Chapter 799 Jiatian Heye
Ji Wenyan persuaded in a gentle voice: "The person drinking the soup is a business partner I met just now. He may not be familiar with domestic customs, and mistakenly thought that the soup on the table was for him, so Chuchu, don't blame him gone."

Her temper wasn't so strong anymore, but her mouth was still pouted, and she leaned into his arms and complained: "Who doesn't even have this bit of common sense."

"He, he is the only son of the chairman of Jiatian Heye in Japan, and his name is Ruan Jiu." Ji Wenyan mentioned it casually, and felt that if the second generation ancestor really didn't work hard, his father's family business would be ruined no matter how big it was in her hands.

"Ruan Jiu? It sounds like a Chinese name." Gu Chuchu put her hand into his palm, feeling the warmth of his palm.

Ji Wenyan never refuses Gu Chuchu's intimacy, but just lets her act, and he still doesn't forget to explain: "Yes, his father Ruan Raohe is Chinese, Chinese in Japan, Jiatian Heye is a company he founded from scratch , is now the No. [-] cosmetics brand in Japan.”

"That is also rare. The chairman of such a large company in Japan still maintains his nationality." Many Chinese people go abroad, forget their roots after achieving success, and take their nationality in the country where they are. Nationality, as if he could really be plated with gold if he changed his nationality.

Ji Wenyan also nodded in agreement with her point of view. Ruan Raohe, the chairman of Jiatian Heye, was one of the cooperation intentions he set after much understanding.

This person is very scheming and means. When the cosmetics industry first started in Japan, he aimed viciously at this industry, and radiated from this industry to many fields such as medicine, food, and clothing. industry giants.

At the same time, Ruan Raohe is very sincere. He has lived in a foreign land for many years. Even if the Japanese Immigration Bureau sent him invitations to be honorary citizens of various cities, he always refused.

His answer is always only one, that is, he is Chinese, he is a descendant of the dragon wherever he goes, and he must not forget his origin.

Although it is not ruled out that this kind of behavior is to use personal influence to create a brand effect for your company, but there are very few people who can do this, so no matter what his original intention is, he is worthy of admiration.

Such an admirable man as a partner will make people feel very secure.

This time, Ji Wenyan wanted to conduct cooperative research on the relocation of part of Jiatian Heye's manufacturing industry and the development of overseas markets.

It's a pity that Ruan Raohe's son Ruan Jiu didn't seem to have inherited his father's business acumen at all, and he was able to forget the most important documents in the hotel at the beginning of the cooperation negotiation.

He could see his cooperation sincerity from Ruan Raohe personally sending his son over to negotiate. If not, he would have kicked him out early in the morning just because of his foolish appearance as the second generation ancestor.

Gu Chuchu could tell from his eyes that he appreciated the person she was talking about, and she had a big doubt: "Why did this Mr. Ruan live in Japan for so many years without returning to China?"

When talking about such a problem, Ji Wenyan also paused for a moment. He asked Hong Fan to investigate at the beginning, but the information he could get was very little.

"I just heard that his daughter seems to be lost in Japan."

"So he just stayed in Japan to find his daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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