Chapter 38 Famous Zhenlian City [4]

How to describe their feelings is too shocking! ! !
Yan Li ignored everyone's gaze, walked to her original position and leaned against her, and slowly closed her eyes.

Just now, she used too much mental strength, and she still has pain in her head, and she needs to rest.

At this time, Yan Mingyue supported Yan Wei and walked in front of her. Yan Wei moved his lips, "Yan Li, thank you."

Yan Li suddenly opened his eyes, the pupils were heavy, black and bright like a black agate stone.

She said in a cold tone: "Don't be sentimental, I just feel uncomfortable seeing their faces." After speaking, she closed her eyes and took a nap without looking at Yan Wei's expression.

The old lady came over, patted Yan Wei on the shoulder, asked Yan Mingyue to take Yan Wei aside, and said to them: "Yan Li has such a personality, and you all know it, everyone just understands it in their hearts." He smiled gratifiedly.

Yan Wei nodded, "I understand!"

Yan Li naturally heard their conversation, moved his mouth, and snorted coldly.

Yan Shishi also came over and said: "I really can't believe it at all, Yan Li has defeated June, and he is still a first-level spirit warrior!!!"

Yan Mingyue turned her head to look at Yanli, with a slight smile on her lips.

In fact, Yan Li's temperament is like this, she is not the kind of person who loses her humanity.

Yan Zhanyan let out a long breath, "How can I give up my number one position to a kid who doesn't even have all his teeth?"

The old ancestor gave out his beard and laughed out loud.

the other side.

City Lord Ma was helped to his position, with cold sweat still dripping from his forehead, he was really close just now!
His little squinted his eyes widened, looked at June on the ground, then looked at the Yanfu, snorted heavily, and said: "The person who meets the Yanfu in the next round, let me die!" Hit, do you hear that!?"

The five people replied in unison, all with expressions of anger.

The older boy, who was the leader, narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Yan Li.

Leaving the banquet? !

In the next round, I will let you die without a place to bury you!

How dare you bully us! ! !

Halfway through the competition, the second round is about to begin.

Of the current 12 people, there are five more on the city lord's side, four on the Yanfu's side, and only one from each of the other three families.

Moreover, everyone on the city lord's side has lowered their cultivation bases, and basically they are all above the ninth level of the spirit fight. Just by looking at it like this, the winner can be determined.

Everyone understands it in their hearts, but they just don't say it.

This was originally just an honor match between families, but now it has been promoted to a life-and-death match.

On the side of the old ancestor and the old lady, looking at the proud face of the city lord, their expressions became more and more serious.

They are people with advanced cultivation bases, so they naturally heard what the city lord said just now. If they continue to compete, then their side must suffer heavy losses.

Originally, this competition was unfair! ! !
The city lord actually found a few people from other places to adopt as adopted sons, and through this competition, they will give their big families a blow! ! !

While the old lady and the ancestor were thinking, someone in the crowd shouted, "This competition is not fair at all!"

These words spread like a fuse, and the crowd exploded with a bang——

(End of this chapter)

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