Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 444 On The Road

Chapter 444 On The Road

"I really dare not think about it. If you hadn't opened your eyes here, I'm afraid you wouldn't have made such an amazing discovery after you got here." Hei Feihei praised: "If we can take down all these monsters this time, then we Everyone's going to improve a little bit and make a lot of money."

Everyone understands the value of the group of monsters below. Not to mention the red, purple, orange, and gold bosses inside, but the addition of those blue, green and ordinary monsters is just a general drop, which is a very rich resource.

"Wow! It's amazing." Yezimao exclaimed, "Then where are we going to go?"

"Stupid girl, of course you should avoid it." Midnight Cat patted her helplessly.

Han Yun: "Well, the range of the hillside is not big, we can go down to the normal ground from the front."

"By the way, Yunying, when will your guild members arrive?" Bai and Hei asked.

"I don't know, I'll ask again." Hanyun opened the friend list and began to contact and inquire.

At this time, Kazuki and Kazuka had brought the people who had come over to the bottom of the spider cave smoothly, and everyone held a torch to form a long team, and they were quickly moving towards the designated destination.

When we first came here, everyone was amazed that there is such a place here.

But after running for a while, everyone found that the map that Yunying passed on to them before ran was very different from what it looked like. It was not inaccurate, but too far away. Terrible, and dark and terrible.

Drip, a message came over.

Kazuki Kazuka ran ahead while checking the information.

Yunying: Are you here yet?
Kazuki and Kazuka: Well, let’s join the team, you will be the captain, and all orders will stop you.

Yunying: Good.

The next moment, the two teams merged together, Hanyun opened the big map to check their positions, and said with a smile: "At most half an hour, don't worry, wait."

Everyone sat down to rest and chatted.

"Brand, are you and Brother Yunying's guild just such a small number of people? Looking at the picture just now, there are so many monsters below, it's a bit cautious." Hei and Bai sat beside the thief's brand and said.

The Brand of the Thief smiled: "That's a lot, our guild plus the two of us, there are only about 40 people in total."

"So little?" Everyone was surprised.

Hei Feihei frowned and said, "It shouldn't be the guild that was just established, otherwise the two of you probably wouldn't have entered."

"Hey, it's true that it's not just established. This guild is different from other guilds because it's a tyrant's guild!"

Han Yun nodded: "That's right, this is a local tyrant's guild, I guess there are only two poor people in the guild, Branding and I, and everyone else is richer than the other, and if any guy comes out, the pocket money for a week is tens of thousands of dollars. "

"Oh my god, so rich?" Yezimao blinked: "Then can I join?"

Midnight Cat immediately blushed: "Are you rich?"

"Hee hee, isn't this a question?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. The reason for me and the imprint to enter is very simple, because we have sold good equipment to them many times, so we can enter it, understand?"

Han Yun stood up with a smile and looked into the distance. A group of people on the small map were about to come, and they were about to start a battle with the huge group of monsters behind him. Of course, he had to confirm some necessary things before that.

The resources here are a bit big, and he has to ensure their interests, so he has to explain these things to the vice president, Yishu Yihua, and the president who hasn't met yet, so that there will be no objections when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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