Super Rampage Rogue

Chapter 925 3 Caves

Chapter 925 Three Caves
In the middle of the mountain, Hanyun can't walk around too casually. From time to time, there will be beetle monsters running around from the side, and the large area below is filled with beetles. There is no foothold at all. If you fall down, you will die. It's just that you can go around in the surrounding caves to see if there is anything special.

After watching for a long time, I didn't find anything. I just avoided the movement of these monsters. In desperation, Hanyun retreated from the inside and returned to everyone's side.

"How is it?" asked the brand of the thief.

Hanyun removed the effect of the Night Walking Yuyi, and briefly explained the situation inside.

Che Lingqing was surprised: "Could it be that there will be another very powerful boss?"

"I don't understand this clearly. There is a lot of space inside, but there are very few places where you can walk, and monsters will continue to crawl to every exit outside. It is difficult to walk. Once you enter, you may be besieged by monster groups and cannot enter. .”

"In this way, if we just kill them, we may not be able to finish killing these bugs in a while."

"That's for sure." Hanyun thought for a while and said: "Okay, you guys continue, I'll go to the back to take a look, this mountain is also quite big, just now I only saw a position over there, there may be a breakthrough in the back Order."

As he said that, he opened the night travel feather coat again, and walked around behind the mountain.

The mountain filled with monsters is indeed not small, but no matter which direction you go, there is no missing one of the densely packed caves, and there will be monsters coming in and out constantly.

After arriving at the mountain, Hanyun searched for a while, and finally found that there were three cave entrances on the back side. This entrance was bigger than all the ones I saw before, and there were very few inside these three caves. The beetle will crawl out, and immediately he enters again from this side.

Entering the inside, Hanyun knew at a glance that if he wanted to enter, then this was the right choice, but there were three entrances outside, and he chose the middle one, so he didn't know if it was the right choice, of course, It is also possible that they are all the same, and there is no difference.

After walking tens of meters inside, after a turn, Hanyun did not directly see the inside of the huge mountainside, but turned into a wider cave.

This passage can be called a karst cave. It is very wide, seven or eight meters high, and three to four meters high. The stones on the ground are piled up in a mess, and some big beetles are crawling around here.

Could it be that if you just choose one to come in, you will find the right place?
Hanyun was very puzzled, but his footsteps did not stop, and he continued to walk inside.

He took out a torch and lit it, and the surrounding area suddenly became brighter, which also allowed him to see the surrounding situation more clearly.

There are very few monsters, there is only one beetle within a few meters, it looks scattered, and it is very convenient to walk. Of course, this is for Hanyun. You have to kill the monsters to continue walking inside.

The passageway is not straight, it rotates and twists randomly, up and down, and Hanyun also walked for a while, and then came to the edge of the innermost wall, and a big beetle figure was carved on this wall , a groove appeared in the lower left corner of the graph, and he immediately looked to the lower right corner, and sure enough, there was also a groove there.

After careful inspection, this should be a place that can only be opened after a specific item is placed here. Hanyun looked to the left and right sides, there is no way out, and there is no mechanism. When I came here before, there was not even a side road. Look The passage in the middle is used to open it, and one or both of the other two are the existence of getting this specific item.

(End of this chapter)

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