League of Legends King's Legion

Chapter 647 I Don't Trust You Anymore

Chapter 647 I Don't Trust You Anymore

Under the high speed of the centaur, the effect of sprinting was brought to the extreme. In the end, the blind man did not wait for his q skill to cool down, and was directly taken away by the combo of the centaur!

The w skill is activated, and the next operation of the centaur can be described as simple and mindless, aqaqaq, under the attack speed of the centaur, it is basically chasing the blind!

If you have movement speed, you have attack power, and if you have attack power, the troops will be stronger. Although Li An didn't trick his father into creating a 4000-speed horse, and then the attack power soared to more than [-]. If you don't scare yourself to death, you will cry You, but now even in the early stage, it is more advantageous for people to chase people.

What I don’t understand is what is ignoring the unit’s collision volume. We all know that if the player controls the hero’s movement in the game and encounters wild monsters or minions on the road, the system will automatically let your hero walk beside the minions and wild monsters. The collision volume means that if the centaur encounters minions and wild monsters, it will pass through them directly as if they do not exist.

This kind of special effect is actually quite important for a hero. On the line, people and horses can use this special effect, and their movement speed will be one point higher than others. It will also become easier to escape or chase.
What's more, when others use small soldiers to block positions, people and horses will use their own personal experience to tell them what is ignoring and what is crushing!
"Your time is very valuable", when you see people and horses ignoring unit collisions and chasing you, do you still think this is just an advertisement for Tianshu World?
In lol, there are Xiaoyu's E, Fengnv's W, Quinn's E, and Galen's E skills that can ignore unit volume collisions; if there is a red cross, all heroes can ignore unit volume collisions, so this special effect It is also relatively small.

And the centaur passively converts the extra movement speed into attack power because it cares about the centaur's E skill, and whoever hits is pregnant!
The momentum is like a broken bamboo, and there is no way forward!

Moreover, the right to Taobao can be regarded as deadly. The right to escape is actually in the wrong direction. If you go deep into the enemy's wild area, no matter how the opponent wanders around, you still won't be able to escape. .
"Xiaoyan killed Taobao Quan!"

Following the sound of the system's notification, this wave of team battles in the middle lane came to an end again!
Ang Lee's mid laner has once again demonstrated his dominance. In fact, since Ang Lee entered the LSPL league, he has defeated strong mid laners one after another countless times. Today, Ang Lee can already be regarded as a top mid laner. single!

And the top mid laners of the Celestial Dynasty are actually emerging in endlessly. Unlike the jungle position, there are relatively few talents. The top mid laners of the Celestial Dynasty have always attracted people's attention. First they are Ruofeng, and then they are stateless, sunset , These are all masters in the mid laner, so it is undoubtedly difficult for Li An to rank among the top.

But now, no one doubts this anymore!

Of course, during the city competition, the mid laners used by Ang Lee were also picked up one by one. The mid laners used by Ang Lee back then were not well-known opponents, so everyone didn't pay attention to them, but After the game, there were still countless people studying it, and Ang Lee's mid laner video became popular because of this.
No way, although watching high-level games, there will obviously be more dew points, but in the e-sports environment of this world, there are actually not many diamond-level players. You are very good at doing this, but how to do it specifically depends on continuous training.
But in the low-end rounds, it is easier to learn some simple skills, which also led to Li Ang's low-end round rankings and mid laners in the game, also taking advantage of the trend!
In this wave of team battles, although Su Xiaoyan's troops also played an important role, no one can ignore the figure of Yiqi Juechen. Li An's crow first took advantage of a little advantage of the flash talent cd to escape The opponent's fox e skill, and then took the damage of the blind man to kill the fox first, so that the fox's set of output was not played
Then, he moved around flexibly, taking advantage of Taobaoquan's mistake, dodged a Tianyinbo from the opponent, and created an opportunity for the junglers!

Such a wonderful wave of gank, how can this not make the audience excited?

Of course, at this time, everyone's resentment towards Taobao Quan has deepened. Before, everyone took off their pants and didn't see anything, but now, everyone is really naked, but Taobao Quan seems to be wilting in two seconds. For the lost islanders, this cliff is unbearable.
The happy ones are naturally the fans of the Belle Legion, and the sad ones are naturally the fans of the ldg team who support Taobao Quan.

