Chapter 947 Stitching
Su Nongyu stopped her footsteps and fell silent as she watched the closed door of the conference room.

The temperature in the dissecting room remained low as usual, but today it made Gu Chuchu feel extraordinarily cold.

She stitched up Hiroki Fujii's wound carefully stitch by stitch, watching the hideous corpse being restored little by little under her hands, she felt a sense of fulfillment in her heart.

But this sense of fulfillment couldn't fill the panic in her heart.

Yes, she was afraid.

Until now, I dare not think deeply about why Hiroki Fujii, who was lying here, was killed on the bed in the hotel.

Is it for her?Could it be that if Fujii Hiroki didn't pass the news to her, he wouldn't be exposed?Why did he come to Dongyuan City?Is it to find yourself?
On the way in front of the police station that day, Gu Chuchu felt that it was definitely not a chance encounter.

If this is the case, then she not only owes Hiroki Fujii a favor, but also owes him her life.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, two people who are obviously irrelevant, why did he make this trip, it's unnecessary.

Gu Chuchu's hand holding the tweezers began to tremble, and the suture needle bent in an arc in the tweezers also trembled, and she couldn't even penetrate that layer of flesh for suture.

She sighed, stopped what she was doing, and looked up at the harsh lights of the dissecting room.

As if being dazzled by the light, her eyes were naturally closed tightly, and some transparent liquid leaked from the corners of her eyes.

He won't, Fujii Hiroki is not so great, although he is a Japanese policeman, he is a black policeman, how could he do such a thankless thing.

Gu Chuchu comforted herself in this way, because only by thinking this way, can she not be unable to face the corpse in front of her because of her debt.

It took her twice as long as usual to sew up the body, and by the time she was done, it was 04:30 in the afternoon.

She draped the corpse on the dissecting table, as usual, and waited for an assistant to come and place the body in the temporary storage mortuary mortuary.

Everything outside was as usual, and the corridor in front of the forensics department was still quiet.

She washed her hands, took off her mask and gloves and sat on a seat in the corridor, soothing her tense nerves.

After standing for three hours in a row, which has exceeded the physical load of a normal person, Gu Chuchu felt that every inch of the muscles on her neck, shoulders, and two thighs were sore.

She couldn't help but clenched her fist and punched her shoulder twice, but this was just a drop in the bucket and couldn't solve the muscle soreness.

At this moment, the phone rang, and she flipped through the disinfection clothes she hadn't taken off, and took out the phone from her pocket to see that it was Ji Wenyan's call.

The index finger hesitated for a moment between the red and green buttons, and finally pressed the green button.

"Hello." Ji Wenyan could sense her tiredness through her voice without seeing her.

"Chuchu, I'm at the door, come out." His voice was filled with electromagnetic vibrations, making it even more alluring.

Gu Chuchu agreed in a low voice, took off her disinfectant clothes and threw them into the medical waste bin, and walked towards the door.

As he said, Ji Wenyan was standing at the gate, holding a big box in his hand, and he didn't know what was in it.

"Why did you come here suddenly? You won't pick me up after get off work today?"

(End of this chapter)

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