Chapter 831

Gu Chuchu also knew clearly that he had already cleaned up the tables outside when he had just eaten, and there was nothing to clean up now, but it was just an excuse for not wanting her to do the dishes.

After what he said, she couldn't reach out any more, and just happened to see the apples on the cooking table. She took two, and carefully peeled them with a fruit knife.

She remembered that the hero and heroine in the Japanese comics she had read before liked to cut apples into the shape of bunnies to please the other half, and the hand holding the fruit knife couldn't help hesitating.

But even so, when she came back to her senses, she had already peeled a whole plate of little rabbit apples in her hand.

Annoyed, she picked up one of the scraps, put down the knife, walked to Ji Wenyan's side, and stuffed it into his mouth without any explanation.

"Eat your skin!"

This kind of action was childish and seemed to be flirting, Gu Chuchu ran away after stuffing the apples.

She picked up the fruit knife again and planned to cut the remaining one, but her ears paid attention to the movement around her.

Ji Wenyan was frightened by her actions, and also cute. She always felt that Chu Chu's behavior just now was like a primary school student who was angry with his father, and it was no different from scolding "I'm a banana, you're a big apple".

The man wiping his hands couldn't help laughing from the corner of his mouth.

It just so happened that the laughter was heard by the person involved, and the tips of the exposed ears were bright red and prettier than apples. Gu Chuchu was still holding a fruit knife in her hand, and her fingertips turned red by accident.

"Ah!" The pretty brows frowned, and she couldn't help feeling annoyed that a person who was used to using a scalpel was cut by a fruit knife. It was a big joke.

She put her bleeding index finger into her mouth, sucked it and squeezed out a little more blood, hoping that would barely risk germs getting in.

Unexpectedly, Ji Wenyan, who was standing next to her and saw the whole scene, had a tight throat, and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

It wasn't until the bright red appeared on her fingers again that he reacted and went to fetch the medicine box.

When Gu Chuchu turned her head, the other person in the kitchen disappeared. She clutched her injured hand and went out, only to see Ji Wenyan squatting in front of the TV cabinet without looking at it.

It took him a while to raise his head holding a transparent plastic box: "I found it!"

When she saw the red cross on the box, she knew it should be a medicine box. She walked over to take it, but Ji Wenyan avoided it.

"A little injury, I'll be fine by myself." Gu Chuchu still couldn't hold back, feeling that she couldn't get too close to him.

But Ji Wenyan couldn't doubt it, she directly pulled her to sit on the sofa, put the medicine box on her lap, and stretched out her hand in front of her eyes.

He rummaged in the box for a while, and even took out the hemostatic medicine and bandages.

Gu Chuchu was a little speechless: "Using a bandage for such a small wound is too much of a fuss, a Band-Aid is enough."

Ji Wenyan made a sharp glance, and the girl immediately fell silent.

But he also put down the bandage in his hand and replaced it with disinfectant and a Band-Aid.

Can she interpret Ji Wenyan's behavior just now as being too nervous?

Because of the band-aids and disinfection, the distance between the two of them instantly shortened a lot. Gu Chuchu could see the swirls in Ji Wenyan's jet-black hair on top of his head without lowering his head, smelling his hair and himself. Same shampoo smell.

The fingertips seemed to be able to feel the touch left by his soft and moderately soft hair.

(End of this chapter)

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