Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 517 Juvenile Gold Silk Spider

Chapter 517 Juvenile Gold Silk Spider
"I'll go! This person is crazy, dare to do something directly in the town?"

"Look, look, is that person a fool? It seems to be a malicious pk."

The brand of the thief was also taken aback by this guy, it was really crazy enough.

However, he saw an NPC guard passing by on one side, and originally wanted to avoid the front, but now he didn't dodge or dodge, sneered at the person who did it, and wrote down his name. Let the wind and rain fall.

"What a broken name, and typos, I'm sorry!" The brand of the thief said disdainfully.

At the moment this person started, the weapon just fell on the top of the thief's brand, and the moment the damage appeared.

Many people around, including the brand of the thief, saw that the npc guard who was walking slowly on the street before appeared behind the player in an instant. The weapon brought up a phantom, and the knife fell in his hand. The poor guy didn't even react. He didn't even have a chance, and he was hit and hanged on the spot in an instant.

It is rare for npc to take action, because there are no players rushing to fight directly in the town.

In the scene just now, in the blink of an eye, the malicious guy was killed, and the npc guard returned to his normal state and walked to the side.

After a moment of silence, there was an uproar, and it became lively in an instant.

The Thief's Brand didn't pull up the little HP he had dropped, and walked straight towards Hanyun, and said, "It's done."

"Excellent, wait a minute, it should be out soon." Han Yun pointed to the spider egg in his hand.

The brand of the thief fought here, just blocking the line of sight on one side, and no one came to disturb Hanyun again.

About 10 minutes later, the golden silk spider eggs shattered, and a large gray spider with silky golden threads all over its body was hatched.

Juvenile golden silk spiders can transform into advanced mounts when they become adults, use level 45, move speed +16 m/s, and are good at climbing. (You can use fresh food for feeding)

The eggshell gradually disappeared, leaving only a golden silk spider the size of two palms. It crawled along Hanyun's arm, and then stopped on his shoulder, making a slight clicking sound. It seems to be reminding Hanyun: "This spider is hungry!"

Han Yun was stunned for a long time, looking at such a small guy with a bit of dumbfounding, "Is this an advanced mount?"

"I'm going to go, this time you made a lot of money! This is still a baby, small is natural, as long as it is fed enough, it should grow very fast, but as an advanced mount, its moving speed is too slow .” Said the brand of the thief.

"Of course I understand this. It is normal for an advanced mount to move at least twice as fast as a junior mount. However, it has a climbing function. Unfortunately, it is because of this that the moving speed is only 16 meters."

"Yes, that's what I want to say."

Han Yun checked for a while, the current Golden Silk Spider can't store it in the special space for the mount, besides, he doesn't know if he has this space, but he can store it in the backpack, so he can carry it with him.

"Let's go, first go to the tavern to find a sub-professional player, buy some fish or something, it's considered fresh."

The Brand of the Thief smiled and nodded: "Let's go, oh yes, I came up to find you, and I found a buyer who is willing to pay 55000 yuan for the wind shield technique. How is your progress?"

Hanyun opened the information bar to check again, shook his head and said: "No, it may be because everyone has not yet understood the power of this skill, and the prices offered are not satisfactory."

(End of this chapter)

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