649 - Half a year

This is a valley full of spring. It has been half a year since I came here. In two seasons, it is spring all year round.

As for why they are here?

This goes back half a year.

At that time, the streamer shield was flourishing, and Shiyan let out a miserable cry, but countless lightning strikes down, like a thunder disaster.

Everyone thought that Ziyuan would die, even if she survived the thunder and lightning, but without Linglong's heart, she only had a body without a heart, so she wouldn't be able to live for long no matter what.

And it took so long.

Ziyuan forced Shiyan to death with a streamer, and he couldn't live. At that last moment, Ziyuan disappeared, leaving only a scorched black body that belonged to Shiyan, and even his soul was destroyed by the streamer. And a trace was pulled away, and then split into ashes under the thunder and lightning.

However, not only Zi Yuan disappeared, but also Suzaku, and Yan Li also disappeared.

This disappeared for half a year.

In fact, it was Suzaku who took Ziyuan away at the last moment regardless of the thunder and lightning, but Yan Li saw it, caught Suzaku at that critical moment, and disappeared with them.

When I came to this valley, I don't know how I got in, and I don't know how I got out!
There is no exit or entrance, which is incredible. How did the three of them come here suddenly?

The valley here is not big, but full of vitality.

Yanli and Suzaku are already used to the life here, while Ziyuan is in a coma for half a year, and she still hasn't woken up.

In the verdant and lush valley, everything is as it was before, and the most beautiful moments are always in full bloom.

The terrain here is very strange, but there is a large empty pit in the middle of the valley.

There was nothing inside, but they couldn't go down. Suzaku and Yan Li tried several times but failed to go down. It seemed that there was a force inside that was preventing anyone from intruding.

Moreover, in this valley, apart from Yanli Suzaku and comatose Ziyuan, there is no creature or any beast.

This is a strange place, even stranger than the Paradise Forest.

What is even more unbelievable is, how did the three of Yanli come to this valley?

Yan Li vaguely remembered that she caught Suzaku amidst the dazzling light and the terrifying thunder and lightning, and then her body ached, her eyes went dark, and she appeared here when she woke up again.

She asked Suzaku, and it was the same situation.

As for Zi Yuan, she is still in a coma
Yanli and Suzaku built a house near the south, not too big or too small, Suzaku lived in the outer room, and Ziyuan lived in the inner room.

And Yan Li casually, most of the time, she would involuntarily wait by Zi Yuan's bedside for him to wake up.

The days are so very peaceful.

The calmness makes people hallucinate.

After arguing with Suzaku for a while, Yan Li went back to the house, and in the back room, it was Zi Yuan who was lying peacefully on the bed.

His complexion was fine, and his body was fine, except for the empty chest, as if he was sleeping with a normal person.

Yan Li walked to his side and sat down slowly.

Her eyes fell on his chest, and her beautiful eyebrows frowned again.

Without Linglongxin, he wouldn't live long.

This was the first thing they thought of when they came to this valley half a year ago, but there was no one here, no heart, when she and Suzaku were desperate, but Ziyuan's vitality was still there, and she remained in a coma status.

But how long can this state last?

What would happen if he woke up?
While I was puzzled, there was more helplessness and sadness in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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