Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 484 Unsatisfactory Copy

Chapter 484 Unsatisfactory Copy

As the firecrackers exploded, the first little spider was pulled out smoothly, followed by the second, and the third.

After a while, the five little monsters were easily eliminated, and the rest was the giant web-spinning spider.

"Go directly, control the skills and release them at the right time."

There was hardly any need for Hanyun to direct, everyone knew what to do, and directly attacked the monster.

As the summoned beast charged forward, the giant web-spinning spider also moved, and with the sound of gurgling, pink little spiders were created by it, and quickly surrounded the stone giant.

Seeing how fast the giant mutated spider was making small spiders, Hanyun didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly asked everyone to fire at full speed, otherwise when the number of small spiders reached a certain level, they would have to retreat if they didn't.

The little pink spider is a cautious magic attack. The attack is twice as strong as what they encountered before, but there are not many of them for the time being, and the pressure is not great. We must get rid of this troublesome big spider as soon as possible.

After this fight, Hanyun can be sure that the huge web-spinning spider in front of him is undoubtedly the boss of the level, because its blood gauge is abnormally thick.

Although judging from the damage, the monster's defense was mediocre, but against the attacks of the eight of them, the blood gauge dropped very slowly.

Gradually, the few people standing next to the spiders began to feel overwhelmed, and it was obviously not enough to rely on Bai Feibai to increase blood, so they began to clean up those little pink spiders around them that almost died when they touched them, in order to reduce them. increased blood pressure.

The first level is just the first level after all. Although it is very troublesome and consumes a lot of energy to fight, it is not dangerous yet.

It took a full 3 minutes to destroy the monster.

Everyone's consumption is not small, especially the melee fighters, including Han Yun.

I picked it up and checked it. One piece is 40 blue, one piece is 40 green, and two pieces are 40 white. This kind of drop makes Han Yun feel dizzy for a while.

He was used to starting with red equipment, and instantly felt that this dungeon was not worth wasting too much time here, so he might as well continue wandering around the bottom of the Spider Cave.

But since we're here, let's go back and check the situation. In case there is a more powerful existence, it is still necessary to spend some more time on this dungeon...

The plan can't keep up with the changes, and the results are often quite different from expectations.

The level bosses in the Mutant Spider Jungle dungeon are indeed more powerful than each other, but the probability of dropping the best equipment is too low. Even if their team belongs to the starting team, they still feel worthless after defeating the whole dungeon. , quite unworthy.

From entering the dungeon to coming out, it took a whole morning to explain it. They also got a piece of red equipment and combat boots this trip, which was a bit too little for everyone.

"Hey, maybe the previous harvest was too big. Now that the dungeon has dropped, it's better for us to walk around the bottom floor more. Maybe we can find a few red bosses that are better than the ones from this dungeon. The brand of the thief sighed.

Hei Feihei didn't take it seriously, and said: "If you want me to say, this is for everyone to level up, and the experience value is quite a lot. If you are talking about equipment, it is really better to go to the bottom of the spider cave where there are no people."

"That's right, let's go to the ground floor in the afternoon. If there are too many people on the ground floor in a few days, we won't have anything to play with."

Hanyun also nodded, calling everyone to go offline, and his figure slowly disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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