Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 656 Waiting for the opportunity

Chapter 656 Waiting for the opportunity
Hanyun and the brand of the thief walked towards the distance.

The Brand of the Thief looked back at the group of guys who were still vigilant, and muttered, "Just leave like this?"

"Hey, how come, don't make a sound for a while, I don't believe it's as simple as mining here, even if it's just mining, it must be able to be taken out." Han Yun grinned, turned and walked back.

"Haha, let's just say, something is wrong."

Hanyun quietly came to the side of a group of people, just looking at the group of people quietly.

The 12 members of this sub-professional guild were also vigilant, and after a while they all gathered together and did not continue mining.

"Maybe he's gone?"

Because Hanyun and Thief's Brand were in the invisible state just now, they don't know how many people they have in total, and whether they have left or not, so they have to be careful.

"I don't know, let's check it out, we should go."

The three hunter players searched around, and after several minutes of searching, they didn't see a single figure, so they were all relieved.

"Phew - it looks like he's gone."

"Damn it, I was scared to death. I thought I was going to be hanged up."

"Haha, if this is really suspended, our harvest may be much less."

"Shhh—bad words come out of your mouth, shut up! Hurry up, leave after collecting, everyone try to get as close as possible, in case they come back, we will have someone to take care of them."

A group of people clanked and collected again.

Hanyun on the side raised his eyebrows, it seems that what these guys said just now is not true, otherwise they shouldn't be so afraid of death, anyway, it's just ore.

Since they will suffer a great loss when they die, at least some of the ores or gems they collect will drop out.

Hanyun returned to the brand of the thief, and said: "I don't know what can explode if you kill it. The population of that group is quite tight, so I didn't say much."

"Huh, I knew it was like this. These grandchildren, the first one is one way, and the second one is another." The brand of the thief waved the dagger in his hand: "Do you want to do it?"

Hanyun looked at their location distribution, and then looked back at the distance in front of him who didn't know where he was going. If he continued to walk like this, he might not find anything in the last less than half an hour. Stay here for a while, if you have a chance, you can still start.

"Wait, anyway, this blessed land is coming to an end, look for a chance to start."

The two separated a little distance, and then approached a group of people, watching them clangingly collecting.

The ores are not very densely packed, they are basically together for the first 10 minutes, but there is always a time when the collection is over, and then they slowly start to disperse.

If you want to kill 12 people, just the two of them won't do. After all, the average level of this team is also 45. If they want to do it, they can only kill one or two of them alone.

The guy Hanyun was staring at was a very vigilant one, and he was the one who made everyone be careful just now. It seemed that he should have a relatively high position in the guild.

It's just that this guy was too cautious, so Hanyun had to change his target.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it seemed that there were still 5 minutes left to be teleported out of the blessed land of the guild, but the opportunity still hadn't come.

"I can't do it, what should I do?" The brand of the thief simply made it on the side, and muttered softly.

Han Yun shook his head: "There is no way, I will go out if I wait any longer, there is no time anyway."

"That's right, I'm very hungry now, so I'll go offline and have dinner as soon as I get out."

At this time, the guy that Hanyun wanted to kill unexpectedly ran away from the team and collected them at a position nearly 30 meters away, which immediately revived Hanyun and the brand of the thief.

(End of this chapter)

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