Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 498 A group of players suddenly appeared

Chapter 498 A group of players suddenly appeared

Because when he came in through the tree hole outside a few days ago, he was discovered by the guy named Kui Kui Kui, and he died because he didn't obey the command just after joining the team.

Now Hanyun is also slightly worried, worried that he will come in on behalf of more people. After all, he is just a priest, and it is obviously difficult to move here by himself, but if there are more people, the situation will be different .

Immediately, Hanyun copied the mural to the brand of the thief, and said: "Keep zooming in and looking for possible red dots."

"Understood!" The brand of the thief received the picture, then opened it, and started searching with Hanyun.

The two stood quietly in the valley like this, constantly adjusting the mural in front of them, and the time passed by every minute.

After an unknown amount of time, a loud noise interrupted the concentration of the two of them.

"Someone is coming?" Hanyun and the brand of the thief glanced at each other. The two released their stealth skills at the same time, then walked to the side and looked towards the entrance of the valley.

There was a noise outside.

"How can there be any monsters here?"

"No, but it's wonderful to be able to enter the bottom of the Spider Cave from between the pools!"

"Hahahaha, yes, I don't have to go through that nasty hundred-door array, and I don't have to wander around on the seventh floor to find the entrance to the bottom floor, which is great!"

"Huh? No, isn't it? I seemed to see a lot of fruit on the trees here before, why are there no more?"

"Fuck! What are you doing, kid? Didn't you say you have the legendary experience fruit?"

"These are the experience fruit trees." A person came to the side of the tree and took a look.

Suddenly, a person pointed to one side and shouted: "There is a fruit!"

Hearing this, Hanyun and the brand of the thief were taken aback, and looked in the direction the man was pointing at. Sure enough, there was a fruit hanging behind a fruit tree in the corner, but the angle was tricky. I didn't notice it, so I lost it.

A group of people ran over there, and one of them stepped forward and picked the fruit, surprised: "Really?"

"But just such a fruit, [-] experience points, what's the use?"

"Uh... no, no."

"Don't underestimate such a fruit and sell it to those low-level guys. I heard that such a fruit can be sold for more than 100 yuan!"

Hanyun and the brand of the thief looked at each other.

The brand of the thief muttered: "M, it's strange, how did these people get in, could it be that the plant forest outside..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped, and looked at Hanyun with wide eyes: "Did they just say that there is a water pool?"

"Uh..." Hanyun thought for a while, nodded and said, "It seems to be? I didn't hear it very clearly."

"Then I didn't run away. There is a passage under the pool, which must be connected to the pool outside." The Thief's Brand asserted.

"Maybe, if that's the case, then it doesn't seem to be that troublesome to come in, but since they found the water pool, the tree hole..." Hanyun shook his head slightly: "It's not that ordinary people can't go up the tree hole, but the tree hole is not easy to get in if you don't pay attention to it." Can't even find it."

"That's right." The brand of the thief curled his lips, and was about to say something, when he heard someone over there saying that he wanted to buy these fruits for 100 yuan each, and then make a difference, he immediately became interested, "Hey, they Say you want to collect fruit, 100 pieces, is it worth it, if it is worth it, sell it to them, and we will save trouble."

"Wait a minute." Hanyun immediately sent a message to the world to learn about the current market conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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