Sang Tianjiao girl is a little sweet

Chapter 820 Where Are These Carriages Going?

Chapter 820 Where Are These Carriages Going?

When Yue Xia rushed to the moat, he found that there was a gap in the section of the river that had been completely repaired a few days ago, and the river was rushing out from the gap.

Fortunately, it is not the flood season yet, and the amount of water is not large. The water rushing out of the gap only floods the downstream farmland and several intersecting country roads.

However, the flooded water level is not very high, but around the knees of adults.

As for the place where the common people live downstream, it has not been affected.

Yue Xia stopped at the gap where the moat broke, stared at it for a while, and said: "Wuxi, do you think the gap here is broken because of repairs and cutting corners?"

Wu Yao, who had been following Yue Xia, raised his eyebrows and said: "The prince personally supervises, and the officials below dare not cut corners. Although the gap looks like it was washed away by water, it still leaves traces of man-made damage."

Yue Xia also noticed this, and when Wu Yao said it, her eyebrows frowned even tighter.

The flood season is not far away. At this time, there is a gap in the moat. It may take more time and effort to repair it in time.

What is the purpose of this person destroying the moat?
Yue Xia frowned and meditated, suddenly heard a rustling sound not far away, and the faint sound of wheels turning.

Yue Xia and Wu Yao looked at each other, and hid each other tacitly.

Not long after, several ordinary large carriages drove slowly, entered the flooded country road, and headed towards the opposite bank.

Crossing the flooded farmland is the other side of the moat.

On the opposite bank is a dense mountain forest, and there is no one inhabited at all.

It is really strange that several large carriages do not take the official road, but take the flooded country road.

Yue Xia Ning in the dark looked at the several carriages passing in front of him, and found that their speed was really unusually slow. She couldn't help wondering what was on the carriages.

Thinking like this, after the carriage went a little further, he said in a low voice: "Heizi, Heichou, follow along and see where these carriages are going."

The two took the order to leave, and were quickly submerged in the night without a trace.

Yue Xia and Wu Yao continued to stand at the break of the moat, carefully inspecting it, looking for evidence of destruction.

However, no evidence was found, but Yue Xia discovered something unusual.

Before the previous carriages entered the flooded country road, the wheels were heavily imprinted. It can be imagined that the things carried on the carriages were very unusual.

What needs so many wagons to pull, and is so heavy?
Yue Xia looked up at the full moon in the sky, thought for a long time, and suddenly his face changed dramatically.

"Could it be..." Thinking of this possibility, Yue Xia summoned Wu Yao and told him to go back to the city to call Li Yan and Hua Mancai.

No one was puzzled, but seeing Yue Xia's serious expression, he knew that he must have seen something, so he turned and left.

After watching Wu Yao leave, Yue Xia did not sit idle, but followed the wheel to find the root cause.

However, when I found the official road, the marks of the wheels were no longer obvious, because the official road was paved with bluestone slabs, there were many carriages passing by, and there were also many wheel marks, so it was difficult to distinguish for a while.

Yue Xia stood still, thinking for a while that those drivers would definitely go back, why not follow them then.

After thinking like this, Yue Xia walked back, thinking that Heizi and Heichou should also come back.

Sure enough, he just returned to the section where the moat broke, and Heizi was already waiting there, looking around.

Seeing this, Yue Xia walked over to Heizi's side and asked, "What did you find?"

Heizi was taken aback, and after seeing Yue Xia's appearance, he respectfully said: "Master, you have to go to that place yourself, and the subordinates will not be able to explain it for a while."

"Okay, but let's wait for a while." Yue Xia looked in the direction of the capital, thinking that Li Yan and Hua Mancai should also come with Wu Yao.

After waiting for a while, I saw a group of black shadows approaching from far and near, and when I fixed my eyes, it was Li Yan and Hua Mancai who were dragged by Wu Yao's arms and flew towards them.

Li Yan looked only slightly embarrassed, but Hua Mancai was quite different, her outer clothes were not properly put on, and her belt was loosely tied, as if it would blow away when the wind blows.

As soon as the three of them landed on the ground, Hua Mancai stared at Wu Yao with a sullen expression and said, "Fortunately, we are traveling at night, if it is during the day, I will lose my face!"

Hua Mancai scolded Wu Yao for her rude behavior, while arranging her clothes and tying her belt.

Wu Yao smiled warmly, did not answer the conversation, and was not annoyed at Hua Mancai's complaints to him.

"I'm the one who came to you urgently, and Wu Yao is also following orders." Yue Xia explained, looking at the other side with a gloomy gaze.

The carriage that had entered the forest earlier had already rushed back, and was quickly approaching where Yue Xia and the others were.

Hua Mancai fastened his belt, looked at Yue Xia under the light of the full moon, and asked: "The prince is so anxious to find us, but what happened?"

Compared with Hua Mancai's belated awareness, Li Yan discovered that the repaired moat had broken the moment he landed.

"Mancai, something happened to the section of the river you emphasized on repairing," Li Yan reminded.

Hua Mancai was slightly startled, and immediately looked around. Although it was dark night, he still found where he was.

Seeing the ten-meter-long gap in the moat not far away, the whole person was stunned.

"how so!"

This section of the moat, because it often breaks in previous years, he specifically told the workers to focus on processing and adding materials, and the degree of sturdiness is several times stronger than other sections.

Now, the river section has broken before the flood season, are you kidding him!
"We'll talk about this later." After Yue Xia finished speaking, she grabbed Hua Mancai's arm and hid in a shadow.

Hua Mancai was puzzled, and was about to ask, when he heard the sound of cart wheels and horseshoes, and realized that the situation was not simple.

But after a short time, he walked slowly when he came, and when he returned, the horse-drawn convoy flew past Yue Xia and the others very quickly.

"Wuxi, follow me to see which mansion they came from." Yue Xia said.

Wu Yao had this intention, heeded Yue Xia's order, and quickly followed the carriage that had gone far away.

"His Royal Highness, this is..." Hua Mancai asked with a puzzled expression, but saw Yue Xia pursed his lips, and grabbed his arm and fled towards the other side of the river.

Although Li Yan had many doubts in his heart, he didn't ask at this time, but followed Yue Xia quickly.

When Hei Chou, who was already waiting on the other side of the river, saw Yue Xia, his expression was even more secretive than that of Hei Zi just now.

"Master, you should go and see for yourself." After Hei Chiu finished speaking, he led the way ahead.

A few people followed behind Heichou, and after walking for a while in the dense forest, they stopped at a place surrounded by bamboo forests.

At this moment, Heichou walked to the only rock in the bamboo grove and touched somewhere. Suddenly, a square hole opened in the open space in front of the bamboo grove.

Looking closer, the entrance of a downward staircase and secret passage appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Yue Xia couldn't help frowning, glanced at Heizi and Heichou, and immediately stepped into the secret path first.

(End of this chapter)

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