Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 3 Decision

Chapter 3 Decision
Quickly coming to the teleportation gate on the side of the square, Hanyun hesitated for a moment, then stepped into it directly, only felt a blur before his eyes, and then was directly teleported to a small village.

When I came here, because the time to experience the game was extremely limited, Hanyun just casually scanned the surrounding buildings. They were all small wooden houses and the like, which were antique and beautiful, but now He didn't have time to appreciate these things, he had to take advantage of the last few minutes to kill a monster.

Thinking of the map in my heart, the map appeared in front of me instantly.

It seems that for the most direct and simple experience, when the teleportation came, it was directly on the side of the gate of Xinshou Village. After a brief glance at the map, Hanyun rushed out of Xinshou Village.

As soon as he came outside, he realized that some players who were experiencing the game were killing some monsters, so he also ran over to find a monster.

The mechanism wooden man, level 1, cannot see other attributes, so Hanyun directly tried to use the wooden sword in his hand to hack at the mechanism wooden figure. Although everything is a brand new existence in the new world, at least he played with it before. His game is also a virtual game, but it's a little bit far worse than this game, which doesn't prevent him from directly attacking monsters.

The wooden sword slashed on the mechanism wooden man, and it was full of reality, and I could even feel the shock force of the wooden sword. It was a very pleasant feeling, and it was many times better than those virtual games before.

There was a muffled bang, and the slashing of the wooden sword made the wooden dummy shake for a while, as if it was about to fall apart at any moment. The number -1 appeared above the dummy's head, which was the damage value.

At the same time, the blood bar of the mechanism wooden figurine dropped a little. Hanyun took a casual glance and knew that the level 1 monster mechanism wooden figurine only had seven or eight blood points, and it should be the lowest in the new world. One of those simple monsters.

Withdrawing the wooden sword, Hanyun continued to attack. After the second attack, the mechanism wooden man also began to fight back. The attack method was very simple. He directly used his fist to hit Hanyun, because everything was similar to reality. Hanyun instinctively He wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge completely, and was hit by the wooden dummy, and the -1 number popped out from above his head.

After being attacked by the mechanism wooden man, he felt pain, but it was very weak. He was very satisfied with this, and it was true.

After several attacks, the mechanism wooden dummy was killed, and a line of words appeared in front of his eyes: Because this time is just a game experience, there will be no experience acquisition information or item drop.

"So that's the case." Han Yun nodded slightly, seeing that the time was still 2 minutes away, so he turned around and ran towards Xinshou Village.

The total experience time in the game is only 10 minutes. Hanyun doesn't want to waste all his time on killing a few more monsters. One is enough. Now he wants to talk to the npcs in the existence to see if these npcs are As smart as it was introduced.

He quickly returned to Xinshou Village, and at a glance, he saw an old npc in a courtyard in the distance, so he ran over there directly.

"The head of Xinshou Village?" Han Yun grinned, "It's exactly what I want!"

He stepped forward and came to the head of the npc novice village, "Hello, village head."

"Hi, young man, welcome to the new world." The npc village chief looked at Hanyun with a smile, "How is it? Are you satisfied with the game experience?"

so smart?

Hanyun raised his brows. It turned out that he thought that the npc was just a mechanical dialogue at most, and the process was all set. He didn't expect that the village chief of the npc would give people a sense of fluent dialogue, as if he was talking to a real person.

"Uh, very satisfied." Han Yun glanced at the experience countdown, there was still a minute and a half left, so his mind started to spin rapidly.

The npc village head nodded: "As long as you are satisfied."

"Village Chief, if the game officially starts, can I come to you to pick up some tasks?"

As an old fritter who has been in the game for many years, Hanyun knows very well that if he can receive suitable tasks in the early stage of the game, then the upgrade will be very fast, and the early stage will not be too painful.

NPC Village Chief: "Since you asked, and you are the first player to ask me this question in the experience, then I will tell you something. There are definitely missions, but all this will have to wait until the game is officially opened. There may be countless people coming to me from time to time, but my tasks here are limited."

The number of tasks is limited?Han Yun's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Is there a unique task, I mean a task that can only be received by one person?"

