Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 402 Using Keys

Chapter 402 Using Keys
Hanyun stared at the changes inside in dumbfounded, "Where did you step on just now? There must be a mechanism there!"

"Let me think about it." The brand of the thief walked forward again, and after making progress, he suddenly turned around and said, "Here, come here, here it is!"

Hanyun ran over and saw that there was a shallow footprint on the ground, and there were basically no footprints left in other places, so it looked like this.

"Is this an open mechanism?" The Thief's Brand was a little funny and said, "You didn't step on this position after going back and forth?"


"Hahaha, it seems that this is set for me." The brand of the thief said in awe.

Han Yun curled his lips: "Let's go, first go inside and have a look."

The two quickly came to the innermost part, passed through a hidden stone door that was opened, and found that the inside was bright, and there was a polygonal stone pier on the ground of the small secret room, and there was a keyhole on the stone pier. The place outside the keyhole was shrouded in a layer of white light, which should be the seal.

Hanyun stepped forward, looked around, took out the key he had obtained earlier, compared it with the keyhole, and said pleasantly, "It's here!"

The Thief's Brand was a little puzzled and said: "You said that the guy from before directly attacked the seal here, trying to destroy it and fall into it? Could it be that his brain is broken?"

Hanyun shook his head: "He has his reasons for attacking, maybe it's a way to enter, but let's not fight, once we fight, there will be a black shadow here, it's very powerful, it's a level 45 enhancement monster."

"That's it." The thief's brand was clear, and then said: "Then shall we open the entrance to the lower floor now?" He also took out his key.

"Let's go, it's here. After searching for such a long time, I finally found the place. How can I not open it? But wait a minute, I'll mark the path."

The mark was quickly completed, and Han Yun used the key he had obtained to open the seal on the ground.

The key fell into the keyhole, and with a click, it was closed tightly, and it was automatically twisted several times, and then the surrounding white light disappeared, and the stone pier on the ground gradually became transparent.

Below the polygonal flat stone pier, there is a stone step leading down.

"It should be enough to go straight down, try it." Han Yun stepped on the stone pier that had become transparent, feeling that it was only a little hindered, and then he walked through the flat stone slab and stepped on it above the ladder.

After two or three steps, Hanyun has disappeared below.

Brand of the Thief was about to follow, but just as he raised his foot, he saw the seal close again, and he hurriedly withdrew his foot.

"Emotions are a key that only one person can enter."

In desperation, the brand of the thief also used his own key to open the seal again, and then smoothly stepped on the stairs and walked down.

Follow the stairs all the way down, and after tens of meters, you will come to a pitch-black space, the light is very dim, at a glance, it can be seen at most 15 meters, no more.

Hanyun glanced back, and the brand of the thief also came down the stone ladder.

"Just now I saw that the seal was closed, did you use the key to get down?" Han Yun knew that the seal closed by itself after he came down, and whoever had the key was allowed to come down, and others didn't work.

The Brand of the Thief nodded, "That's natural, one key controls one person. I'll go~ It's so dark in here? It seems very big, right?"

"I don't know, anyway, be careful." Han Yun opened the friend list, "Wait a minute, I'll send you the specific method, whether they come or not is their business."

(End of this chapter)

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