Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 473 Take away the last fruit

Chapter 473 Take away the last fruit


"Damn! This guy has a sick mind!"

Everyone hurriedly stopped and looked back, only to see Kui Kui Kui's body lying on the ground, apparently killed by a dark thunder.

Yezimao, Hei and Bai, who were in front of him, had livid faces, with more than half of their blood tank remaining, and looked angry.

"Yunying, kick him out of the team, M, this guy is always looking around, his feet turn to the left for a while, and for a while to the right, which makes me tremble with fear." Black and white hate it Said: "If you don't follow carefully, you deserve it if you die, so save me from hurting me, dammit."

Yezimao: "Well! You should have kicked him. If you knew it, you should have hung him up right after he came out. Really, it almost killed us both."

Hanyun sighed, and shook his head slightly. He thought he could heal the team one more time, but he didn't expect this guy to keep ordering and wandering around. Now that he died, he was asking for trouble.

Open the team list, kick him out of the team, then Hanyun looked back and shouted: "Don't move around, I'll go to the back and adjust the positions of the two of them."

Looking at the route marks on the map, Hanyun walked over cautiously, letting Hei and Bai follow up. The sudden explosion just now disturbed their positions, so they had to adjust as soon as possible.

The distance between the whole team was adjusted closer, and then Hanyun returned to the front of the team and began to walk forward a little bit.

Without the interference of outsiders, everyone went very smoothly this time, and there was no need to say anything. After all, they were teammates who had fought together for a long time, and everything was very harmonious.

After passing the dark thunder area smoothly, everyone stopped, Hanyun and the brand of the thief gathered together, and compared each other with their own marks, and then determined the general direction of obtaining the unknown fruit before, and then led everyone along the way ran over there...

It took a full two hours, and the journey was frantic all the way.

The hard work paid off, and they finally found the location of the magical snake tree and the python. Everyone also looked at the small tree wrapped around like small snakes and the giant python surrounded by it from a distance.

"Is this the reason why your eyes were opened?" Bai Feibai asked after listening to Hanyun's explanation.

Han Yun nodded: "That's right, last time it was me and Brand, I led away the giant python, he stepped forward and picked two fruits, and now..."

When he looked at the strange plant, there was only one crystal-like peach-like fruit left on it.

The Brand of the Thief smiled wryly: "It seems that this thing is really used up and one is missing, and it will not grow in a short time. Yunying, you come, after all, you are much safer here, you Lead us to hang around here, and everyone can rest assured."

"Okay." Hanyun responded without talking nonsense, pointing directly at the giant python and said: "Yezi Mao, Black and White, you two use the summoned beast to hold the giant python back, I will go up to pick the fruit, and the others adapt to the situation." , if the giant python is very powerful, try to take it to run farther."


He and his own people didn't need to explain too much, after a simple arrangement, the two summoned beasts had already rushed over, leading the giant python to the distance.

Hanyun stood on the other side of the strange plant, seeing that the giant python had been drawn away, he rushed up, and opened the low-level ice shield directly to resist the attack of the plant, and stretched out his hand to grab the fruit directly .

After a charge, Guo Guo was successfully caught, stepped back quickly, and shouted: "Everyone get out of the way, stay away, and the summoned beast is also running far away."

(End of this chapter)

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