Chapter 838

Seemingly plain words have the power of life and death.

Hong Fan, who was already used to it, immediately understood what he meant: "Good boss, I'll make up for this loophole right away and change to another security company."

The assistant left, and Ji Wenyan put his elbows on the table, propping up his temples and thinking.

What good things are there in the underground garage of Ji's Group that Ruan Tang can stay for so long, she is on the phone with someone?Or, who is she seeing?

He is almost certain to be hostile to this young lady of Jiatian Heye, but now is not the best time to liquidate. Ji Wenyan opened the drawer and took out an investigation report from it, with a smile on his face More playful.

Gu Chuchu didn't know how long she slept on the bed. When she opened her eyes again, it was already dark. She rubbed her eyes and saw that it was past eight o'clock on the phone, and there were several messages from Professor Qi.

She yawned sleepily and clicked through one by one, but saw that the sleepiness on her face gradually disappeared, and she saw the excitement and excitement on her face at the end.

She hastily sent a message to Ji Wenyan, saying that she had some things to do when she returned to work, and then she got dressed and went straight to work.

While stopping a taxi on the road, she dialed Quan Xin's number.

"I have a new idea for this case. You wait for me in the bureau. I'll take a blood sample and return it to the laboratory for analysis!" Before Quan Xin could respond, she hung up the phone.

What her supervisor Professor Qi said in the text message was a brand new idea about this case.

Originally, this case revealed strangeness from beginning to end, but the eye-catching headshot death method made the forensic department focus all its attention on the examination of the head of the corpse.

As everyone knows, this may be the murderer's blindfold. If, as she guessed, the victim Che Taiyu had lost his consciousness before death, then the murderer would definitely leave clues on the body.

There are only a few ways to make people lose consciousness, such as drugging, injection, and blunt force blows.

The first two types will definitely have drug residues in the blood of the corpse, and they can be detected with a little inspection.

I was blinded by the murderer's deceptive modus operandi before, and always thought that he was trying to cover up something by making such a big fight and crushing people's heads. The blame is directed at the innocent Ruan Jiu.

Quan Xin was also thrilled when he received the call. This case seemed to be a traffic accident, but it was actually a hidden murder. This was a case that combined his two police careers and was the most suitable case for him.

The young team leader still has a lot of drive, and wants to shine in this case.

After hearing Gu Chuchu's statement, he also thought about whether the victim had been drugged during his lifetime, so he diverted his thinking and thought of more.

If you want to design an unconscious person to be hit by a car on the track with precision, this person must be very familiar with the car, know where the driver's visual blind spot is, and drive straight even if there is something in front of him.

At the same time, it is also necessary to securely fix the unconscious person at the place where it was hit to ensure that the victim's head is crushed. This requires the murderer to have careful thinking and strong control.

(End of this chapter)

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