"I don't believe in Taobao anymore. In just ten seconds, this makes people feel what it means to be ups and downs!"

"Nimma, I was about to send out the talk, but I was also scared by Taobaoquan's performance. Fortunately, the time is short, so I didn't send it out!"

"Come out of Taobao, I promise I won't beat you to death!"

"Hurry up and transfer, let Yuzi play wild."

"Being abused for a moment, I really don't have anything to do with you blind, and then it's the middle of the game, it's time to fight."

Speaking of it, Taobao's arrests are also remarkable, but e-sports players are sometimes so cruel and ruthless. When you meet an opponent who is stronger than you, you will naturally be abused. When the time comes, nature is also flourishing
The ldg team, the atmosphere at this time is naturally even more weird. Of course they are not blaming Taobao Quan. At this time, they are also dealing with Ang Lee's tactics, and they are starting to be careful.

As a top team, the second-ranked team, everyone in the ldg team can basically show their emotions and anger, that is to say, no matter how badly their teammates play in any position, they will not show any expressions of resentment , This is actually already a basic skill. If you can't do this, such a team must not go far.

Moreover, Li An, a rising star, is indeed very strong, and he belongs to the kind of one who can't do it. It's useless to blame his teammates, so they won't be as excited as the audience.

However, in their words, their worries cannot be concealed, because the lineup on Li An's side is obviously more powerful. They couldn't see it at first, but when they saw the people and horses showing their prowess, they obviously also discovered the power of the people and horses. The importance of heroes.

There was a lot of discussion, but at the same time, there was fear.

"The new version of the troops is indeed very fierce, and there is no shortcoming of insufficient battery life at all. No wonder it can come and go like the wind."

"Next, it seems that we must play a team. With this lineup, we can only look for opportunities for robots."

"Yeah, you can't stand too close, otherwise the team will have a big move to control the group, but you can't stand too far away, otherwise you will still be dropped by the focus fire."

"In the next team battle, unless the robot pulls to a core position, it is best to have an existence like ez, but this ez, I am afraid it is not so easy to catch, it is a bit troublesome."

At this time, the ldg team was playing, with Taobao Quan, Wei Shen, and Brother A, all of them were frowning, obviously having a headache.

The Beauty Legion team, plus the horses, the group control is really too much!

What is group control?

You can tell by the name, this thing is team control, such as Centaur's ultimate move, Mu Mu's ultimate move, the kind that can control several enemy heroes at once.
Having group control does not necessarily mean a sure win, but having group control has advantages, which is not bad.

The common problem of heroes with strong group control is that the output ability is low, and it is not easy to kill alone online.Therefore, under the premise that the online economy is not suppressed, it is enough for the team to have one or two group controllers to create a stable output environment for the team.

If it's all control, and the opponent is not destroyed after throwing a round of skills, then there is nothing left to stare at.Therefore, the team control hero can win the victory with the hero who can cause tons of damage when the enemy is charged.

The lineup of the Beauty Legion team is very reasonable, and the cooperation of the players is also good. It has undoubtedly become the biggest enemy of the ldg team!

Everyone knows that League of Legends is not like games like Dota. There are some anti-heavenly props such as immunity to magic control. Heroes who are immune to skills controlled by the enemy, and only a few heroes like Morgana, have a lot of equipment. few
Of course, the team with more control skills is bound to have an advantage, especially a strong first-hand control, but it is not guaranteed.

The lineup of the ldg team is actually good. The robot is very popular recently because of its combination of skills, a powerful first-hand control Q, close-up E, and R triple control. The opponent has no output for at least 2 seconds. What is the concept?
In short, in these 2 seconds, when you wait for the islanders to finish masturbation, you will let people see what is called masturbation bleeding.

Now the Beauty Legion team and the LDG team have entered a confrontation state. The team with more team control is bound to be able to compress the opponent's output time within their control range, leaving the opponent with a magical outfit, and there is no way to recover. .

Just imagine, a team with bullheads, robots, and Morgana, how much damage can such a controlling opponent deal if they eat them all?

This also requires another thing, that is, if you have a lot of control, then the control chain must be done well. Both sides are now playing group control, so as long as there is a slight mistake, it will ruin the good situation!
Once any link is out of touch, the advantage of your lineup will not be able to be played, and you will even be ACEed!

(End of this chapter)

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