Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 816 Increasing Consumption

Chapter 816 Increasing Consumption

Back at the edge of the Black Lake, the three of them didn't stay too long, got on their mounts and went straight to the village where they had received the task before.

After two days and three days of fighting, everyone's medicines are running out, especially Die Bulianhua, who has basically used up all her magic medicines, and also used up a lot of magic medicines from Hanyun and Thief's Brand. Otherwise, he should have come back long ago.

After returning to the village, he made some adjustments, sold what should be sold, bought what should be bought, and Hanyun also started to buy junk weapons, preparing to raise his Explosive Blade level again.

After learning that Hanyun wanted to upgrade his weapons, the brand of Thief and Die Bulianhua finished their work, and they also started to help send messages to the world and help buy junk weapons.

With the purchase and refining of each weapon, the refining value of the Explosive Blade is rapidly increasing, and at the same time, the gold coins in Hanyun's previous backpack are also rapidly depleting.

The current level of Explosive Blade is level 15, and it needs 1850 refining points to upgrade.

The junk weapons that were upgraded before have all been absorbed, plus some accumulated before, it is only a few hundred points.

The three of them were standing by the mailbox at this time, constantly buying, trading, and refining.

Information: The refining value of Explosive Blade is increased by 1 point.

Information: The refining value of Explosive Blade is increased by 2 point.


Hanyun kept busy, making Lianhua move closer to 1850 points.

Finally, after a lot of busy work, a layer of dim light flickered on the Exploding Blade.

Message: Congratulations!Explosive Blade level up!

Explosive Blade (level 16, 1/2200 refining value), level requirement 50, occupation requirement thief, physical attack 35-57, critical strike chance +11%, critical strike damage increased by 17%. (To inlay level 4 physical gems: physical attack 5-10)

"Phew, I've been promoted to one level." Han Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Die Bu Lian Hua: "Then continue to buy?"

It has to be said that the speed of the three moving together is extremely fast.

Now the use level of the Explosive Blade is level 50, and Han Yun's own level is 58, which is still a bit different, so Han Yun said: "Let's go to another level, I will find someone to collect gold coins, and I will make up for the gold coins you used later. "

"Ha, it's a trivial matter, no need." Brand of the Thief waved his hand.

Die Bu Lian Hua hurriedly shook her head: "Don't, you are slapping me in the face, I just got such an advanced resurrection technique, this little money is nothing."

Han Yun smiled and said: "Okay, then I will figure it out, you go ahead, I will recruit people to accept gold coins."

The current gold coins have fallen to more than a dozen yuan, and buying them is no longer as distressing as before.

After shouting casually, after haggling over the price, Hanyun received 3000 gold coins, and then gave the two gold coins [-] each, allowing them to continue buying.

After working hard for quite a while, Hanyun dropped the Explosive Blade level to level 17 in one breath!
Explosive Blade (level 17, 2/2500 refining value), level requirement 53, occupation requirement thief, physical attack 40-62, critical strike chance +12%, critical strike damage increased by 19%. (To inlay level 4 physical gems: physical attack 5-10)

And Hanyun also discovered one thing, that is, after the Explosive Blade reaches this level, each level will be greatly improved, at least higher than the improved attributes during the previous upgrade.

However, there is a corresponding increase in refining value requirements. Now at level 17, 2500 refining points are required to upgrade to a level, and some white equipment at level 40 is completely useless, so the difficulty of upgrading And the consumption can be imagined...

(End of this chapter)

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