Sang Tianjiao girl is a little sweet

275 Chapter 2 Unruly Heart [-]

275 Chapter 2 Unruly Heart [-]
When the carriage approached Guqian Village, Hua Qian saw two familiar figures not far away.

The more Hua Qian looked at it, the more she felt something was wrong, so she poked her head out.

Isn't that my cousin? Why is she with Wei Shi?
Looking at the direction they were going, it turned out to be Qingyun Temple!
Hua Qian couldn't sit still anymore, she said to the driver: "Drive the carriage to the front of Qingyun Temple."

Mei Xue, who was dragged out of the house by Webster, gradually felt something was wrong, and remembered what Hua Qian had warned her before, and felt that Webster's behavior was even more suspicious.

"Second Aunt, it's not like I'm not going." Mei Xue wanted to shake off Wei Shi's hand, but she was tightly grasped by her, unable to break free at all.

Wei Shi was proud that she was about to get the ten taels of silver, so how could it be possible for Mei Xue to go back on his word.

"It's almost here, it's not too late to go back after praying." Webster said without turning his head.

Mei Xue frowned, and said unhappily: "Second Aunt, you are so kind, do you want to do something bad again?"

Webster, who was exposed, immediately got mixed up, turned his head and pointed at Mei Xue's nose and cursed: "You loser, what can you do if you pray for blessings. Or you just want your grandma to die sooner!"

Mei Xue's face changed drastically after saying this, and she retorted: "You are talking nonsense! I naturally hope that grandma will live a long life!"

"Since I hope your grandma will live a long life, why don't you come with me to Qingyun Temple to pray for blessings?" Wei Shi asked, his eyes fixed on Mei Xue.

Mei Xue hesitated, not knowing how to explain.

Can she say that she doesn't like staying with Webster? Obviously she can't.

Mei Xue firmly believed that if she dared to say that, Webster would beat her to death on the spot.

Seeing that Mei Xue was suppressed by her words, Wei Shi was very proud, and continued: "If you don't go to pray, you hope that your grandma will die soon. I will tell the villagers about this."

Mei Xue looked at Wei Shi in shock, she never thought that she could talk so nonsense.

"Second Aunt, aren't your words going too far!" Mei Xue's heart fluctuated angrily, thinking that Webster would definitely do this kind of thing.

"Then are you going or not?" Wei Shi grabbed Mei Xue's hand and scratched a lot of blood on the back of her hand.

Mei Xue was in pain, looked at Wei Shi angrily, and said, "I'll go with you."

Just in front of Qingyun Temple, a carriage stopped.

Seeing this, Webster immediately said to Mei Xue who was beside him: "Look, people from far away make carriages to pray for blessings, why are you dawdling!"

The more she got to the gate of Qingyun Temple, the more Mei Xue didn't want to go in, a voice in her heart told her: Get out of here quickly!

"Second aunt, what are you doing?" Hua Qian got off the carriage and looked at Wei Shi with a half-smile.

Seeing Shang Huaqian's eyes, Wei Shi was startled, quickly let go of Mei Xue's hand, and hid in Qingyun Temple.

The Taoist priest in the Qingyun Temple saw the duck in his mouth flying away like this, and he was very unwilling, so he walked out.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable. All the benefactors are here, why don't you go to the temple and have a cup of tea."

Why is this voice so familiar?
Hua Qian frowned, looked at the Taoist priest who was stroking his beard, and found that he seemed to have seen those eyes somewhere before, but she couldn't remember for a while.

"Ayue, shall we go in and sit down?" Hua Qian was curious, wanting to observe the Taoist priest further.

"Let's go see grandma first, and come back tomorrow." Although Yue Xia only glanced at the Taoist priest, he felt very familiar, as if he had seen it before.

After Mei Xue was helped into the carriage, she still had lingering fears.

Especially when he saw the long-bearded Taoist priest just now, he felt that he was looking at her wrongly. Although he looked approachable, she felt very dangerous.

"Cousin, I told you not to get close to Qingyun Temple, why didn't you listen?" Hua Qian was very upset, she didn't think that Webster could drag Mei Xue out of the house, she must have given Webster a chance.

Mei Xue knew that she had done something wrong, so she kept apologizing and explaining that Hua Qian's complexion not only did not improve, but became more and more gloomy.

This Wechsler really has a wicked heart!

Seeing that Mei Xue was brought back safely by Hua Qian, Mei Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xian'er..." Mei Yi's smile completely disappeared under Hua Qian's stare.

After going to Mrs. Xiao's house, Hua Qian felt a little comforted when she saw Mrs. Gui guarding her every step of the way.

Doctor Gao stepped forward to feel his pulse, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and it took nearly half an hour before he stopped.

Hua Qian remained silent, feeling that Doctor Gao's expression was too serious, and she was very uneasy.

"Doctor Gao, what's wrong with grandma?" Yue Xia held Hua Qian's trembling hand and stroked the back of her hand.

Dr. Gao frowned, handed out Mrs. Gui, and said, "Your grandma has been poisoned, it's not hard to explain. However, this body is exaggerated. I'm afraid she won't live for a few years."

Poisoned!Only these two words kept appearing in Hua Qian's mind, tormenting her heart.

How could this good person be poisoned? Who poisoned it?
Hua Qian was in a state of rage, and seemed to be about to explode at any moment.

"Crazy girl, crazy girl..." Yue Xia shook her body worriedly, seeing that she finally regained her senses, she let go of her agitation.

Hua Qian didn't intend to tell Mei Xue and Mei Yi about this matter, she felt that even if she did, it would be a warning.

After Xiao's poison was detoxified, the person woke up, but he was very weak and not in good spirits, which was very different from the energetic appearance that day when he went to eat wedding wine.

Although Hua Qian was smiling, there were tears in her eyes, which made Xiao's heart ache.

"Silly girl, I've made you worry again. Grandma's body is getting more and more useless." Xiao's voice was low and weak.

Hua Qian shook her head, grabbed Xiao Shi's hand and said, "Grandma, you can come home with me, and we will take care of you in the future."

Xiao Shi didn't take this seriously.

"Silly girl, you're talking nonsense again. Is there any married girl who took my old lady to live with her." Xiao smiled, and seemed to be more energetic.

"Grandma, I'm serious. If you don't go back with me, I'll stay here forever." Hua Qian seemed to be suffocated, but she was serious.

Doctor Gao and Yue Xia checked Mei's house inside and out, but they did not find the source of the poison.

During the period, I also questioned Aunt Gui, Mei Yi, and Mei Xue, and found nothing suspicious from their words.

Hua Qian felt that the key to this matter still lies in Wei Shi.

It's not that she has a prejudice against Webster, it's that she has too many criminal records, which makes her suspicious, especially when she thinks about her encouraging Mei Xue to go to Qingyun Temple, no matter how you look at it, she feels uneasy and kind.

The next day, Webster has been wandering outside the courtyard.

Through the crack of the door, Hua Qian saw Wei Shi, opened the door and asked, "Second Aunt, what's the matter with you?"

Wei Shi, who was taken aback, laughed dryly, and said dryly: "I want to ask if your grandma is better. If not, why not go to Qingyun Temple to pray for blessings. The incense there will be efficacious. If you don't believe it You can ask the people in the village."

It's Albatron View again!Could it be that there is something strange in it?
"Second aunt came at the right time. My cousin and I are going, just wait a moment." After Hua Qian finished speaking, she closed the courtyard door with a bang, and ran to find Yue Xia.

(End of this chapter)

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