Chen Ye's wife is a boss

Chapter 267 Can You See This?

Chapter 267 Can You See This?

This kind of operation made Wen Jiunai a little confused. With so many people, could it be that a group of people came to fight here.

Professor Wang clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and said, "You need to hit all the red balls in their hands. Before the basket of badmintons is over, you'd better hit the badmintons with red crosses."

In order to let them see more clearly, Professor Wang specially brought the badminton in front of them.

"No, it's so small."

Chen Zhen was able to see the red cross clearly by squinting his eyes. In the end, he had no choice but to put on his glasses.

This made Xia Yang seem to be struggling a little, and even had some doubts, "Can you see this?"

Except for Wen Jiunai, everyone was not sure if they could see it clearly, and they were all trying to remember it.

There are a total of five girls serving together, so the speed will be very fast, and the ball with the red cross must be shot in a short time.

Chen Zhen was the first to start. He shuttled among the badmintons very flexibly, but he didn't hit any of them, and he couldn't see clearly even with glasses.

In the end, he threw the racket on the ground, a little annoyed, "How do I hit it? It's impossible to hit it!"

"Let me try." Zhou Ran took the racket and started to walk up.

The five girls started to serve, one after the other, making people dizzy. Within 10 minutes, they caught a red ball with a cross.

This difficulty is very high, Zhou Ran also gave up.

Gu Minian frowned, "Both of us can't do it."

To be honest, he has no confidence in himself.

"I've played table tennis, are you still afraid of badminton?"

Wen Jiunai said something aside, which made Gu Minian suddenly think that he was punished by Wen Jiunai to catch a ping pong ball with a fork.

That afternoon, he never wanted to recall it in his life, it was so difficult!Although his strength has improved, he is too tired!
Professor Wang couldn't stand watching anymore, and pointed at Wen Jiunai, "Wen Jiunai, make a show."


Wen Jiunai did not refuse, walked up with the racket very easily, looked at the five girls in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on their hands.

Serve, catch.

Wen Jiunai kept his eyes on the balls in the hands of the five of them. Whenever he saw a red ball, he would catch it. As long as he reacted quickly enough, he could catch the ball.

Perhaps it was because Wen Jiunai answered too fast and too many, which made the three of them stunned, and they were all curious about the reason.

Only Gu Minian knew that for Wen Jiunai, these were nothing serious, but just some small projects. Back then, she was able to catch all the balls with red dots in a pile of ping pong balls in an instant.

After a game, all the red cross badmintons were perfectly caught by Wen Jiunai.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead due to the sun, Gu Minian handed over a tissue, Wen Jiunai didn't even think about it, and just used it to wipe the sweat.

"That's right." Professor Wang came out from under the shade of the tree, looked at the two people who had just failed, and said, "Don't think about winning or losing. You all envy her for being amazing, anyone can do it, as long as you work hard."

After hearing this sentence, Gu Minian didn't believe it at all. He worked hard, but he didn't have Wen Jiunai's talent. In terms of computers, Wen Jiunai was like a geek who learned without a teacher.

Even in this network security competition, she just had a brief understanding and knew all the rules directly.

"Professor, let Wen Jiunai teach us."

Now Chen Zhen will not be ashamed to ask Wen Jiunai to call her because she is younger than him. Whoever is good at learning this kind of thing is good.


Professor Wang nodded acquiescingly, and then continued to go back under the shade of the tree, and said, "I'm old and my health is failing. You young people can sunbathe, but I can't."

After that, all the command of this matter was given to Wen Jiunai, and she was asked to teach the four of them.

Gu Minian stood there and sighed, "Nai Nai, you know my strength, so can you let me go?"

Wen Jiunai gave him a blank look, "No."

Knowing this was the result, Gu Minian lowered his head and began to practice. When facing five girls, it was very difficult for him to concentrate.

In the end, all the badminton balls hit him in the face.

Seeing Gu Minian's appearance, Wen Jiunai took the next girl's racket and started serving the ball by himself.

As soon as he saw Wen Jiunai serving the ball, Gu Minian became energetic. He must find a way to avoid Wen Jiunai's ball, otherwise the ball will not only hurt.

Gu Minian knew Wen Jiunai's strength, if she used all her strength, the ball could knock him unconscious.

Before Gu Minian could react, Wen Jiunai had already served the ball. The speed of the ball was so fast that Gu Minian's eyes widened and he dodged it. It wasn't until he dodged the hook that he realized that it was a ball with a red cross. the ball!

I was so lucky that I felt it was a pity that I should have caught the ball just now.

Seeing Wen Jiunai's ball speed, Chen Zhen couldn't help but sweat for Gu Minian, "Such a speed, hit him in the face, can't he be disfigured?"

Xia Yang on the side frowned, "It's not just disfigured..."

Chen Zhen: "..."

"What's the matter with Gu Minian? Can Wen Jiunai hit him so cruelly?"

The sensible Zhou Ran said aside: "Gu Mo Nian is stronger than any of us, so it's normal to be strict with him."

In fact, it's not Wen Jiunai's fault. The strength of the five of them is very different, and the difference is very large. If the middleman is not allowed to make up for it, it will be very difficult when it comes to the competition.

When it came to Xia Yang, Wen Jiunai was obviously very gentle, and followed the girls at the speed of these girls.

"Xia Yang, keep your heart calm and your eyes sharp. Don't look at anything else."

Serving five balls at the same time makes it easy for people to look at the rest of the balls. When the sight is disturbed for a while, it is difficult to tell which ball is the red cross.

Xia Yang listened to Wen Jiunai's words, only looked at the ball of the red cross, and passed the ball of the red cross very easily. Although the process was very difficult, it was completed anyway.

"No, at this speed, Xia Yang will soon catch up with Gu Minian."

Chen Zhen said something on the side, and was patted by Zhou Ran, signaling him not to say anything, after all, Gu Minian was still by his side.

It's just that Gu Minian knew that Xia Yang would not be able to catch up with him in a short time no matter what. After all, his strength is here, no matter how smart he is, it will take time.

Zhou Ran looked at Xia Yang in front of him and said, "Xia Yang's reaction ability is indeed good, but his technique is not good enough. It would be better if he practiced more."

(End of this chapter)

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