First came to the lake, and carefully checked the water in the lake. Indeed, at this time, there were no poisonous toads below, and the water was quiet, only some miscellaneous fish swimming around.

After surfacing, Hanyun waved at Hellfire and said: "Everyone, get ready, I'm going to attract the leader of the poisonous toad, try to take it down in one breath, don't give it a chance to breathe."

"Don't worry, we are a team of 38 people. It is very easy to deal with a level [-] red monster."

Indeed, the monsters in the wild are no better than dungeon monsters, and their health is not much. Even if they are stronger, they cannot withstand the bombardment of a team of [-] people.

Near the center of the lake, Hanyun began to dive, and without the obstruction of the monster, the speed of the dive was more than doubled obviously.

Not long after, at a depth of more than ten meters underwater, the faint green light at the bottom of the lake appeared in his sight again, and continued to go down, the leader of the poisonous toad was still squatting there motionless.

But he forgot one thing, that is invisibility, and now he is in a normal state, without using the shadowless skill.

Just when he was trying to move the monster, a poisonous toad squatting on the side of the door below suddenly moved, its strong and powerful limbs kicked off the bottom of the lake, and the leader of the poisonous toad, which was as big as a cow, rushed towards Hanyun. rushed over here.

"Oh my god!" Hanyun exclaimed, a series of bubbles popped out of his mouth, and the underwater breathing that could have been sustained for tens of seconds suddenly became urgent, and he was so scared that he hurriedly started to float up.

It's a pity that this is in the water, and the calculated movement speed in the water is not the same as that on the ground. Now his speed is not as fast as this boss.

In an instant, the leader of the poisonous toad was less than five meters away from Hanyun's feet. Hanyun directly used the shadowless skill, and saw the monster suddenly stop, so he hurried up and surfaced.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Hanyun went down to check the leader of the poisonous toad. It was still at that height and did not return to the bottom. Skill dive underwater.

At a distance of 30 meters, there was no leader of the poisonous toad in the water, so he directly took out a firecracker, and he didn't know if this thing could be used in the water.

Use firecrackers.


The fuse ignited smoothly and did not go out because it was in the water. Unfortunately, when he tried to throw the firecracker from the water to the leader of the poisonous toad, he found that the firecracker was only thrown a few meters away in the water and exploded directly beside him .


Hanyun shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he had to step forward to attract the monster's attention.

The Wuying skill cools down quickly, and Hanyun doesn't dare to delay too much time, and directly approaches the poisonous toad.

30 meters, 25 meters, the leader of the poisonous toad did not respond.

20 meters, 18 meters, suddenly, the leader of the poisonous toad turned around and rushed towards Hanyun. Hanyun shook his head, turned around and swam towards the shore, while constantly looking back to check the distance between the poisonous toad and himself.

(End of this chapter)

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