Chapter 860
The shopkeeper, who had been guarding not far from the door of the private room, saw four people walking out in a panic.

One of them was still being supported by two people, and one foot was still bleeding, which looked very scary.

"Thank...Master Xie, are you... all right?" The shopkeeper didn't really care about them, but worried about Mei Xue in the private room.

If something happened to the girl inside, Xie Xiao and the other four would be fine, but his future business at Zuixianju might be affected.

"You're blind, is this young master all right? Hurry up and tell your little one to drive us back in a carriage." If it wasn't for his injured foot, Xie Xiao would have kicked the shopkeeper down the stairs.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to say much, he nodded and bowed and asked Xiaoer to go to the backyard to drive the carriage and wait at the main entrance.

The four came down from the private room on the third floor, and the guests in the lobby on the first floor looked sideways.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, this young master will poke your eyes blind!" Liu Qingyisu boasted that he was suave and suave, but at this time he was in a mess and was naturally dissatisfied with the scrutiny of others.

Xie Xiao and Liu Qingyi are considered celebrities in the capital, and ordinary people dare not mess with them.

At this time, he was yelled at, but he was not afraid in his heart, but gloated instead.

It can be regarded as kicking the iron board, and I don't know who the person above is, why didn't he beat these people hard, it was really cheap for them.

While Xie Xiao and Liu Qingyi were waiting for the carriage, Hua Mancai led Mei Xue to the lobby on the first floor.

The moment Xie Xiao and the others saw Hua Mancai, they stared at him unkindly.

"Master Xie, the four of you haven't left yet?" Hua Mancai smiled, looking familiar.

Let you walk around the crowd with all your beards and tails first, and then it has nothing to do with me if anything happens.

For some reason, seeing Shang Huamancai's smile at this moment, Xie Xiao and the others felt a chilling feeling on their backs.

At this time, Xiaoer came to the carriage, and Xie Xiao got into the carriage with the help of his cousin Xie Peng and Liu Qingyi.

Afterwards, he lifted the curtain of the car and stared at Hua Mancai to speak harshly again.

"You boy, wait for us, I and my brothers will not spare you lightly!"

One of them, Suan Tou Nose, who claimed that his father was Wucheng Bingmasi, was not to be outdone, pointed at his flowery nose and said: "Being an official in the capital is not so easy, be careful!"

These words successfully frightened the guests in the hall on the first floor, and even Mei Xue held Hua Mancai's hand tightly, fearing that something would happen to him.

"Say it again!" Hua Mancai rushed forward angrily, but was held tightly by Mei Xue's arm.

Seeing this, the faces of Xie Xiao and the others in the carriage changed slightly in fright.

"Quick, drive the carriage!"

When Hua Mancai rushed out of the gate, the carriage had already gone far.

Wushang, who happened to go out to look for Miao Si and Miao Zhu, came back at this time, and was relieved to see Mei Xue and Hua Mancai together.

"Master Cai is here too." Wushang showed a slight smile, not wanting Hua Mancai to stare at him angrily.

"Xue'er and Xuan'er almost had an accident caused by your dereliction of duty today. I will deal with you later! Now, you send Xue'er to Plum Blossom Residence, I have something to deal with."

After Hua Man finished speaking, she kissed Mei Xue on the lips, and left quickly.

After a while, his figure disappeared on the street with people coming and going.

Mei Xue's face turned red instantly when she regained her composure, and hurried back to Zuixianju.

Wushang looked puzzled, followed Mei Xue's footsteps, and asked in a low voice: "Miss Xue, what happened just now?"

How could Mei Xue tell anyone other than Hua Mancai about such a thing, she just shook her head without saying a word.

At this time, Xiaoer from Zuixianju, at the request of Xie Xiao, took a carriage to the best medical center in the capital.

The best medical clinic in Beijing is no longer in the downtown area, but in the northernmost part of the downtown area.

In order to hurry, Xiao Er didn't say much, took a shortcut in the carriage and entered a quiet and remote alley.

Hua Mancai, who had already caught up with the carriage, curled his mouth slightly.

After making sure that no one else appeared in the alley, he jumped onto the roof of the carriage.

The four people in the car, Xie Xiao, didn't know that the danger was approaching, and they cursed Hua Mancai unscrupulously.

"Liu Qingyi, that kid Hua Mancai is really arrogant, why don't we find someone to kill him!"

"What are you doing to kill him? Doesn't he want us to cut off our children and grandchildren? Why don't we teach him this way?"

"Haha...that's a good idea."

"After he becomes a eunuch, his beautiful wife is waiting for us to go to bed."


The foul language in the car was simply unbearable, Hua Mancai gritted his teeth.

A bunch of filthy grandchildren, if you dare to get my daughter-in-law's way, I'll let you be eunuchs for the rest of your life!

After a while, Xiao Er who was driving was the first to be knocked out by Hua Mancai, and he left the carriage.

"What's going on?" Liu Qingyi had some martial arts skills and was the first to hear the movement.

Unexpectedly, just as he finished speaking, the curtain of the car was suddenly lifted, and a puff of white smoke was blown in.

After a while, the four people in the car who were talking and laughing loudly just now turned their heads and fainted.

Hua Mancai stopped the carriage, pulled out the dagger tied to his calf, and got into the carriage.

At this time, a figure appeared outside the car, which shocked Hua Mancai into a cold sweat.

After seeing the face of the person who came, Hua Man breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "Jin Yu, why are you here?"

Xie Jinyu didn't speak, just jumped into the carriage and grinned.

"I came out to pick up my cousin. Then I saw sneaky people entering this alley with a face mask on. It looked like they were going to do bad things."

Hua Mancai had a headache. What he was going to do next was not suitable for a child like Xie Jinyu to watch.

"Jinyu, these bastards not only wanted to bully Xue'er, but also almost killed Xuan'er. I'm teaching them a lesson. Get out of the car and wait for me. It will be fine in a while."

After hearing this, Xie Jinyu not only didn't leave, but instead looked angry.

Seeing the body part of someone in the car that Hua Mancai was holding the dagger at, he was a little confused for a while, but soon knew what he was going to do.

"Brother Mancai, using a knife is so bloody, I have a better way." Xie Jinyu said, took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom, and handed it to Hua Mancai.

"Poison? This is not acceptable, they cannot die yet." Hua Mancai said.

Xie Jinyu smiled strangely, and said in a low voice: "Don't use magic medicine. How about it, is it more elegant than your knife?"

"You..." Hua Mancai blushed, and slapped Xie Jinyu on the forehead, "You brat, how old are you! Where did this medicine come from? Does it work?"

"It must work, Zhenzhen and I have had someone test it." After Xie Jinyu finished speaking, she found that Hua Mancai's face was getting darker, so she quickly jumped off the carriage.

"Brother Mancai, hurry up, it won't be good if someone comes here later." Xie Jinyu stood outside the carriage and urged.

Hua Mancai hesitated for a moment, and finally poured out the pills quickly, feeding three of them before jumping off the carriage.

"Let's go!" Hua Mancai grabbed Xie Jinyu's collar, jumped onto the roof beside him, and left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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