Chapter 729
According to visual inspection, the body of the 1.6-meter-[-]-length body is blood red, revealing white muscles and pink texture, and white bones on the face and fingertips.

It was a skinned corpse.

Gu Chuchu frowned and couldn't imagine what kind of deep hatred would treat a victim like this, killing someone enough and then peeling off the skin.

She skillfully manipulated the scalpel in her hand, broke open the muscles, and inspected everywhere.

Because there is no epidermal tissue, many autopsy methods cannot be used, such as using corpse spots to infer the time of death of the corpse.

However, as an experienced forensic doctor, Gu Chuchu first took the dna sample of the female corpse for comparison to confirm the identity of the corpse.

Later, she found an injury on the back of the skull of the female corpse. After further identification, it was confirmed that the cause of death of the corpse was a blunt instrument blow to the head.

The massive congestion found in the cerebral cortex further confirmed Gu Chuchu's inference.

After the results of the DNA comparison test came out, the police found that a girl who had been reported missing recently matched the DNA of the victim.

This girl was none other than Miao Shaoqing whom Gu Chuchu had seen.

The case was classified as a vicious homicide by the police, and the murderer is being traced and wanted with all efforts.

After Gu Chuchu learned the comparison results of the DNA identification, her first reaction was to think of Zhang Yujia at the exhibition.

She was holding Miao Shaoqing's invitation letter and still wearing her clothes. Could it be that she really killed the adult?

She felt that it was wrong to speculate like this, and she couldn't control the direction of the case because of her own prejudice, so she didn't explain to the police what happened at the exhibition.

However, when she left the police station, she mentioned a person to Su Nongyu, who knew Miao Shaoqing and Zhang Yujia, and that was Qian Jin.

Therefore, Qian Jin became an important clue and witness for the police to crack the case, and he was summoned to the police station for questioning that day.

When he was called over, Qian Jin was still in a state of panic and fear. He didn't know why the police suddenly came to him, thinking like a drum in his heart, could it be because of that?
As soon as Su Nongyu arrived in the interrogation room, before he could ask any questions, Qian Jin said tremblingly: "Comrade policeman, that's none of my business! I did ask He Xiaoran to help me with something, but that was just Let’s just say, I don’t know about his misappropriation of public funds!”

"Misappropriation of public funds?" Su Nongyu frowned, and exchanged glances with Quan Xin who was beside him. It seemed that Qian Jin still had a lot of things worth exploring, but the most important thing right now was Miao Shaoqing's case.

Quanxin coughed twice, making Qian Jin shut up like a chicken, and then said: "Mr. Qian, the police came to you this time to cooperate in the investigation of Miao Shaoqing's murder case, so don't be nervous. "

Qian Jin was dumbfounded, didn't he ask him to check He Xiaoran?Then the words he just said are not self-exposed!

Before he could react, Quan Xin asked again: "What is your relationship with the victim, Ms. Miao Shaoqing?"

At this moment, Qian Jin's brain was no longer enough, he muttered in a daze: "Miao, what's wrong with Miao Shaoqing?"

Su Nongyu took out a document and handed it to him: "Ms. Miao was killed and was found thrown in the trash can downstairs of her house. You were the one who met Ms. Miao the day before the incident. May I ask what you can provide for the police?" Any clues?"

(End of this chapter)

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