Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 414 Trying to Break the Entrance Seal

Chapter 414 Trying to Break the Entrance Seal

After Heifeihei and Ziyemao left, Heiyubai and Yezimao respectively controlled the summoned beasts, one stepped forward to attack the seal, and the other blocked the entrance.

As the first attack fell, while the brilliance on the seal was flowing, a black shadow quickly condensed from above, and directly rushed towards Yezimao's summoned beast.

"There's a shadow coming out, everyone, fight!" Yezimao yelled.

"Just one?" Hei and Bai wondered, and then he directly controlled his summoned beast to attack the seal again.

He attacked many times in a row, but no more shadows appeared, so he said excitedly: "I see a show! Just this one, I'll block it, Bai Feibai will add blood to my stone giant, Yezi cats you and Bai Attack and seal with Black!"

The stone giant straddled directly in front of the black shadow, and its huge fists fell again and again, and the shadow seemed to meet a wall, and was completely pulled aside for a while.

The stone giant's defense is very strong, so under Bai Feibai's healing technique, they can easily deal with this shadow, and they are not in a hurry to kill this shadow, because according to the news from Hanyun, this shadow monster has no experience points , did not drop, it is just a kind of protection of this seal, so there is no need to kill it, once it is killed, it is very likely that this thing will appear.

Yezimao and Bai and Hei bombarded the seal on the ground vigorously. The output of the two of them was not very weak, but the attacks landed on the seal again and again, and it only made it shake a few times.

But it's just this slight shaking, no matter how high everyone's momentum is, as long as they can move, then there is hope. If they can't even hit, then they should give up as soon as possible, so as to save wasting effort here.

Attacking one after another, but the shaking was still so weak, the shadows on the side were about to be killed, Black and White simply asked the stone giant to make a defensive posture, and then let Bai Feibai take care of it, he used normal attacks Attack the seal too.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, everyone continued to insist on digging for hope, they were unwilling to give up, and they also wanted to go to the bottom.

If there were keys, there would be no such troublesome things. Unfortunately, there are only four keys, and they have to rely on themselves to find a way to enter.

If they go out to kill monsters to find the key, then they can't do it, because the key probably only exists on at least the red boss, and they can't kill it, let alone the purple boss.

Time passed by, and Heifeihei and Ziyemao who came down did not move too much, they just surrounded a group, and after learning that everyone was attacking from above, they decided to wait a while, After all, just coming down and entering the endless darkness, that feeling is very bad.

Midnight Cat looked at the stairs coming down beside him, and suggested, "Can we go up and help attack?"

Hei Feihei was moved in his heart, and then shook his head in denial: "No, I came in with great difficulty. What if we go up the stairs and are teleported out? Even if we don't teleport out, what should we do if the guardian shadow is triggered after we go to attack?"

"Uh..." Midnight Cat smiled awkwardly, "I was the one who was abrupt, so let's continue to wait for them. They seem to be able to easily resist the attack of the shadow and are breaking the seal."

Bang bang bang!
A sound of attack came from the stairs, and Hei Feihei and Midnight Cat standing below could clearly hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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