book eye

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

PS: In view of the fact that the plot about anti-reasoning is too cumbersome, many book friends said that it hurts to read, so the relevant plot is temporarily deleted.The plot of the last chapter has been slightly modified, and it is not mentioned that the shadow man is a mystery novelist.

Interested readers can re-read the previous chapter.It doesn't matter if you don't re-read it, and it won't affect the reading of the following text.

Leaving the reading and psychological treatment room, Liu Xing skimmed from the fifth floor to the first floor, walked through a bush, and went directly to the opposite library.

According to the map on the scroll, the Jin family treasure is buried in the area near the library.

After more than an hour, Liu Xing searched secretly around the library. Because there were many students nearby and many eyes and ears, it was very inconvenient for him to move, and many places could not be searched.

Turned around the library, and found nothing special, Liu Xing decided to go directly into the library to have a look.

The library of the School of Fiction is heavily guarded, and the entire building is completely enclosed. There are no entrances like windows or balconies to sneak in.

To enter the library, you can only go through the main entrance.

The door of the library is closed, and only students with a student card can enter. Liu Xing happened to have a student card of Zhang Yaxin.

Before entering the library, Liu Xing went to a nearby student apartment and stole a student uniform from the School of Fiction, put it on himself, and then stole a hat and put it on his head to cover up his shadowy appearance.

After changing his clothes, Liu Xing walked towards the library building. When he came to the door, he took out Zhang Yaxin's student card, swiped it at a security check machine at the door, and the door opened with a beep.

Liu Xing walked into the library, and a spacious hall appeared in front of him. The surrounding area was illuminated by white lights, and many students entered and exited here.

With his head lowered slightly, Liu Xing covered his face with a hat, avoiding everyone's eyes, and walked carefully in the hall while checking the surrounding situation.

After visiting the hall on the first floor, Liu Xing prepared to go to the second floor with little gain.In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, he dared not take the elevator and could only take the stairs.

"Student, wait a moment."

When Liu Xing walked to the entrance of the corridor with his head down, a nearby security guard in blue uniform suddenly called out and walked quickly.

Once the security guards approached, Liu Xing's black shadow man costume would be discovered, so Liu Xing pretended not to hear and continued to go upstairs.

"This classmate, please wait a moment... Hey, do you hear me, stop!"

The security guard seemed to be aware of Liu Xing's abnormality, and shouted in a deep voice, holding a baton, he quickly chased after him, and grabbed Liu Xing's arm.

Helpless, Liu Xing had no choice but to make a move, backhanded a little, knocking the security guard unconscious.

Pulling the unconscious security guard to the corner of the corridor, Liu Xing continued to go upstairs.When I reached the stairs on the second floor, I found two more security guards.

"Why so many security guards?"

However, since it has come, Liu Xing does not want to give up halfway.He regained his composure for a while, and walked unhurriedly to the stairs on the second floor, trying to get away with it.

Unfortunately, it was still noticed by the security guards.

"Student, wait a moment..."

As soon as the security guard opened his mouth, Liu Xing had already made a move. With two slaps, the two security guards also passed out.

Dragging the two security guards to the corner, Liu Xing leaned against the wall of the corridor and scanned the hall on the second floor. He found that there were security guards at every entrance and exit of the hall. These security guards should have received professional training and were very vigilant.

The security level of the library is several grades higher than that of Tianhai University. All exits are strictly guarded and watertight. It is not possible to enter and exit freely by relying on light skills.

If it weren't for the teachers and students of the School of Fiction, it would be really difficult to move forward here.

He stood at the entrance of the corridor for a while, but he didn't know where to go, because there were security guards in any direction, and the target might be exposed at any time.

In addition, there are many students from the School of Fiction going back and forth in the hall, which is not a small trouble.

"How to do?"

Just as he was thinking, there was another sound of footsteps in the corridor behind him. Liu Xing glanced away and saw four men walking up. They were wearing special police uniforms and holding a black shotgun in their hands... …

This is four armed SWAT!

Behind the four special police officers, there were two porters who were carrying a black safe upstairs.

It was a kind of safe specially used to store star novels.

Seeing this, Liu Xing roughly understood the situation, the four special police should be responsible for escorting the star novel.

While thinking about it, the special police with a shotgun in hand had already walked up the corridor and came behind Liu Xing. Liu Xing turned his head to the wall and stood silently in the corner, holding his breath, as he prepared to deal with emergencies...

Fortunately, after the four special policemen glanced at Liu Xing, they continued to walk forward, followed by the two porters, and then walked together towards the No. 201 star-rated novel library on the second floor.

"What kind of novel is stored in the safe, and it needs four special police officers to escort it?"

Liu Xing was a little curious, the general star novels only need two security guards to escort them.

After pondering for a while, he decided to sneak into Library No. 201 to find out.

The security of the library is very strict. As long as Liu Xing stays in the library, he will be noticed sooner or later.

He now has only two options:

The first is to leave the library immediately.

The second type is to break into the library and run away after being discovered.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Xing decided to choose the second option.It took him a lot of effort to get into the library, and he really didn't want to return empty-handed.

Forcibly breaking into the library of the Fiction Academy is a very risky behavior. If ordinary people do this, it is basically courting death.Apart from other things, there are nearly 20 security guards in the lobby on the second floor alone.

However, Liu Xing has excellent lightness and martial arts, even if he is discovered, he is confident that he can escape unscathed.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing lowered his hat, and then walked towards No. 201 star novel library...


PS: Thank you book friends [Forget My Future] [Tsinghua No. 1 Road] [Safe Return 1147] for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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