Chapter 408

The light that instantly illuminated the surroundings just now came from one side of this high platform, which was a huge brazier.

Hanyun walked all the way just now, and suddenly found a long stone step, so he walked up the stone step and saw a huge object. After going up, it showed that it could be lit, so he lit it up, and then suddenly rose into the sky The flames startled him.

"M's, feelings are a big brazier."

Hanyun looked at the weak torch in his hand, threw it away, and then he found a high platform next to it, and there was something shining on the high platform, but there seemed to be a shadow on it.

Under the shroud of the huge fire, the shadow flickered, and a faint name appeared: the third guardian at the bottom of the spider cave.

"There is still a guard here? And the third one?" Hanyun was slightly puzzled, but then he shook his head, and his eyes fell on the gleaming items on the high platform again. If he read it correctly, it was undoubtedly equipment.

But at the position less than five meters away from the equipment, the so-called third guardian fuzzy shadow is standing there, if it goes directly there, I'm afraid it won't work.

Drip, a message is sent.

Brand of Thief: So much movement?This group of monsters is a bit big, what kind of things are you lighting up inside?

Hanyun turned his head to look in the direction of the brand of the thief, and then looked at the route he had taken all the way here.

Yun Ying: You try to come in, if you can, there is a big discovery here!

Outside the group of monsters, Brand of the Thieves started to feel itchy when he saw this information. He went directly to the side of the group of monsters to have a look, then checked his skill level, and gritted his teeth: "I don't believe this rubbish monster It can also discover my advanced stealth."

With that said, he started to walk inside.

However, ordinary skills are ordinary skills after all. He was scared and ran out just a few meters into the monster group, then adjusted his mentality and entered again!

On top of the tall building surrounded by monsters, Hanyun carefully came to the audience with the third guard, approaching little by little, every step he took, he had to pay attention to the movement of the third guard, if it moved , then he will stop or retreat.

Since it is the guardian here, then the strength is definitely not ordinary, so it must not be easy to mess with, right?Han Yun thought so in his heart.

At this time, the surrounding area was bright, and Hanyun turned his head to look in the direction of the brand of the thief. Hundreds of meters away, the brand of the thief was moving tremblingly among the monsters, basically stopping three times. He couldn't help being happy.

"This guy, hehe."

The Thief's Brand is indeed careful at this time and can't be more careful, that is, thanks to the low density of the monster group, the distance between them is quite large.

If the density is very high, it will be extremely difficult for him to take a step, or he will not be able to enter it at all.

Now that he has penetrated tens of meters, there is no turning back, he must take every step, once any gravel spider finds out, he will die very badly.

Hanyun was not in a hurry, he just got down from the top, stood below and watched the thief's brand move slowly towards this side.

At this moment, the brand of the thief wished he could have eight eyes, front, back, left, and right, so that he could see through all small movements and make him invincible.

It's a pity that he is a human being, not a monster. With only two eyes, he can only constantly look around quickly, and he can't stay too much in one place, because he may be hit by the unconscious movement between monsters, so just play My son is growing up.

"Hurry up, Huh-huh, Huh-"

Brand of Thief felt that this was the most nervous time he had ever played in the New World game, and he had never been so nervous before.

(End of this chapter)

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