Chapter 335
"What's wrong with her! I'll be thankful that she didn't cause trouble!" Feng Decai looked at the only daughter with hatred. If he hadn't only had such a child, he would have killed him long ago.

"Father! It's not my fault. It's because they united to bully me. It's Gu Chuchu and Ji Wenyan who fanned the flames."


Another loud slap made Feng Xiaoxia fall to the ground.

Feng Decai was so angry that he gasped, pointed at Feng Xiaoxia's nose and cursed: "What do you want me to say about you! You don't know how to deal with people all day long! How did you provoke the Ji family?" This young master made such a fuss that he insisted on making trouble with the Feng Group!"

"It's all right now. Everyone knows that our Feng family and the Ji family have a disagreement, and the cooperation case has also failed. Who dares to lend me money! Without a loan, where will the money come from to continue to run the company!"

Xu Ling stopped in front of Feng Xiaoxia at this time, and said with a sad face: "Okay, okay, don't hit her, this matter is caused by the Ji family, what does it have to do with Xiaoxia?"

"You still say! She is your good granddaughter! My great Feng Group is about to be defeated by her! How can I have the face to meet my father!" Feng Decai gasped harder and harder, holding The armrest of the sofa said with difficulty.

Feng Xiaoxia only realized the seriousness of the problem at this moment, but seeing Ji Wenyan defending Gu Chuchu again and again, she was jealous and unwilling, she couldn't swallow this breath.

"Father, I'm your only daughter, why would I not want my family to be better! But, that Gu Chuchu is against me, making things difficult for me!" Feng Xiaoxia just felt wronged and burst into tears.

"You! How dare you talk back! You, this." Feng Decai fell face-to-face with a "gudong" while talking.

This frightened Xu Ling and Feng Xiaoxia enough, and Xu Ling couldn't care less about it, she rushed forward and wailed: "Son! What's wrong with you, son, don't scare me! Come quickly!"

Feng Xiaoxia was also frightened and stupid, and froze on the spot without moving.

On the contrary, it was the nanny at home who saw the situation and quickly called the emergency call and sent Feng Decai to the hospital.

Feng Xiaoxia didn't recover when she arrived at the hospital. When the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor came out, she didn't hear her calling several times.

"Miss Feng, your father suffered from acute myocardial infarction. Now he has recovered, but he is still in a coma. The specific time of waking up depends on the individual's physique. This kind of disease is the most taboo of mood swings, so the later recovery needs the help of your family."

The doctor's voice was full of buzzing in Feng Xiaoxia's ears. She only knew that her father had passed out and would not wake up in a short time.

Because of Feng Decai's coma, the Feng Group has already become a mess. All directors clamored to hold a general meeting of shareholders and replace the positions of chairman and president. However, some loyal fans of Feng Decai believed that the removal of the chairman would affect the company's stock price. , so do not agree to do so.

At this time, the Ji family has not fully intervened in Feng's internal conflicts.

Facing her sick father and her grandmother who shed tears every day, Feng Xiaoxia couldn't sit still.

She thought that the instigator of all this was Gu Chuchu. If it wasn't for her, her father wouldn't have passed out, and the Feng Group would be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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