"Well..." The npc village chief smiled mysteriously, "Won't you know when you try it?"

"Oh, since I was the first person to ask for the quest, and I took advantage of the precious time of this game experience, you always tell me, how can I receive the precious and only quest in your hands?"

Hanyun blinked, and glanced at the time again, the countdown had already started, and there were only 20 seconds left, I have to say, these 10 minutes passed really fast, it was as fast as 2 minutes passed.

"In this case...then I'll tell you as a reward." The npc village chief thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the village head of Xinshou Village is so calm, Hanyun is not so calm, because the time is only less than the last ten seconds, he anxiously said: "The last ten seconds, please speak quickly!"

"Young people, don't worry, when the time comes, you will bring a bottle of aged wine..."

The village chief of Xinshou Village hadn’t finished his sentence yet, and the 10 minutes of game experience time was completely used up. Hanyun felt his eyes quickly turn black, and then the system sound reminded him: “This is the end of this game experience, thank you Pay attention to the new world! Now you can open your eyes, and the game compartment has opened automatically."

Hanyun opened his eyes, and saw that outside the opened game room, the staff looked at Hanyun with a smile, "Sir, the 10-minute game experience time is over."

"This time is really short enough." Han Yun smacked his lips, reluctantly coming out of the comfortable game cabin, thinking about what the village head of the npc novice village had just said to him.

A bottle of fine wine, yes, that's all he's heard, and it's not hard to imagine what's next.If I go to the village chief with a bottle of aged wine, I am very likely to receive a unique task. Generally speaking, as long as the unique task is completed, the reward will always be gratifying.

"This is related to the sale and reservation of game equipment. If you are interested in New World games, you can learn some useful information from it." The staff standing by the side handed over a leaflet.

Hanyun came back to his senses, took the leaflet, followed the experience area to the exhibition area, and looked at the content on the leaflet.

There are very detailed promotional pictures and prices of the game equipment on this promotional page, which is the same as the previous official announcement. There are two types of game warehouses, the standard version is 68000 yuan, and the deluxe version is 128000 yuan. He just experienced the standard version, but That feeling has already made Hanyun feel that the ultimate game experience is really good, great, absolutely unique, and has refreshed his three views on virtual games.

Looking up at the exhibition area, there are nothing more than some clothing, decorations, toys, etc. printed with the New World game logo. Hanyun doesn't need these, and he doesn't have the spare money.

I looked at the bottom content of the promotional page. It is introduced that the game warehouse can be reserved now. Just take this promotional page to the counter inside to make an appointment.

"This appointment fee is a bit expensive."

A reservation fee of 1800 yuan, but if you make an appointment now, the reservation fee is used as the purchase fee, and you can participate in two lucky draws, one for game equipment and one for items in the New World game, and there is a certain probability of winning Game props that are very helpful to novices, if you are lucky enough, you must be able to develop faster and more stably than others during the novice period.

Hanyun raised his head and looked at the innermost counter. At this time, someone had already passed there, so he began to get tangled up.

Is the gaming experience good?very good, very powerful!

Can this game make money?It is still unknown, but the game is open to the whole world, so it must be possible to make money, right?

Is gaming equipment expensive?Expensive, very expensive, at least for myself, it is expensive enough.

So are you sure you want to buy this game warehouse and go to the new world?

This is tangled...

It’s true that the deluxe version can’t be bought, but the 68000 yuan for the standard version is not impossible for Hanyun. If you clear all the previous games, it should be more than enough. It couldn't be better.

As the saying goes, if you don't want your child to be a wolf, if you don't pay, where can you get more rewards?Even if it is a farmer, it needs seeds, fertilizers and water.

"Isn't it just 68000 yuan? Buy it! If you don't play it, then sell it."

After a lot of ideological struggle, Hanyun gritted his teeth and walked towards the reservation counter in the distance. Even for the information that the village head of Xinshou Village told him, he was worth fighting for.

In his opinion, the game hasn't started yet, and he is already ahead of many players. He doesn't think that anyone will be like him, in addition to killing monsters, he will also run to fight against monsters in only 10 minutes npc asked the task.

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(End of this chapter)

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